Twitter Role Playing Accounts
There are a number of Twitter accounts where fans role play (RP) Supernatural characters with different styles:
Canon - As portrayed and depicted in the show.
AU - Alternate Universe - Diverges from the show.
Actions - Non-verbal cues usually within asterisks. Example: Dean: Don't look at me. It was his idea. *points to Castiel*
Narrative - Storybook format. Example: "Dean dampens a washcloth in the motel sink and starts to clean his jacket with quick motions. Castiel appears behind him without a word. Dean sees him in the mirror and jumps slightly."
OOC - Out Of Character - The RPer tweets something behind the scenes or personal that's not related to the character, many times designated with OOC, /, //, *, or other symbol.
Gen - General fiction.
Kink - Sexually oriented situation or practice which is a turn-on.
Slash - Two characters of the same sex in a sexual relationship.
Wincest - Romantic or sexual interest between two Winchesters.
See also:
- @SPNBunny - Dean Winchester's bunny from Regarding Dean -Gen
- @Dean_Winchest - Dean Winchester - Canon, Gen
- @Sam_Winchest - Sam Winchester - Canon, Gen
- @HeWhoIsCastiel - Castiel - Canon, Gen - this later turned into a Leviathan account then back to Castiel
- @TheGreenCooler Green Cooler - Canon, Gen
- @_AdamMilligan - Adam Milligan - Canon, Gen
- @TheBalthazar - Balthazar - Canon, Gen
- @BeckyRosen - Becky Rosen - Canon, Gen
- @BraedenBen - Ben Braeden - Canon, Gen
- @Bob_Singer - Bobby Singer - Canon, Gen
- @Christ_Campbell - Christian Campbell - Canon, Gen
- @AuthorChuck - Chuck Shurley - Canon, Gen
- @CrowleyDemon - Crowley - Canon, Gen
- @CupidIsHere - Cupid - Canon, Gen
- @DickRoman - Dick Roman - Canon, Gen
- @EdZeddmore - Ed Zeddmore - Canon, Gen
- @Mother_To_All - Eve - Canon, Gen
- @AwolArchangel - Gabriel - Canon, Gen
- @ChocoLovinAngel - Gabriel - AU, Actions, OOC
- @Gwen_Campbell - Gwen Campbell - Canon, Gen
- @HarrySpangler - Harry Spengler - Canon, Gen
- @_DeansBaby - The Impala - Canon, Gen
- @jharvelle - Jo Harvelle - Canon, Gen
- @Jodi_Mills - Canon, Gen
- @LARPERDean - Demian - Canon, Gen
- @LARPERSam - Barnes - Canon, Gen
- @BraedenLisa - Lisa Braeden - Canon, Gen
- @Lucifer_X - Lucifer - Canon, Gen
- @_MarkCampbell - Mark Campbell - Canon, Gen
- @Mary_Winchest - Mary Winchester - Canon, Gen
- @DemonMegMasters - Meg Masters - Canon, Gen
- @ChiefArchangel - Michael - Canon, Gen
- @Rachel05Angel - Rachel - Canon, Gen
- @1LastArchangel - Raphael - Canon, Gen
- @GrandpaSamuel - Samuel Campbell - Canon, Gen
- @TricksterAngel - Trickster - AU, Gen
- @xdarkhunterx - Hunter - AU, Gen
- @NotMegAnymore - Laura Clark, the body Meg Masters used - AU, 18+
- @AngelicVessel38 - Jimmy Novak AU, Gen
- @IFollowTheBees - Castiel AU, Slash
- @DeanW2014 - Future Dean Au, Slash
- @LilHunterTay - Hunter, AU
- @TroublesomeGabe - Gabriel, AU, Slash
- @WarriorAngelCas - Castiel AU, Slash
- @HeadArchangel - Michael - AU, Slash
- @_FallenStar17 - Lucifer - AU, Slash
- @Cas_Winchester - Married Cas, AU, Slash
- @Angelic_Dean - Married Dean AU, Slash
- @CharmingCrowley - Crowley, AU
- @PatriachHunter - John Winchester AU, 18+
- @BennyTheVamp - Benny Canon, Gen
- @hellfireLuicfer - Lucifer AU, Gen
- @LucifersOnly - Ruby AU, Gen
- @MoreThanChosen- Sam Canon, Gen
- @SammyWinchcstcr- Sam Canon, Actions, OOC, Gen, 18+
- @ImDeanWIEatPie- Dean Canon, Gen, 18+, Actions
- @DWHuntsTheEvil- Dean Canon, Gen, Actions, 18+
- @HellsPuppet- Ruby Canon, Actions, Gen, 18+, OOC
- @demonspawnruby- Ruby AU, Gen, 18+, OOC, Actions
- @angeleidei- Castiel Canon, Gen, 18+
- @SaltBurned - Dean Canon, Gen
- @Unamoosed - Sam Canon, Gen
- @imanaquarius - Dean Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @S0GetThis - Sam Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @StillYourMan - Castiel Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @HadAWeekendOff - Bobby Singer Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @DaringestDevil - Crowley Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @bluelabelonly - Rufus Turner Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @SheriffMills - Sheriff Mills Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @Seacrest0ut - Meg Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @SamIicker81 - Becky Rosen Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @FlyHunterG - Garth Fitzgerald IV Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @Balthiezar - Balthazar Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @12StepChuck - Chuck Shurley Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @BadCoMILF - Lisa Braeden Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @BadCompanyKid - Ben Braeden Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @Hallucifrnation - Hallucifer Canon, Gen
- @StillSeeTheGood - Inias Canon, Gen
- @WeAllHadAScript - Fate Canon up to 6.12, Gen
- @OoohOohDeath - Death Canon, Gen
- @CNK80Q3_1967 - Impala Canon, Gen
- @_MamaTran - Linda Tran
- @ItsMeSammy_ - Sam Winchester AU, Wincest, Narrative
- @NephalemDean - Dean Winchester AU, Wincest, Narrative
- @TheHeroDeanW - Dean Winchester Canon, AU, 21+
- @BnAckerer - Parody account of writer Ben Acker
- @BenBlackerer - Parody account of writer Ben Blacker
- @SeraGamblerer - Parody account of writer Sera Gamble
- @BenEdlunder - Parody account of writer Ben Edlund
- @JCarverer - Parody account of showrunner Jeremy Carver
- @BabyPadaMoose - Parody account of Baby Padalecki
- @LittlestCollins - Parody account of Misha's baby girl
- @WeastCOllins - Parody account of West Collins
- @WinchestrGospel - Quotes and Scenes from Seasons 1-5 given the biblical treatment
Fans of Supernatural role playing on Twitter created a fan site: Supernatural Twitter