Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.
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Name | Barrett Bishop, Jr. |
Actor | Steve Boyle |
Dates | |
Location | Tomahawk, Wisconsin |
Occupation | Sheriff Owner of Billhook Premium Quality Meats |
Episode(s) | 12.18 The Memory Remains |
Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr. is the sheriff of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, owner of Billhook Premium Quality Meats, and half-brother of Pete Garfinkle.
12.18 The Memory Remains
When Sam and Dean arrive in Tomahawk, Wisconsin after Mr. Ketch—posing as Mick Davies—gives them a heads-up about the disappearance of Jarrod Hayes, they go to the sheriff's office in town. There, they meet Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr., who is working on sewing a taxidermy animal, and they question him about Jarrod's disappearance. Not seeming too worried, Sheriff Bishop explains how Jarrod left a hangout with his friends and never made it home. Sheriff Bishop adds that he believes that Jarrod is a classic runaway case. Dean questions why he thinks that, and Bishop tells him that Jarrod's mother left years previous and that his father is abusive. Sam asks why the sheriff never did anything if he knew Jarrod was being abused, but Sheriff Bishop just tells him that taking a kid away from their parents is always difficult. Dean asks if Sheriff Bishop has questioned Jarrod's father, but the sheriff tells him that Jarrod's father had a stroke a few years ago and is now unable to communicate. He adds the fact that Jarrod now has to take care of his abusive father as one of the possible reasons that Jarrod has ran away. Sam and Dean aren't so sure it's a runaway case, so they ask where to find Jarrod's friends and leave to question them.
Wanting to question Jarrod Hayes' closest friend, Daryn Boston, further, Sam and Dean turn up at his workplace the next morning. A worker at the meat-processing plant, Pete Garfinkle, tells them Daryn didn't turn up for work that day. Pete also goes on to inform them that the sheriff owns the plant. Sam and Dean find it suspicious that their one witness goes missing, and the last place he's seen is owned by the town's sheriff. They soon run into the sheriff at the plant moments later and inform him that Daryn is now missing too. They ask him if he knows anything about Black Bill, since Daryn told them he saw Black Bill attack Jarrod Hayes the night he went missing. Sheriff Bishop tells them that Black Bill is nothing more than a scary bogeyman story that parents in town tell their kids to keep them from going into the woods. Dean questions why one person a year went missing right up until 1997, and the sheriff shrugs off the concern, explaining that people get bored of the small-town life and move on after a while. He also adds that he's sure Daryn is just sleeping off a hangover. All of this just adds to the Winchesters' suspicion about the sheriff.
Later, when Sam and Dean have broken into the Bishop family mansion, they find the place largely abandoned aside from a locked basement that hides what appears to be a murder room. As they're exploring the room, Sheriff Bishop returns home and Sam and Dean interrogate him about the room. Sheriff Bishop explains that Black Bill isn't real, he's just members of the Bishop family dressed up in a goat's head mask. Members of the Bishop family would dress up as Black Bill and hunt random people down to bring them back as a sacrifice to the god Moloch, who lived under their house. A few generations back, a member of the Bishop family had bound Moloch and imprisoned him beneath the Bishop family mansion. Starved, Moloch agreed to make the family rich in exchange for food—human blood. When Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.'s father died in 1997, the sheriff decided to put a stop to the deal, and tried to make up for all the disappearances his family had caused. In the meanwhile, he kept Moloch locked away, hoping he'd starve to death. When he tells the Winchesters this, they ask where Moloch is locked up. This is when Sheriff Bishop realizes the cage which previously held Moloch is empty—he's escaped.
When Dean heads upstairs to try and find Moloch, he finds Pete instead—Sheriff Bishop's half-brother—in his Black Bill getup. Pete throws Dean over a bannister and runs down to lock Sam and Sheriff Bishop in the basement. Sheriff Bishop hands Sam a meat cleaver and they break out of the basement and Sam tracks Dean's phone. They head outside, where Pete bludgeons Sam. Sheriff Bishop tackles Pete and unmasks him, pleading for him to stop. Pete complains about Barrett not caring about him, but Barrett counters that he gave him their family meat plant. Pete accuses him of only giving him the plant because he knew it was failing, and that he was used to getting the "crap" all his life. He throws Sheriff Bishop off of him and aims the Colt which he'd taken from Dean at Sheriff Bishop. Just before he has the chance to shoot him, Sam shoots Pete dead.
After Sam saves Dean from Moloch, the Winchesters offer to help Sheriff Bishop clean up. Sheriff Bishop is knelt over his half-brother's dead body, and tells them that the mess is his to clean up, that it's his legacy.