Sheriff Ben Anderson

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Name Ben Anderson
Actor Toby Levins
Dates  ???? - 2016 (killed by Corbin Tilghman)
Location Grangeville, Idaho
Occupation Sheriff
Episode(s) 11.17 Red Meat


Ben Anderson was a sheriff in Grangeville, Idaho.


11.17 Red Meat

Sheriff Anderson gets flagged down by Dean Winchester and places Corbin and Michelle Tilghman in his care. When he wants to know what happened to them, Dean tells he needs to get back to his brother and doesn't have time. When Sheriff Anderson attempts to stop him, Dean punches him in the jaw and tries to head back into the woods, only to be hit with a taser and rendered unconscious. At the Urgent Care Center, the Tilghman's recount what had happened to them, with Michelle going on about the werewolves. Sheriff Anderson believes she has just been through a lot and is traumatized, but tells Corbin he will call the park rangers have them check out the ranger station and cabin for anything.

When Dean is revived by Dr. Kessler, Sheriff Anderson immediately places him under arrest for stealing and consuming a felonies worth of Schedule IV drugs and assaulting a police officer. When Dr. Kessler refuses to sedate Dean, due to the health concerns, he tells her to keep an eye on him while he calls for backup. A short time later, he hears Dr. Kessler's scream and rushes to her, only to be impaled by Corbin's arm after questioning Michelle about what had happened.
