Asylum 8 2012
From Super-wiki
Asylum 8: Weekend at Bobby´s 2 from Rogue Events took place on 18-20th May 2012 in Birmingham.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
Confirmed Guests
- Jared Padalecki - cancelled
- Jim Beaver -- @jumblejim
- Mark Sheppard -- @Mark_Sheppard
- Misha Collins -- @mishacollins
- Steven Williams
- Mark Pellegrino
- Kim Rhodes -- @kimrhodes4real
- Jim Michaels -- @TheJimMichaels
- James Patrick Stuart -- @japastu
- Matt Cohen -- @mattcohen4real
- Carrie Ann Fleming -- @FlemingCarrie
- Guy Norman Bee -- @guynormanbee
- Jason Manns -- @jasonmanns
The Twitter tag for this Convention: #asylum8
Tweet Summaries
- Mark P panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Steven Williams panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Kim and James panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Mark Sheppard panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Jim Beaver panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Guy Bee panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Jim Micahel panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Matt and Carrie panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- DJ Qualls panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Misha panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- James/Guy/Kim & Carrie Panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Matt and Steven Panel tweet and tweetpic summary Matt and Steven Panel by all_spn
- Jim M and Guy Panel tweet and tweetpic summary Matt and Steven Panel by all_spn
- Jason Manns panel tweet and tweetpic summary by all_spn
- Audio of Misha panel with Mark P joining in at around 19 m in by sally
Karaoke and Concerts
- Mark Pellegrino sings Big Balls by lynzhx
- Cast and crowd sings Carry On by lynzhx
- Eye of the Tiger, Carry On Wayward Son, Ironic, Mark P singing Big balls by geesuuz
Mark and Mark
- Mark P and Mark S Power of God, The 2 Marks meet a Dalek, Mark and Mark Shadow Puppets The Battle of the Lights & Superwholock by geesuuz
Kim Rhodes, Steven Williams and James Patrick Stuart panel
- Kim, Steven and James Patrick Stuart discuss fav SPN moments by geesuuz
- James Patrick Stuart On playing a gay French ski instructor by geesuuz
Kim Panel
- Kim gets a kiss from Misha by geesuuz
Mark Pellegrino
- Mark talks about Lucifer by geesuuz
Mark Sheppard
Misha Panel
- Misha and a Dalek, Bacon dress calendar, Childhood story, Mustache Stickers, Misha's McDonalds Ad, How to maintain eye contact by geesuuz
- Gorgeous Lego figures of Jim Michaels and Guy Bee
- Jason and Matt, Fan Tattoo by Guy Bee
- Post Con dinner of guests: #1, #2, #3 by Jim Beaver
- Karaoke night Friday panels Saturday Saturday 2 Sunday Panels by Suffolk Booklover
- 2012 AE3 & A8 by Kreespa