15.04 Atomic Monsters

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Title Atomic Monsters
Episode # Season 15, Episode 4
First aired November 7, 2019
Directed by Jensen Ackles
Written by Davy Perez
On IMDB Atomic Monsters
Monster Vampire
Location(s) Lebanon, Kansas
Beaverdale, Iowa
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(plays over the montage of Billy Whitman accepting his death)


Dean: The past few days, you've barely come out of your room. Look man I get it, okay. With Jack, and Rowena. Rowena knew what she was getting herself into, she knew what needed to be done.
Dean: You know, local police are freaked. Never seen anything like this, they got no idea how to deal.
Sam: Of course not. Because That's our job, we keep them from dealing with the truth, with what's out there and we carry the weight. It's great. Meanwhile, they get to go back and live in their white picket fence bubbles.
Dean: You know ever since you were a little kid, you wanted to live in a town like this. Lame. Normal.
Sam: Yeah, we don't get normal. These towns, everything is the end of the world. Late for work, kid doesn't get in the right school. Whatever. They don't -- they have no idea what's out there.
Becky: I run the most successful Etsy site for unofficial "Supernatural" merchandise in the country. Probably the world.
Dean: Look Man I get it. I get it. We've lost, way, way too much. And it's hard not to feel like just cashing out. I felt like that, after Chuck back at the crypt. But you know what brought me back? You did. Saying that what we do still matters. I mean that's why I dragged us out here, that's why I wanted to work a case. To save lives. You know? Because it is, it's a crap job. We do the ugly things so the people can live happy.

Sam: Yeah. Yeah, lucky them.

Dean: Yeah, lucky them. But it doesn't change a thing. You know what I mean? We still do the job. But we don't do it for us. We do it for Jack, or Mom. For Rowena. We owe it to anybody that has ever given a damn about us to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what. Hey, man like ou said, now that Chuck's gone, we're finally on our own. We're finally free to move on, you know?

Trivia & References

"Atomic Monsters" may be in reference to the concept of the nuclear family, and how the Whitmans each have done monstrous things to protect their family.
The opening gunfight in the Men of Letters Bunker was meant to evoke the action scenes in the John Wick films.
Sam uses the alias Mr Plant referring to Robert Plant, lead singer of Led Zeppelin.
Sam: Yeah, but every time I ask for it you say and I'm quoting, "I don't want any of that hippie Sarah McLachlan grass-eater crap in the Meat Man's kitchen." Which, by the way, for what it's worth, you gotta stop calling yourself the "Meat Man" it-it doesn't mean what you think it means.

Dean: Yeah it does.

Sarah McLachlan is a Canadian singer-songwriter, however she no longer claims to be a full vegetarian or vegan.
A "Meat Man" is a "man with a big ass dick" or literally a man made out of meat. It is uncertain which definition Dean is aware of.
Chuck:What are these?

Becky:My maquettes.

A maquette is a scale model of a sculpture, building or, in tv and movies, a set.

Becky: So, you want me to fluff you?
In the adult entertainment industry, a fluffer is someone who's job it is to get the male participant erect before a scene starts.


"Atomic Monsters" marks Jensen's sixth and final directing credit for Supernatural.
Alison Araya, who plays Vice Principal Bailey, previously played Jolene in 6.11 Appointment in Samarra.
Ty Olsson's appearance as Benny at the start of the episode was not originally scripted, and was suggested at the behest of Jensen.
Per Variety: In it, Ackles directed himself in hand-to-hand combat and stunts, as well as a couple of key emotional moments, including bringing back “a character who’s one of my favorite characters of all time,” Ackles says. “It wasn’t even on the page. I said, ‘Can we make this character this person?’ And they were like, ‘If you can get this person — I believe they’re working right now.’ I made the call. He was literally working one day, had the next day off, so he flew in, did one scene, flew out and was working on his other project the next day.”
Sam's nightmare is of a world where he embraced the demon blood and went full Dark Side. It's revealed that he had killed Bobby and Jody and is the leader of a demon army, as Azazel intended at the end of 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One. When he kills Dean with his psychic powers, his eyes go black as they did when he killed Lilith in 4.22 Lucifer Rising.
The date on the security camera footage of Tory's abduction is 11/6/2019, one day before the episode originally aired. This means that most of the episode occurred on the same day that it originally aired.
Becky's notes about Chuck's new manuscript can be seen as a meta commentary on the episode itself. Many of her notes such as there being no classic rock and neither Sam nor Dean mentioning Castiel and a cornered Sam and Dean listening to the "villain's" monologue happen in the episode. Her claims of low stakes cause Chuck to write a new dark ending, which is mirrored in the episode when He disintegrates Becky and her husband.

Sides, Scripts & Transcripts

