Jus In Bello Italy 2011
The second Jus In Bello Con was held in Rome on 8-10 April in 2011 at the Hilton Rome Airport Hotel.
Guests were: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Richard Speight Jr., Sebastian Roche, Mark Sheppard, Rob Benedict, Chad Lindberg, Steve Carlson and Jason Manns
The full schedule was the Jus In Bello Con webpage. In addition on the Friday morning there were two tours of Rome for fans. Roman Holiday was hosted by Misha, Richard Speight and Mark Sheppard. La Dolce Vita was hosted by Jared and Jason Manns.
For information on other Conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar. For highlights of past Conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook.
Feel free to add reports and information. Credit must be given to the original source. It's nice to leave some love for the posters of this wonderful material, and please respect their wishes regarding credits, and reposting pics or transcripts.
Beware that reports may contain spoilers for unaired episodes.
Twitters to watch
Twitter tag was #jibcon. Tweets with the #jibcon tag were archived here for easier searching. To avoid retweets either search on #jibcon -rt or use tweetchat
Guests with twitters include: Misha Collins on @mishacollins, Richard Speight Jr. on @dicksp8jr Sebastian Roche on @Sebroche, Mark Sheppard on @Mark_Sheppard, Rob Benedict on @RobBenedict, Chad Lindberg on @chadlindberg,Steve Carlson on @steviecarlson and Jason Manns on @jasonmanns
- Brief cocktail party report by animotus
- Tidbits from: Roman Holiday, Meet and Greets, Cocktail Party, and Photo ops by Ericka Jane
- Day 2 report with pics by fiercelynormal
- Report on Jason concert, Report on photoops by crystalchain
- Summary of tweets during of Jensen/Misha panel by missyjack
- Tweet summary for all panels by a_way_of_sin
- Con report with links to full vids of panels by vulpix777
- Con report by adrenalineshots
- Con report by x5vale
- Roman Holiday Tour with heaps of pictures; Korean translation; Friday panels and Cocktail party report by camui-zuuuki
- Con report by aelia1980
- Con report by _izu_
- Con report - Friday by janie-tangerine
- Con report Pt 1 by pat-san
- Con report by timey-wimey-kid
- Con report by risenshine22
- Jensen's Meet and greet, Jared meet and greet by elsiecat
- La Dolce Vita tour by kreespa
- Con report by jaredsam
- Con report Pt 1 and pt 2 by moira_glc
- Con report with pics by camui-zuuki
- Jared and Gen at the cocktail party by @crystalchain
- Sebastian and Mark arrive by shana661982
- Jared walking, Misha running by byby
- Jensen walking by EllieJames18
- Misha taking photos of fans by irene vigiolne
- Jared speaking a bit of Italian and Spanish at the auto signings by EllieJames18
- Closing Ceremony by Baby Jenks
- Chad vs the giant screen by janiedean
- Opening ceremony by thiniassk
- Three opening ceremony vids by x5vale
- Mixed video of guests walking through the foyer by adrenalineshots
- Opening ceremony Pt 1, Pt2 by e0wyn
- Misha walking, Jared walking, Jensen walking by simo020384
- Screaming Jensen by simo020384
- Opening ceremony(HD) by hoyohoyo3
- Closing ceremony by kat76woman
- Con videos by nito-punk
- Con videos by takacshedi
- Master post of videos, audio files, Con report adn icons by e0wyn
Mark, Richard and Seb panel
- Download full panel by vulpix777
- Is Chuck God? by thiniassk
- All of Rob's panel (8 videos) by e0wyn
- Which Con he's enjoyed most by 30wyn
- Chuck's One Liners by jiiaffa
- Richard by thiniassk
- Richard about working on Spn, Filming Casa Erotica by 30wyn
- Download Saturday full panel by vulpix777
Mark and Richard
- Richard talks about Open Water2 and Marks talk about 24 by taveta85
- Mark and Richard by thiniassk
- Download full panel by vulpix777
- Pt 1Pt2, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6 by kat76woman
Mark and Sebastian
- Marks talks about Neil Gaiman by roby79ist
- Seb talks Criminal Minds and Mark talks Dr Who, Mark's fav character, Seb talks about auditioning for Balthazar, Seb talks about a General Hospital experience, Richard gate crashes, Seb does a Scottish accent, Seb talks about twitter by 30wyn
- Neil Gaiman and Supernatural by jiiaffa
- Pt1 by kat76woman
Misha and Sebastian
- How Balthazar would make Castiel relax by janiedean
- Misha and Seb Pt 1, Pt2, Pt 3 by Baby Jenks
- Jensen crashes the panel by TheRizz666
- Jensen crashing the panel by jiiaffa
- Download full panel by vulpix777 (file includes also Jensen's sunday panel)
- Seven videos of Misha and Sebastian's panel by adrenalineshots
Rob and Chad
- Rob and Chad by Baby Jenks
- Seven videos of Rob and Chad's panel by adrenaline shots
- Jason singing Hallelujah, The Way You make Me Feel, Jason Singing by simo020384
- Jason sings Hallelujah by thiniassk
- Misha Pt1, Pt2, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4 by Baby Jenks
- Jensen crashes the panel by thiniassk
- What advice Misha would give Cas, What episode would Misha like to direct, Why Cas has changed in Season 6 by e0wyn
Jared and Jensen
- Jared and Jensen sing Happy Birthday by tiradelaflauta
- Misha asks a question, funny J2 shenanigans by EllyTheMetaller
- J2 panel Pt1, Pt2, Pt2, Pt4, Pt5 by babyjenks
- Jared counting coins by @TheProphetCassandra
- Panel Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3a, Pt3b by 66DDa
- Jensen crashes Misha's panel, Jensen Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 by thiniassk
- Misha interrupts by animotus
- Jared and Jensen and stuffed animals, Jared counting coins by jiiaffa
- Which one of the shows the episode "Changing Channels" made fun of would they wanna be on aka the David Caruso question, Misha crashing their panel by crystalchain
- Download full panel by vulpix777
- Panel Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt7 by fedel96
- J2 and stuffed animal by hoyohoyo3
- Pt 2, Pt 4, Pt 5 by kat76woman
- Jared talks about the coin prank by thiniassk
- Jared's Saturday panel pt1, Pt 2, Pt3, Pt 4, Pt5, Pt6 by 66DDa
- Download full panel by vulpix777 (file includes 30 min of Jensen Saturday panel and full Jared panel)
- Full Jared panel by adrenalineshots
- Bad acting in The French Mistake, The French Mistake by jiiaffa
- Pt1,Pt2, Pt 3, Pt 4 by kat76woman
- Jensen says 'son of a bitch' by janiedean
- Jensen pt1, Pt2, Pt 3, Pt 4 by Baby Jenks
- Jensen's Saturday panel pt1, Pt 2, Pt3, Pt 4, Pt5 by 66DDa
- Download 30 min of Saturday panel by vulpix777 (file includes 30 min of Jensen Saturday panel and full Jared panel)
- Download Sunday panel by vulpix777 (file includes also Misha&Seb's panel)
- Jensen talking about wife Danneel Ackles by vulpix777
- Jensen - Son Of A Bitch by jiiaffa
- Saturday panel start, Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt7 by fedel96
- creeping Misha by ledueserpi
- Sunday panel Pt1, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6, Pt7, Pt8, Pt9, Pt11, Pt12 by fedel96
- Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6 by kat76woman
Misha and Jensen
- Jensen and Misha reenact the fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally by fiercelynormal
- Jensen and Misha reenact the fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally by janiedean
- Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt 4, Pt5 by Baby Jenks
- Twitter/wrap party by DarkSideSPN
- Download full panel by vulpix777
- Jensen and Misha by kat76woman
Twitter pics pics
- Seb, Dick, Jason and Chad, Rob, Misha and Seb by @sebroche
- La Dolce Vita tour: Jared by @jasonmanns; Jared by chaouens
- Roman Holiday tour: Seb Roche and Misha by @Jenks1983; Mark, Dick, Rob, Seb, Misha, Chad, Rob by @galain
- Mark and Seb's panel by akane87, by @JMacLean
- Seb and Richard, Rob by @jiiaffa
- Steve Carlson by @jasonmanns
- Chad #1, Chad #2, Richard and Mark, Richard, Mark and Seb, Richard, Mark, Seb by @crystalchain
- Cocktail party: Steve, Seb, Rob and Richard with a pineapple, Steve, Seb, Rob and Richard still with a pineapple by @sebroche; Jared, Jared blowing kisses by @galain; Jared, Richard and Jared, Seb Roche, Rob, Chad, Richard, Rob, Chad, Jared by @jiiaffa; Jared and Mark by @_dancingqueen Gen by @galain; Jared and Gen, Gen, Jared, Jared, Rob on a table by @crystalchain;
- Misha onstage, All guests onstage, J2 on stage, J2 on stage, Jensen on stage by JMacLean
- Pic of fans by @sebroche
- Jensen with Bartholomew the zebra by @jiiaffa; Jensen and Bart by @chaouens
- Misha behind Jensen, Jensen, Jensen, Jared and Jensen, Misha and Jensen by @jiiaffa
- Misha's panel #1, #2, Misha and Jensen #1, #2, #3, #4 by @crystalchain
- Jared and Jensen by @ _dancingqueen
- Richard #1, Richard #2 by patronhippie
- Jason's concert by JMacLean
- Jensen and Bart the Zebra, Jensen and Bart, Jensen, Jensen, Jensen, J2, J2 panel, Jared during J2 panel, Jared, Jason singing, Jason singing by cyrstalchain
- Misha in glasses by squeemonster
- Mark and Richard, J2, Jensen, Jared, Jason, Jensen adn Misha, Jensen creeping up on Misha, Misha by jiiaffa
- Photo of fans by @mishacollins
- Richard and Seb, Richard and Seb #2 by la_byby
- Misha and Seb by crystalchain
- Jensen, Jensen, Misha and Jensen, Misha, Misha, Seb and Misha by fiercelynormal
- Mark and Seb, Seb, Chad and Rob, Seb defacing Jensen's pic, Jensen signing autos by @sebroche
- Chad and Rob in love, Misha and Jensen panel: #1, #2, #3,#4 by @jiiaffa
- All Tweetpics tagged with#jibcon
- Tweet pic collection by @janiedean
- Tweet pic collection by @marygenoana
- Tweet pic collection la Dolce Vita tour by @kayla_b84
- Jared, Jason and Steve on La Dolce Vita tour by moira_glc
- Pics of Friday panels by fiercelynormal
- Cocktail party by nito-punk
- Cocktail party pics, Set of Jensen at the opening ceremony, Set of Jensen panel, Set of Jensen during the J2 panel, Sunday Jensen panel, Misha and Jensen panel by chaouens
- J2 panel by fiercelynormal
- Jensen and Jared panel by nito-punk
- Sunday Jensen panel by anastdean
- Selected Con pics by animotus
- Con pics from Winchester Bros
- Jensen and Misha panel by animotus
- Pics of all Con guests by kynikey
- Pictures of Friday Panels + Cocktail Party, Misha's Saturday Panel, Jensen's Saturday Panel Part 1, Part 2 by crystalchain
- All the boys jumping on the Roman Holiday tour] by bflyw
- Jensen/Misha pics by hidefan
- Pics by elsiecat
- Roman Holiday Friday's panel Saturday: Opening Ceremony and Misha Saturday: Jared Saturday: Jared and Jensen Saturday: Jensen, Mark, and Richard All Sunday guests/panels by EricaJane
- Downloads of photo sets for Friday guests - Mark, Sebastian and Richard panel +Jason and Steve panel, Saturday Opening Ceremony and Saturday - Misha panel, Downloads for Saturday jensen panel, Jared panel, and Jason concert by elsiecat21
- Download of pics from Misha/Jensen panel, Jensen Saturday pics to download, Jensen Sunday pics to download by cahouens
- All Con guests by nito-punk
- Download of pics from opening ceremony, Misha, Jared, Jensen and J2 panels by marthwincehs
- Con guests, Steve's concert by minh-u
- La Dolce Vita tour photos by katwoman76
- Opening ceremony, Misha Panel, Seb and Misha panel, Jensen panel Saturday Jensen panel Sunday, J2 panel, Jensen and Misha pane, Jared by galain-7
- Downloads of pics from all panels by nito-punk
- All panels by crystalchain
- All Jus In Bello photoops by jusinbello
- Roman Holiday pics by jusinbello
- Jus in Bello 2011 by Suffolk Booklover
- JIB2 2011 by Kreespa