Single Perfect Tear

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A classic single perfect tear in The End

Dean Winchester has displayed an affinity for crying a single perfect tear.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

3]]</ref> This is sometimes referred to as the “Single Emo Tear of Manly Angst” or variations thereof (originated on TWOP).

The term also spread to the writers' room, as evidenced by this quote from Sera Gamble:

Abandon All Hope was the first time I actually cried watching a director’s cut. At first I thought maybe I was just having one of those days, but I checked in with the other writers… I don’t want to incriminate anybody, so I will just say that one or more male producers also shed what we like to refer to as A Single Perfect Man-Tear.[8]

At Jus In Bello Italy 2011 Jensen revealed the crew referred to this phenomenon as the OPT - "One Perfect Tear"
