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3.12 Jus in Bello (transcript)

190 bytes added, 03:37, 21 January 2014
ACT FIVE: edits
MELVIN: Henriksen! Four of my men!
NANCY: The internetInternet, my cell…. It’s all dead. How can it all be dead?
MELVIN tosses the rifle to PHIL. Suddenly the lights go out.
CELL: SAM and DEAN stand up.
DEAN: That Oh, that can’t be good.
MELVIN: No, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. We’re gonna go, we’re gonna go… right now. (He loads his gun. HENRIKSEN turns around.)
HENRIKSEN: Nobody’s going anywhere. Everybody, calm down.
MELVIN: Your partner is out there! My men are out there!
HENRIKSEN: I wouldn’t think so. Nancy, right? I’m gonna get you through this. You got my word. You got that?
NANCY smiles tearfully and nods.
CUT to CELL: SAM helps DEAN with his wound, while DEAN grunts.
DEAN: What the hell are you talking about?
HENRIKSEN: I’m talking about your psycho friends. I’m talking about the a blood bath.
DEAN: Okay, I promise you whoever’s – whoever’s out there ? is not here to help us.
SAM: Look, you got to believe us. Everyone here is in terrible danger.
DEAN: Why don’t you let us out of here so we can save your asses?
HENRIKSEN: From what? (pause, while Sam and Dean look away) You gonna say “demons”? (Raises his gun, pointed at the ceiling, for emphasis) Don’t you dare say “demons”. Let me tell you something. You should be a lot more scared of me. (He leaves.)
SAM: How’s the shoulder?
NANCY backs off, scared.
SAM: UhHey, pleaseuh, please. Please. We need your help. It’s… it’s Nancy. Nancy, right? (NANCY just looks at SAM) Nancy, my… my brother’s been shot. He’s… He’s bleeding really bad. You think maybe you could get us a towel? Please? Just one clean towel? (NANCY’s not sure and still a bit afraid) Look, look . Look at us. We’re not the bad guys. I swear.
DEAN gives NANCY a smile and she leaves them. SAM sighs.
SAM: It's okay. (He holds out his handcuffed hands)
NANCY puts the towel inside the bars while SAM smiles at her. She smiles back. Suddenly SAM grabs NANCY’s arm and drags her against the bars. NANCY screams. PHIL runs in with his rifle.
PHIL: Let her go! Let her go!
DEAN: What the hell was that?
SAM holds up NANCY’s rosary. DEAN chuckles softly.    ; LATER
DEAN is pressing the towel to his wound, sitting on the bed next to SAM.
SAM: We’re like sitting ducks in here.
DEAN: Yeah, I know. Would it kill these cops to bring us a snackBRING US A SNACK?! (He shouts the last words)
SAM: How many you figure are out there?
DEAN and SAM step back as MELVIN comes into the cell.
DEAN: Uh… you know what? We’re – we're just comfy right here. But thank you.
HENRIKSEN appears at the door of the cell.
HENRIKSEN: It’s safer here.
MELVIN: There’s a SWAT facility in boulderBoulder.
HENRIKSEN: (Comes inside the cell) We’re not going anywhere.
DEAN: (smiles after a pause) But you didn't shoot the deputy.
SAM stares glares at DEAN in disbelief.
HENRIKSEN: Five minutes ago, I was fine, and then…
SAM: You were possessed.
HENRIKSEN: Possessed , like… possessed. ?
SAM: That’s what it feels like. Now you know.
DEAN: What, is there an echo in here?
NANCY: There’s a road salt in the storeroom.
DEAN: Perfect. Perfect. We need salt at every window and every door.
DEAN: How you holdin’ up, Nancy?
NANCY: Okay. (pause) When I was little, I would come home from the church and start to talk about the devil. My And my parents would tell me to stop being so literal. I guess I showed them, huh? (Adds a last piece of tape to DEAN’s bandage) That should hold.
DEAN: Thank you.
DEAN: Yeah, I got to get something out of my trunk.
; NIGHT – IMPOUND LOT: DEAN opens the gate to the impound lot, then the trunk of the Impala. He starts putting things into a bag. The lights at a gas station flicker and thick black smoke interspersed with blue lightening races past. The lights in the impound lot flicker and crackle. DEAN grabs some dreamcatcher-like amulets and turns to see the black smoke and blue and pink light coming towards him. He runs back inside as the smoke comes closer. 
DEAN opens the gate to the impound lot, then the trunk of the Impala. He starts putting things into a bag. The lights at a gas station flicker and thick black smoke interspersed with blue lightening races past. The lights in the impound lot flicker and crackle. DEAN grabs some dreamcatcher-like amulets and turns to see the black smoke and blue and pink light coming towards him. He runs back inside as the smoke comes closer.
DEAN: They’re coming! Hurry.
Black smoke hits a the window that NANCY is at, and NANCY she screams. NANCY, SAM and DEAN run to the main office area, where HENRIKSEN is. DEAN tosses a gun to SAM. From the outside, we can see the demon smoke hit the building. From the inside of the building, we see the smoke surround the windows. The lights in the main room flicker and it becomes darker. From the outside, we see the smoke engulfing the building. NANCY clutches the cross she wears around her neck. Dust rains down from the ceiling as the building shakes. Then the smoke seems to disappear and it becomes quiet again.
SAM: Everybody okay?
DEAN: (Filling his shotgun) Whatever works.
HENRIKSEN: Fighting off monsters with condiments. (He takes off his tie) So turns . Turns out demons are real. (He starts filling his rifle with salt shells)
DEAN: FYI, ghosts are real too. So are werewolves, vampires, changelings, evil clowns that eat people.
HENRIKSEN: Okay then.
DEAN: If it makes you feel better, Bigfoot’s a hoax. (He smiles)
HENRIKSEN: It doesn’t. So, how How many demons?
DEAN: Total? No clue. A lot.
DEAN: You mean besides locking up the good guys? (Walks over to HENRIKSEN) I have no idea.
HENRIKSEN: My job is boring, it’s frustrating. You work three years for one break, and then maybe you can save ... a few people. Maybe. That’s the payoff. I’ve been busting my ass for 15 years to nail a handful of guys and all this while, there’s something off in the corner so big. So yeah… sign me up for that big, frosty mug of wasting my damn life.
DEAN: You didn't know.
HENRIKSEN: Now I do. (Pause) What’s out there? Can you guys beat it? Can you win?
DEAN: Honestly, ? I think the world’s gonna end bloody. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin’.
HENRIKSEN: Plus you got nothing to go home to but your brother.
DEAN: Yeah. (nods) What about you? You rockin’ the white picket fence?
HENRIKSEN: Mmm-mm, empty . Empty apartment, string of angry ex-wives. I’m right where you are. (chuckles)
DEAN: Imagine that.
DEAN looks at SAM, confused.
RUBY: OohOh, I’m surprised.
DEAN: Tell me what?
DEAN: Lilith?
RUBY: And she really, really wants Sam’s intestines on a stick. ‘Cause she sees him as a competition.
DEAN: You knew about this? (SAM doesn’t answer) Well, gee, Sam. Is there anything else I should know?!
NANCY: So, this spell. What can I do? (Smiles at RUBY)
RUBY: You can hold still ... while I cut your heart out of your chest.
NANCY: What?
RUBY: Very noble.
NANCY: Excuse Ex– excuse me.
RUBY: You’re all gonna die. Look. This is the only way.
NANCY: All my friends are out there.
HENRIKSEN: We do not don't sacrifice people. We do that, we’re no better than them.
RUBY: We don’t have a choice.
DEAN: Open the doors, let them all in and we fight.
The demons make way for RUBY to pass. The demon who possessed JENNA’s body smiles cruelly.
 ; INSIDE OFFICE:  SAM, DEAN, and HENRIKSEN ready in their positions at different spots in the building. SAM is in the main office, while DEAN and HENRIKSEN are near outside doors.
DEAN: All set?
SAM (from recording): Contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomini quem inferi tremunt ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, domine. exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!
OFFICE: There is an explosion of light on the ceiling, then everything goes still. SAM and DEAN slide down the wall to the floor and look at each other. They get to their feet, groaning. HENRIKSEN walks into the office and chuckles slightly as he wipes blood from his lip. DEAN shrugs. The people who had been possessed start to get up.The electricity flickers back on.   ; LATER
HENRIKSEN: I better call in. Hell of a story I won’t be telling.
DEAN: Good luck with that. Not to pressure you or anything, but what are you planning to do about us?
HENRIKSEN: I’m gonna kill you. Sam and Dean Winchester were in the chopper when it caught on fire. Nothing left. Can’t even identify them with dental records. (SAM smiles) Rest in peace , guys.
SAM and DEAN shake hands with HENRIKSEN.
SAM and DEAN leave as HENRIKSEN places a call.
CUT TO:  ; LATER:  A woman walks into the police station holding a LITTLE GIRL by the hand. The LITTLE GIRL walks up to NANCY, who is sweeping the main office.
NANCY: Well hey there.
LITTLE GIRL: Lilith. (Her eyes turn white)
PHIL and NANCY realize that the LITTLE GIRL is LILITH THE DEMON. HENRIKSEN tries to react but it’s too late. LILITH raises her hand and white light fills the office. HENRIKSEN, NANCY and PHIL scream.  
SAM: Must have happened right after we left.
RUBY: Considering the size of the blast (RUBY tosses hex bags to DEAN and SAM), ... smart money’s on Lilith.
DEAN: What’s in these?
SAM: Thanks.
RUBY: Don’t thank me. Lilith killed everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people. So after your big speech about humanity and war, turns out your plan ? was the one with the body count. Do you know how to run a battle? You strike fast and you don’t leave any survivors. So no one can go running to tell the boss. So next time… we go with my plan.
RUBY leaves. DEAN looks at SAM.

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