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Het is an acronym for Heterosexual and means any kind of fic that includes or evolves around a heterosexual relationship. Mostly, het fic is romance fan fiction with the focus on a relationship between a man and a woman.

The Supernatural Het Fandom

There is het in the fandom, but the lack of recurring female characters as well as the focus of the story on the relationship between the brothers (no matter if you interpret it as brotherly or incestuous) keeps this part of the fandom relatively small. Favorite pairings include canon-pairings Sam/Jessica, Sam/Sarah, Sam/Lori, Dean/Cassie and of course, John/Mary, and fanon pairings such as Dean/Jess. Crossovers with other fandoms mainly pair Dean with Faith or Buffy from Buffy – The Vampire Slayer.

Self-insertions or so called Mary Sue fic exists, but is frowned upon due to its nature by those who don't write it. However, Supernatural fandom does seem to produce significantly more original characters in its fanfiction than many other fandoms. This is likely a result of the narrative structure of the show itself providing a consistent stream of "guest" characters in canon. Much of the het fic in Supernatural fandom involves original characters (which are not necessarily synonymous with "Mary Sues" nor are they always female or love interests). Another subset of het includes Winsister fic or AU stories involving one or more female Winchesters, often in place of either Sam or Dean. Sometimes these characters are female versions of Sam and/or Dean while in other cases they are entirely original characters. Many, but not all, of these stories involving "het Wincest."


For more, see pages for specific pairings.