Salute to Supernatural San Francisco 2011

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SN 779x195.jpg

Creation Entertainment will hold a "Salute to Supernatural" convention in San Francisco from January 14-16, 2011

Guests confirmed are:

Concert by The Brian Buckley Band hosted by Jared and Genevieve

For full schedule see the Creation Con webpage. Final schedule to be posted on January 12

For information on other Conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar. For highlights of past Conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook.

Feel free to add reports and information. Credit must be given to the original source. It's nice to leave some love for the posters of this wonderful material, and please respect their wishes regarding credits, and reposting pics or transcripts.

Beware that reports may contain spoilers for unaired episodes.

The Brian Buckley Band will perform on January 15th, with Jared and Genevieve as special guests.

Money raised from auctions and other events during the COn went to support the charity 5GYRES which combats ocean pollution.

Twitters to watch

Twitter tag is #sfcon. Tweets with the #sfcon tag are archived here for easier searching.

Guests with twitters include:Richard Speight Jr. on @dicksp8jr Aldis Hodge on @Aldishodge02, Clif Kosterman on @bodyguard4JandJ, and The Brian Buckley Band at @followBBB




Aldi Hodge

Brock Kelly

Gabe Tigerman

Richard Speight

J2 Breakfast

J2 Panel


Tweet and Tumblr pics

