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2.08 Crossroad Blues

Sam and Dean Winchester live in Kansas in the mol bunker. Sometimes Castiel visits, and sometimes Crowley

Carry on my wayward sons

While there's no evidence who noticed the odd deaths first, Sam is definitely the research force behind this hunt. Point to Sam. Dean asks "What have you got on the case there, you innocent, harmless, young man, you?" and Sam hands over a stack of printouts and rattles off details. Dean plays slight devil's advocate, asking a few pointed questions. Sam rattles off lore about black dogs. The episode doesn't so much wind up as a hunt as a defense as Sam and Dean try to rescue people from the deal they made with the devil at the crossroads, and as often happens on SPN, the hunt gets overshadowed as a more personal story unfolds.
Additional Notes:
Sam is gaining on Dean, which supports Sam's getting more involved with the hunting life. Sam was reluctant hero in season one but at this point in season two he seems more committed.
This episode: Dean & Sam - 1
Season to date: Dean & Sam - 2

Sam - 2
Dean - 2
Bobby - 1

Isaac & Tamara - 1

Does this format as a borderless table?

9:00-10:00 schedule item 1
4:00-5:00 schedule item 2

General messing around with code

  • ackles_harris - News, fanart, and picspam community dedicated to Daneel Harris and Jensen Ackles. [closed, see theackles]

Episode Accommodation/ Motel name Motel Location & Other Locations Trivia Picture
1.01 Pilot Childhood home

Stanford Uni apartment (Sam)

Unnamed Motel

Lawrence, Kansas

Palo Alto, California

Jericho, California (fictional)

The first hotel they visit is one where John had been living.
1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel
1.01 Pilot Childhood home

Stanford Uni apartment (Sam)

Unnamed Motel

Lawrence, Kansas

Palo Alto, California Jericho, California (fictional)

The first hotel they visit is one where John had been living.
1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel
1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel

Episode Accommodation/ Motel name Motel Location Other Locations Trivia
1.01 Pilot Childhood home

Stanford Uni apartment (Sam)

Unnamed Motel

Lawrence, Kansas

Palo Alto, California

Jericho, California (fictional)

The first hotel they visit is one where John had been living.
1.02 Wendigo Unnamed Motel Grand Junction, Colorado Black Water Ridge, Colorado Never get to see inside the room, just the hallway

Description: Test pic

1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel
1.03 Dead in the Water The Lake Front Motel
1.04 Phantom TravelerUnnamed motel #1

1.04 Phantom Traveler Unnamed motel #2
1.05 Bloody Mary Unnamed motel
1.05 Bloody MaryThe Sleep Easy motel

Ack... need to resize files. And figure out how to edit original image title

...Jules' additions

Episode Accommodation/ Motel name Motel Location Other Locations Trivia Picture
1.01 Pilot Childhood home

Stanford Uni apartment (Sam)

Unnamed Motel

Lawrence, Kansas

Palo Alto, California Jericho, California (fictional)

The first hotel they visit is one where John had been living.
1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel
1.01 Pilot Childhood home

Stanford Uni apartment (Sam)

Unnamed Motel

Lawrence, Kansas

Palo Alto, California Jericho, California (fictional)

The first hotel they visit is one where John had been living.
1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel
1.01 Pilot Unnamed motel