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Name Baldur
Actor Adam Croasdell
Dates - 2010 (Deceased; killed by Lucifer)
Location Unknown
Occupation Norse God
Episode(s) 5.19 Hammer of the Gods


Baldur is one of the gods that meets to try to work out a way to stop the Apocalypse. Along with Kali, he appears to be one of the most powerful of the gods present. It is also implied that he is in some sort of relationship with Kali. Baldur is killed by Lucifer after trying to stop him.


5.19 Hammer of the Gods

Baldur, along with Kali, hosts a meeting with other gods at the Elysian Fields Hotel about the upcoming Apocalypse. When Lucifer arrives, he tries to attack him but is killed after Lucifer punches him through the chest.

Baldur in Lore

  • Baldur on Wikipedia (also Balder, Baldr) is a god in Norse mythology associated with light, beauty, love and happiness.
  • April 28, 2010 interview with Adam Croasdell.
  • In Norse mythology, Baldur (Balder, Baldr) is the god of goodness, innocence and forgiveness.