Charlie Bradbury

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File:CHARLIE B.jpg
Name Charlene "Charlie" Bradbury (not her real name)
Actor Felicia Day
Location Chicago, Illinois
Occupation I.T. expert
Episode(s) 7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl


Charlie is an I.T. expert who formerly worked at Richard Roman Enterprises. She's a lesbian with a taste in electro pop, left politics and is a keen gamer and fangirl, with her favorite series including Harry Potter and Star Wars. She has a tattoo, which she got at Comic Con while drunk, of Princess Leia in a slave girl bikini astride a 20-sided dice.

In her apartment Charlie has a similar collection of figurines to those on her desk at work. There is a blackboard which is covered in notes including "Comic Con San Fran Book Hotel", "Order book on the language of Star Wars", "La Roux tix" and "New collection Craigslist".
The board also has a grocery list of: veggies, granola, cereal, arugula, yoghurt and pop tarts. Charlie also has a poster for the movie Coven. She also mentions downloading the latest Robyn album.

Charlie's desk at Richard Roman Enterprises is decorated with a bobblehead Darth Vader, C3P0 and stormtrooper dolls, a Yoda Pez dispenser, at least one Star Wars comic, a Wonder Woman figure, a set of Lord of the Rings Pez dispensers, two Harry Potter figurines and a Dumbledore figurine. In pride of place is her Hermione figurine which Charlie refers to as "H". She has a Wonder Woman mug.

Her name is an alias, and she has started a new life at least once before.

The boss LeviathanDick Roman— claimed Charlie possesses a certain spark, which renders her immune to being fully cloned by leviathans. He claimed that even though he could feed all of her thoughts to someone, they wouldn't be able to achieve her level of intellectual performance.[1]

After helping the Winchesters with Dick Roman, Charlie fears pursuit by the Leviathan and changes her identity to "Carrie Heinlein", settling in Farmington Hills, Michigan, where she joins a LARPing group.


According to writer Robbie Thompson, Charlie's aliases are made up of the name of a Stephen King character for her first name and the surname of a famous science fiction writer. Source

Charlene "Charlie" Bradbury: Charlene McGee is the pyrokinetic girl in Firestarter. The surname Bradbury is a reference to acclaimed science fiction writer Ray Bradbury.

Carrie Heinlein: Carrie is the eponymous hero of Carrie and Heinlein refers to writer Robert A. Heinlein.


7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

Dick Roman asks Charlie to decrypt Frank Devereaux's hard drive. After more than 24 hours of constant work, she manages to open the files on it. Frank's hard drive has the folders: The Feeb, Richard Roman Enterprises, Clones, Known Facts, Monsters, Unsolved Mysteries, March of Dimes, X-Files and two folders titled Misc. research.

Charlie starts reading files describing the Leviathans and their activities, including their connection to Dick Roman. Concluding it all sounds crazy, she goes in search of her supervisor Pete, who has gone to the parking garage for a cigarette. In the parking garage, Dick Roman tells Pete that Charlie is one of the few humans who is special, who can't be fully copied by the leviathans, whereas Pete can. Charlie then watches as one of Roman's men turns into Pete and eats him - vindicating all she read in Frank's files.

Sam and Dean have tracked the location of the hard drive because it has an inbuilt GPS, and then manage to track Charlie to her apartment. They explain that they need to get the hard drive back, and when they find out about her hacking skills, ask whether she would break into Dick's emails. When she finds out that his emails are on a private server and will require her breaking into his office, Charlie is reluctant but agrees. Unbeknownst to Charlie, Bobby slips Dean's flask into her bag so he can enter the building with her. As a spirit he can only go where the flask is.

Dean and Sam are in a communication van Charlie has set up. When her nerve nearly fails her, Sam gives her a "What would Hermione Do?" pep chat. She makes it up to Dick's office, but there is a guard on patrol. Dean tells her to flirt her way past him. Charlie reveals she has no idea how to flirt with a guy, so Dean talks her through it, much to Sam's amusement.

Charlie manages to get into Dick's office and download his emails. Back at her desk she sends these, along with the contents of Frank's hard drive, to the boys. She discovers that a package is arriving for Dick at a nearby airport, and manages to send a fake email, so it appears to be arriving 30 minutes later. This allows Sam and Dean time to get to the airport and switch the package for a case with a borax bomb in it.

Meanwhile Dick has arrived at the office, and quizzes Charlie on the hard drive. She declares it is empty of any files relating to "Sam and Dean Winchester". When Roman's minions arrive with the switched package, Charlie tries to leave the building. The borax bomb explodes, but Dick is unharmed and puts the building on lockdown. As Charlie tries to escape, Bobby is able to shatter the glass on the front doors by freezing it. He then launches a frenzied attack on Dick, breaking Charlie's arm in the process. Sam and Dean arrive and manage to rescue her.

Charlie, broken arm tended to, boards a bus out of town. She tells Sam and Dean it's not the first time she's disappeared, and asks them not to contact her again.

7.23 Survival of the Fittest

Using what Charlie has taught them, Sam and Dean are able to hack into the security cameras of SucroCorp so they can locate and kill Dick Roman. Dean says "thank you Charlie, wherever you are" for this.

8.11 LARP and the Real Girl

Charlie, now under the name Carrie, is the queen of one of four kingdoms of the LARPing game of Moondoor. When two of her subjects are killed, it draws Sam and Dean's attention and they head to Moondoor where she is sword fighting one of her "squires" and wins. Charlie panics when she sees Sam and Dean and starts packing to start a new life rather than stay with the one she has. She explains that after Dick Roman was killed and his company went bankrupt, she felt she was safe and came out of hiding with a new identity, but fears becoming a target for monsters again. After learning why Sam and Dean are there, she agrees to help them investigate the deaths and other mysterious injuries that have happened, telling Sam where he can find a computer to research a weird Celtic symbol while she and Dean (who she dresses in LARPing clothes) try to find someone who would use that symbol.

The two learn that the symbol belongs to a rival kingdom (with Charlie flirting with a "maiden" along the way) and question a prisoner from the kingdom. When questioned who Dean is, Charlie panics and calls him her handmaiden. Joined by Gerry aka Boltar the Furious, they head to question the king of that kingdom, but Dean sends Charlie away with his cell phone to find Sam so she won't get hurt. Charlie hears something following her and "defeats" one of her rivals, but is then captured by a figure in a cloak and an animal head.

Charlie awakens in a tent with the being that captured her and when she tries to escape, just ends up coming in the other entrance to the tent. Charlie panics and pleads that she just wants to go home when the figure takes off the mask to reveal a beautiful woman who Charlie is instantly smitten with. The woman explains that she is a good fairy named Gilda and that her master is forcing her to harm innocent people against her will. Gilda tells Charlie that she doesn't know her master's name and that the only way to break the spell is for a hero to destroy his spellbook.

Dean, Sam and Gerry eventually find Charlie with help from the "prisoner" and are shocked to discover Gilda and Charlie making out. Charlie is annoyed that they interrupted her but Gilda reveals that Gerry is her master. Gerry arrives and reveals that he takes the game too seriously, treating it like reality. He had been taking out his competition for the upcoming Battle of the Kingdoms so that he could win and Charlie would choose him as King. Gerry bought the spellbook off of eBay and was using Gilda to hobble his rivals, but killed two of them when they cheated at the game.

He forces Gilda to destroy Sam and Dean's guns and battles Dean as a suit of armor pins Sam. After Dean manages to knock Gerry's spellbook to the ground, Gilda tells Charlie to destroy the book and that Dean can't defeat Gerry. Charlie gets Gerry's attention, telling him that she is the one that rescues the damsel in distress then stabs the book with a knife, breaking the spell and setting Gilda free. With Gerry defeated, Dean knocks him out. Gilda shares a goodbye kiss with Charlie, then returns to her world with Gerry for punishment for him while Charlie hopefully calls after her to call her.

Charlie, Sam and Dean return to Moondoor where Charlie resumes her role as queen. Charlie decides to stop running and changing her identity and to stay and make a life for once. She tells Sam and Dean to call her if they ever need her help again and heads off to lead her kingdom in the Battle of the Kingdoms which she is aware she is likely to lose along with her crown as Gerry decimated her "army."

At the Battle of the Kingdoms, Sam and Dean join her "army" and Dean gives a rallying speech that he rips off the movie Braveheart. When Charlie questions it, Sam explains it is the only battle speech Dean knows. After Dean's speech, Charlie and her army charge into battle with the opposing kingdoms and win.

