Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2011
Creation Entertainment held a Salute to Supernatural convention in Chicago, from October 21-23 2011.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
For highlights of past conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook
Confirmed Guests
Twitter Watch
Check #Chicon on Twitter for tweets from the Con
Guests with Twitter accounts include:
- Jared @jarpad
- Misha @mishacollins
- Matt @mattcohen4real
- Richard @dicksp8jr
- Chad @ChadLindberg
- Guy Bee @GuyNormanBee
The Twitter tag for this Convention is #chicagocon.
Alternatively, follow the #chicon stream on Tweetchat where you can block retweets and individual users.
Be aware that reports may contain spoilers for unaired episodes. Remember to credit the original posters of this material.
Tweet Summaries
- Tweet summary with pics of Rick Worthy's panel by all-spn
- Tweet summary Guy Bee panel by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Misha's panel by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Mark and Seb's panel by all-spn
- Tweet summary of J2 breakfast by all-spn
- Tweet summaries of all panels by ontd_spnparty
- Amy Gumenick Panel
- Jensen auctioned a specially made jar of salt used on the show. Jensen's nephew has Down's Syndrome, and the $5500 raised went to his family's Team Levi as part of the 2011 Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas Buddy Walk. You can donate here. This is a pic of the salt jar bought by @TerridDS.
- Con report by warmmisfortune
- report about meeting Misha by twoprosinanimpala
- Friday report by invisiblecake
- Jensen's Q&A by Fangasm
- Chicon Rundown by Alice Jester
- Report on J2 Breakfast by Sablegreen, The Winchester Family Business
- Friday and Saturday Report, Misha M&G report, and Photos Sunday Report with Photos and Photo ops by ErickaJane
- Con report Pt 1 by agt-spooky
- Photoop story by eryn2607
- Sunday report by cake-is-not-pie
- Karaoke Party by Kimberly Schure
- Guy Norman Bee Q&A (Friday and Sunday), Rick Worthy Q&A, Chad Q&A, Day One report by Kimberly Schure
- Friday report with pic collection, Saturday report with pic collection, Sunday report with pic collection by outland
- Having tea with Misha,Friday report, Saturday report, Sunday report by river-song-stole-the-impala
- Con report by alwayssenduphere
- Jared Q&A by @maverick152004
- Jared Q&A by saltgunner-
- Conr eport with pics by blisfulievil
- Misha Collins Q&A, Amy Gumenick Panel, Guy Bee Q&A, Karaoke report by kimberly-schure
- Cocktail Party report by Kimberly Schure
- Con report by positivelypeculiar
- Convention Photo Album, Amy Gumenick panel by kimberly-schure
- Jensen's Q&A by sweetondean
- Con report by alynnnewman
- Misha's panel Pt1 and Talks about the Leviathan by SaulespukuMeitene (audio is on YouTube)
- On Jared climbing things and Hello Cruel World by SaulespukuMeitene
- Chad discusses similarities to Ash, shotgunning beer, etc, Pt 1Ghost story Pt 2 by SaulespukuMeitene
- All the small things by AllyReally
- Gunshow by 9Tiptoes
- Mark Pellegrino, Rick and Chad crowd surfing, Highway to hell by sweetondean
- Sebastian doing Backstreet Boys by silentwalkawy
- Chad stage diving and Rick stage diving by Chad
- Seb and Mark singing by allthingsgodstiel
- Sebastian stage dives and gets groped by BCILWY
- Jared at karaoke by SaulespukuMeitene
- Pt 1 of 21 parts, rest at YouTube by mandolin1004
- Mark and Seb doing Total Eclipse of the Heart by CSquared225
- Seb and Chad dance by CSquared225
- Mark Pelligrino body surfs by azinazelle
- Vid of the audience by Chad
Rick Worthy
- Matt talking about him and Jared comparing biceps by almasajonasx3
- Matt doing Dean impersonation by allhailgodstiel
- Matt and Richard on J2 doing a Brokeback Mountain sequel, Misha walks in on the panel, On a Supernatural Musical by OMFGItsTacy
- Amy by almasajonasx3
- Matt and Richard imitating J2 by GCspFOBpatd81
- On playing Gabriel by HemophiliacZebras
- Richard teaching Misha how to walk the room by charkinzie
- Misha forgets his mic, Misha gets a late night text from Jared, Misha's superpower, Who would be in his boy band, Castiel, What animal would you be? by BILCILWY
- Misha gets a late night text from Jared, Misha's fridge by HemophiliacZebras
- Misha on playing the Leviathan by spnep4ever2
- How has Jared affected your life by Kitsunehi13
Jared & Jensen
- Breakfast
- Bee story from breakfast by Alicia
- Most of the breakfast session by wfsarah
- Breakfast session by lollobrigida47
- Breakfast Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3 by BfE319
- Panel
- Nicknames, Jensen in the morning, On religion, Sam's scar, Filming in the room, Whole Auction, End of the Auction by HemophiliacZebras
- Auction by Gaby Pax
- Dean is a grumpy old man, Jason Teague, Jared's flying hair, Jensen on getting ready in the morning by BfE319
- Nicknames by Kitsunehi13
- Clips from a few panels but mainly J2 by sanniebunnie
Tweet Pics
Friday night
- Pic by Guy Bee of Jared watching Supernatural #1 and #2
- Pic by Misha of Jensen
- Guy Bee went out to dinner with Jensen, Danneel, Clif and Jared and tweeted this pics of Jared with a football helmet and wearing the helmet.
Friday night concert by The Brian Buckley Band and Karaoke:
- Set list
- Concert tweetpics from Jared The crowd afterwards and the Band in action
- Jared #1, #2, #3, Jared carrying Richard offstage by @xxsh0tgun
- Matt Cohen by mojovi88
- Jared #1 and Jared #2 by AmyInSydney
- Collation of tweetpics from karaoke by all-spn Pt 1, Pt 2, #3, Pt 4, and #5
- Jared and Matt at Karaoke, Jared by aaatemyheart
- Pics by wolfling Jared introducing, Band onstage, Jared carrying Richard, Richard on stage, Jared sneaking up on Matt, Sebastian crowd surfing, Matt and Chad, Mark and Seb, a touching moment
- Pics by oliveanders Chad and Sebastian, Sebastian, Chad, Brian, Richard and Matt, Jared
- Jared and Clif onstage by skyisfalling
- Mark Pellegrino singing big balls by darkmerrick
- Mark P crowd surfing by samjacklover
- @mattcohen4real crowd surfing @rickworthy crowd surfing, Mark Pellegrino, @ChadLindberg crowd surfing, Mark Pellegrino and @mattcohen4real and Richard by pieces fpie
- A guy proposes to his girlfriend by wali21
- Mark, Chad and Seb, Brian, Richard and Matt and Sebastian by crowlyisawhore
- Collation of tweetpics of Misha's panel by all-spn
- Collation of tweetpics of Seb and Mark's panel by all-spn
- Rick Worthy, Chad #1, Chad #2, Guy Bee, Richard #1, Matt by wolfling
- Corin #1, Corin #2, Amy #1, #2, #3, Matt #1, Matt and Amy, Mark Pellegrino #1, Mark #2, Mark #3, Misha #1, Misha #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 by @xxsh0tgun
J2 breakfast
- Jensen #1, #2, #3, #1 Jared, #2 by @xxsh0tgun
- Jared #1, #2, Jensen #1, #2, J2 #1, #2, #3 by wolfling
- Jensen by saltgunner
- J2 pics by kitsunehi13
J2 panel
- J2 #1 #2, #3, #4, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, Jared #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, Jensen #1, #2, #3, #4 by wolfling
- Jensen #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, Jared #1, #2, #3 J2, J2 #2], J2 #3 by @xxsh0tgun
- Jared with his arm around Jensen at the end by melodyofmyheart
- Jared, Jared and Jensen at the end of the panel by saltgunner
- J2 pics by kitsunehi13
- J2 Sunday Panel by Katherine Kinkead
Photoops and autos
- Mark and Misha, J2 with amoreprofoundbond
- J2 photoop, Mark Pellegrino by thatgirljazz
- J2 photop by lulubelle1285
- Autographed Swan Song poster, Autographed rhino puzzle piece, Photoop with Misha by saltguner
- Jared auto, Misha auto by denimcladnightmare
- Photoop with Jensen by corylovesbenmonteith
- J2 photoop, J2 banner by alwaysandforeverspn23
- Photoop with Misha with reallyally
- Photoops with all guests by scarredaxel
- Misha photoop with jusinbello--
- MArk, Misha and Mark with agt-spooky
- Mark and Misha, Autographs, J2, Misah, Seb, Matt with unreasonably hopeful
- Cosplay by katzevogel
- Mark photoop, Sebastian, MAtt by proudloveroflucifer
- J2 photop, Misha auto story with vaughn143
- Pic of the Padababy card by saltgunner-
- Jared photoop story by unreasonablyhopeful
- Downloadable Convention Photo Album by Kimberly Schure
- Pics by Winchester Bros
- Collection by Khonsus
- Pics by Wolfling
- Friday report with pic collection, Saturday report with pic collection, Sunday report with pic collection by outland
- Pics by saltgunner-
- Wolfpup2000's masterlist of all albums of Con guests inc her famous guest shoes post
- Misha panel by AmyInSydney
- Chicago 2011 by Robin M