4.22 Lucifer Rising

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Title Lucifer Rising
Episode # Season 4, Episode 22
First aired May 14, 2009
Directed by Eric Kripke
Written by Eric Kripke
On IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1222609/
Outline As only one seal is left to break, the angels are ready and Dean and Sam are intent on killing Lilith.
Monster Demons, Angels
Location(s) Ilchester Maryland
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1972 - St Mary's Convent, Ilchester, Maryland.

Azazel possesses a priest at St Mary's Convent, and kills eight nuns in the chapel. This enables him to speak to Lucifer, through a dead nun, who tells him that he needs Lilith to break The 66 Seals that hold him captive. Lucifer tells Azazel he needs to find a very special child.

Present Day
Ruby and Sam stand near a car outside an abandoned house. Sam is upset over the fight with Dean, but when Ruby tells him they can patch things up later, Sam says that there won't be a later, and that he's changed for good.

At Bobby's place, Dean refuses to call Sam. Bobby calls him out on his behavior, and says he is behaving like his father, in failing to reach out to Sam. Bobby then tells Dean he is a better man than his father.

At a hospital, Lilith's minion is stealing a baby for her to consume. Sam arrives and overpowers her. Back at the abandoned house, he tortures and interrogates her, and she tells him Lilith will be at St Mary's Convent, Ilchester, Maryland at midnight the next night. Ruby tells Sam they need to keep the demon alive so Sam can feed on her blood. The demon withdraws to the recesses of the possessed girl's mind, so Sam is confronted with an innocent human.

Dean finds himself transported to what appears to be a luxurious hotel room. Zachariah and Castiel appear and Zachariah says they are keeping him safe in preparation for Lilith breaking the final seal. When he is alone, Dean finally calls Sam, leaving a message apologizing for what he said to Sam.

Sam bundles the possessed girl into the trunk of the car and they head to St Mary's Convent, Ilchester, Maryland. He considers listening to Dean's voicemail, wondering if Dean was right all along. Two miles from the convent they stop, and Sam listens to Dean's message but it has been changed - it is now Dean hurling abuse at Sam and rejecting him again. Resigned, Sam orders Ruby to kill the possessed girl so he can drink her blood to prepare to face Lilith.

Dean pleads with Castiel to let him see Sam but Castiel refuses. When he confronts Zachariah, the angel finally admits that they don't want to stop Lilith from freeing Lucifer and that the upper echelons of the angels want the Apocalypse to happen in order to defeat Hell and bring about Paradise on Earth. He also reveals that Dean's role is to kill Lucifer once he has risen.

Later, Castiel returns and apologizes to Dean for deceiving him. Dean is angry and argues with Castiel, trying to convince him to help Dean and Sam stop the Apocalypse. He initially refuses, but then returns and, cutting himself, draws a sigil on the wall with his blood. Zachariah arrives to stop him, Castiel places a bloody hand in the middle of the sigil and Zachariah is sent away. Castiel says he will take Dean to Sam to stop him from killing Lilith - because her death is the final seal.

Castiel and Dean visit Chuck Shirley, who has foreseen that Sam is at the Convent. An archangel arrives, and Castiel says he will hold it off and sends Dean directly to the Convent with a touch of his hand.

At the Convent, Lilith and her minions have gathered. Sam and Ruby arrive, and Sam easily dispatches of all the demons and pins Lilith to the altar. Ruby sees Dean arrive and closes the chapel door, efficiently locking him out. Sam starts killing Lilith, but hesitates when he hears Dean shout his name outside the door. When he is taunted by Lilith, his eyes turn black and he ignores Dean's shouting, giving in to killing Lilith.

As Lilith's blood forms a spiral on the chapel floor, Ruby reveals to an appalled Sam that she has been working to free Lucifer all along. She tells Sam he didn't need the demon blood, that the choices he has made all year have helped him tap into his own power.

Ruby reveals that Sam was the only one who could bring back Lucifer but before she can say why, Dean finally breaks in and rushes forward. Sam holds Ruby as Dean kills her with her own knife.

Suddenly a beam, of light thrusts up from the spiral of Lilith's blood.

Sam and Dean clutch at each other, as Lucifer is freed.




Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas which has also played over finale clips montages in 1.21 Salvation, 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two and 3.16 No Rest For The Wicked.


Sam: I can feel it inside me, Ruby. I've changed me – for good. There's no going back now.
Bobby: You stupid, stupid, son of a bitch. Well boo-hooo I am so sorry your feelings are hurt – Princess. Are you under the impression that families are supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family.
Zachariah: (to Dean who is cussing) Quit hurling faeces like a howler monkey. It's unbecoming.
Dean: Tell me one thing. Where's God in all this?
Zachariah: God? God has left the building.
Chuck:(to Dean and Castiel)You guys aren't supposed to be there. You're not in this story.
Castiel: Yeah, well, we're making it up as we go.
Ruby: Yeah, I'm sure you're a little angry right now. But c'mon, Sam. Even you have to admit - I'm awesome!
Ruby: "And it is written that the first demon shall be the last seal." And you busted her open. Now guess who's coming to dinner.

Sam: Oh my God.

Ruby: Guess again.
Ruby: "You're too late. Dean: I don't care.

Trivia & References

There is a St Mary's College in Ilchester, Maryland, known as the Hell House. Legend has it that a priest hung five young girls facing one another around a pentagram, and then shot himself. The College is believed to be haunted, and at night the girls' screams can be heard.
According to the article Sam finds online, the priest possessed by Azazel at St Mary's Convent was named Father Lehne. The name refers to actor Frederic Lehne who plays Azazel in episodes 2.01, 2.21 and 2.22 and who is perhaps the actor most related with the part.
The title of the article that Sam finds online, "The Bellows of St. Mary's", references the 1945 film The Bells of St. Mary's, starring Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman.
Dean:Well look at this – The Suite Life of Zach and Cas.
Dean is making an allusion to the Disney Channel Show The Suite Life of Zach and Cody about troublesome twin boys who live in a hotel.
Dave wakes up in "Jupiter and The Infinite Beyond"
The 'green room' (the name given to the the room performers wait in before appearing on stage or TV), visually references the room in which Dave wakes up in the final segment of 2001: A Space Odyssey which is called "Jupiter and The Infinite Beyond" and which represents some realm beyond the mortal.
Zachariah offers Dean the following while he is being held in preparation for the Apocalypse: beer, burgers (his favourite, that he had when he was 11 from a seaside shack in Delaware), and Ginger from season two of Gilligan's Island (the first season broadcast in colour) and Mary-Ann.
When Dean first enters the green room, the paintings on the wall are bright, pastoral scenes. Later when Dean confronts Zachariah, they are dark surreal scenes of Hell. More information on the artwork in the Green Room]

When Zachariah tells Dean his destiny is to kill Lucifer he stands in front of a painting of the Archangel Michael killing Lucifer. The painting is Saint Michel terrassant le Dragon by 15th century Flemish painter Josse Lieferinxe.
In 2.13 Houses of the Holy, Sam notices a similar painting of Michael killing Lucifer in the Church they visit (this version by the renaissance painter Raphael). Father Reynolds tells him: "That's right. The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons, holy force against evil."
Sam: So they're not really the Hallmark card version that everybody thinks? They're fierce, right? Vigilant?
Father Reynolds: Well, I like to think of them as more loving than wrathful; but yes, a lot of Scripture paints angels as God's warriors. "An angel of the Lord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shone down upon them, and they were terrified." Luke. Two nine.

Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is most known as a leader of the armies of God against Lucifer.
Zachariah: You're our own little Russell Crowe, complete with surly attitude.
Zachariah is referring to Russell Crowe's character Maximus Decimus Meridius in the film Gladiator, who wins in a gladiator's duel against the corrupt Emperor Commodus. Parallels include: Dean being favoured by God (Lucifer's "Father"), like Maximus was favoured by Marcus Aurelius, Commodus' father; Lucifer and Commodus' betrayals of their fathers, and Dean and Maximus seeking revenge for the death of their families. Zachariah alludes that Dean will eventually win against Lucifer like Maximus won against Commodus.
Dean: Bail on the holodeck, okay?
A reference to the holodeck in various Star Trek series, which was a virtual reality recreational room.
Dean compares the angels letting all the seals be broken with the losing streak of the Washington Generals, the team that always lost in the staged exhibition matches against the Harlem Globetrotters.
Ruby: This is the final run on the Death Star and you need more juice than I've got.
A reference to the final battle in Star Wars.
Zachariah: Sam, Sam, Sam. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.
Zachariah apparently watched The Brady Bunch, where middle daughter Jan often complained about the attention her older sister got by saying: "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia".
At Comic Con 2009, Kripke refused to elucidate on whether it was Zachariah or Ruby who changed Dean's voicemail message to Sam.
Ruby:You didn't need the feather to fly - you had it in you the whole time, Dumbo.
In the 1941 animated Disney movie Dumbo, the eponymous elephant discovers he can fly with the help of his friend Timothy, the mouse, who helps him get the confidence by giving him a "magic feather". When he drops the feather, Timothy reveals the ruse, and Dumbo discovers it was his own ability all along.
Lucifer Rising is a short film dealing with occult, made in 1972.


Zachariah told Dean Paradise would give him: peace, happiness, and two virgins and seventy sluts.

Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
