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|Episode=[[13.23 Let the Good Times Roll]]
|Writer= [[Andrew Dabb]]
|Director=[[Robert Singer]]
|AirDate= May 17, 2018
(In the bunker the people from Apocalypse World are gathered around Sam, who is standing in front of a board covered with news clippings of world events)
SAM (pointing to various pictures and clippings)
The ice caps are melting.
People marching.
A little bit of, uh, craziness in the movie world.
Businessman billionaire mogul turned President, embroiled in yet another controversy.
And that...is pretty much the world -- uh,our world -- right now.
Let me get this right -- the ice caps are melting, a movie where a girl goes all the way with a fish...wins Best Picture, and that damn fool idjit from “The Apprentice”, is President?
And you call where we come from “Apocalypse World”.
SAM (laughing)
Good point.
(Sam’s cellphone rings)
Sorry. Uh. Excuse me (Sam turns from the group to answer his phone)
Hey, Sam. Got something.
All right. I'm on my way.
(Outside by a boathouse alongside a lake. The ground is wet and muddy)
All right, gang's all here.
(Sam joins Dean, Castiel and Jack)
How many are inside?
I can hear three. Wait, maybe -- maybe four.
They're talking about whether Kylie Jenner would make a good mother.
The consensus is no.
Yeah, well, that's why I'm a Khloe man.
All right, we're talking werewolves,
(Dean takes an ammo clip out of his pocket and loads his gun. Then he gestures towards Jack)
which means...
Silver bullets.
That's right.
So, you know the play. Let's do it to it.
(They all walk towards the boat house. A man exits and struggles to light a match for his cigarette. He turns his back and continues to struggle with the match. When he turns back Castiel stabs him with an Angel Blade. The man’s eyes turn green and fangs descend from his gums.
Inside the boat house two men are drinking beer and laughing)
And that...that is why I'm a Khloe man.
(Sam, Dean and Jack bust through the door. The men’s fangs descend as the jump up out of their seats. Jack holds out his hand and holds them back as Sam and Dean shoot the men several times.
(Mary and Bobby are walking along a path in the woods. It is raining so they are carrying umbrellas.)
So, you really like the rain?
When it's this beautiful, I do.
So what are you gonna do now?
Honestly, I got no clue.
Everyone seems to be settling in okay in town.
Ketch is out doing Ketch things.
Rowena and Charlie are road tripping it through the Southwest.
MARY (grinning)
That's trouble.
Ginger trouble --the worst kind.
Anyways...without an archangel, it's not like we can go back home. And I'm not sure I'd want to.
I...I like it here.
(Bobby looks down as if embarrassed and notices something on the path)
Is that...
(They follow the blood further until they get to a large blood streaked rock. On the other side of the rock a young girl is laying on the ground, blood along one side of her head)
(Sam and Dean are walking down a hallway in the bunker)
Kid did great.
Yeah, no kidding.
I mean, he keeps this up, and...
And what?
I don't know.
(They stop walking and Dean turns to Sam)
Hey, you remember...remember when you asked if we could stop it? All the evil in the world?
If we could...really change things? Well, maybe with Jack, we can.
Maybe you're right. But then what will we do?
Mm. Yeah.
This. (Deans holds a beer has been carrying and Sam looks down at his)
A whole lot of this.
But on a beach somewhere, you know?
Can you imagine?
You, me, Cass, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls.
SAM (scoffing)
You talking about retiring?
If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.
SAM (holding up his beer)
I'll drink to that.
Yeah. Hell, yeah.
(Sam continues down the hallway while Dean turns to another hallway and approaches his bedroom door. He stops as if to listen to something and then continues down the hall, away from his bedroom door. He enters Jack’s room, where Jack is sleeping and talking in his sleep)
Stop! No!
Jack? (Dean touches Jack shoulder to wake him)
Jack jumps up, anxious and disoriented. Dean holds out his hand towards Jack to calm him)
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy.
You're just having a bad dream.
JACK (breathing heavily)
It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I have 'em, too. All the time.
You do?
You, um... What do you see?
Well, depends.
Mostly...mostly people I couldn't save.
Me, too.
Over there in the other world, I said I'd protect those people.
But...I saw so many of them die. And...I tried to save them.
I...I tried, but...
I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough.
(Dean sits on the edge of Jacks bed)
it's not about being strong.
I mean...Look, I don't know what you saw over there, and I don't know
what you went through.
I know it was bad. But I also know that you came out the other side because you are strong.
But even when we're strong, man, things are gonna happen.
We're gonna make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Right?
But we can get better. Every day, we can get better.
So whatever you're dealing with, you know, whatever...whatever comes at us, we'll figure out a way to deal with it, together.
You're family, kid, and we look after our own.
(Sam runs towards Jack’s door holding his cell phone.)
(Dean looks up, sees Sam’s face and gets very concerned)
What's wrong?
(Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, Bobby and Mary are standing around the young girl laying on the ground. Sam is behind Jack)
I-I... I said I'd protect her, and, ...
Stop, Jack. This isn't your fault.
What happened to her?
I don't know. Doesn't look supernatural.
Looks like some son of a bitch beat on her until...
Who would do something like this?
(In the bunker, Dean is walking around a young girl sitting at the table)
Word is, you're friends with Maggie.
Uh, yeah, since we came over.
Me and her, we didn't have anybody else, so we kinda stuck together.
(Sam, Castiel and Jack are also around the table)
So I'm sure you know she went out last night. Well, she didn't come home.
Um...is Maggie in trouble?
She's dead.
She...No, that's not...We were supposed to be safe here.
We need to know where Maggie went, who she was talking to.
I don't...There was a boy.
What boy?
Nate. He works at that store out on Route 281. Maggie, she had a crush. That's why she snuck out last night. She was going to meet him.
All right, well, let's go talk to this boy, Jack.
(Dean turns around and Jack is gone. Sam and Castiel turn around in their seats looking for him)
(Inside a convenience store, a boy is sticking shelves while listening to music with earbuds in. He walks into another aisle and Jack is there, eyes glowing. Jack reaches out his hand and a shock wave throws the boy into a glass door. The boy removes his earbuds as Jack walks towards him and grabs him around the throat, lifting him into the air)
Why'd you do it?! Tell me!
I-I didn't.
Jack! No!
(Castiel grabs Jacks shoulder to pull him away. Jacks hand touches Castiel and he is thrown across the aisle)
Let him go.
DEAN (reaching into his waistband and pulling out his gun)
All right.
(Dean shoots Jack three times in the back. Jack drops Nate and turns towards Dean and Sam)
You...you shot me.
To get your attention. You're acting like a psycho!
He killed Maggie.
Maggie? Maggie's dead?
Jack, listen to me. He didn't kill Maggie.
Look at him.
I'm sorry.
(Jack walks towards the exit and Castiel goes to follow him)
(Dean grabs Castiel’s arm)
No, hey, just -- just let him go.
(Jack is walking through the woods, banging a closed fist into his hand and punching his shoulder)
You keep hurting people!
You keep...
(Jack flashes back to all the people he has hurt with his powers-Nate, Sam, Dean, the female police officer)
(flash to the male sheriff)
JACK (yelling)
Why do you keep hurting people?!
(In the convenience store)
You shot him.
Uh...rubber bullets.
Yeah, a training exercise.
We're FBI. I'm Agent Rowland. This is Agent Knowles and Agent Williams.
(The lights begin blinking as store starts shaking and rumbling)
DEAN (to Nate)
You need to go. Now.
(A loud piercing noise accompanies the shaking and Sam, Dean and Castiel cover their ears)
(In the woods Jack is still distressed as he continues to walk. He hears a fluttering sound and looks around to find Lucifer standing on the path)
Hi, son.
(In the convenience store, the piercing sound and shaking continues. Someone with black shoes, black pants and a long brown coat is shown, from the knees down, walking into the store. Sam, Dean and Castiel look up at the person with fear on their faces)
(As they run out of the store towards the Impala, there is a explosion and the glass from the store windows rains down on them)
(Dean opens the trunk while Sam and Castiel sit on the ground against the side of the Impala)
It's not possible.
Yeah, tell him that.
(Sam stand up and faces the door of the store. It opens and Michael walks out. Dean finds an urn in the Impalas trunk)
Hey, fellas. Miss me?
(Castiel snarls and goes to move towards Michael. Sam grabs his arm to stop him)
No, no, no, Cass. Don't!
MICHAEL (smugly)
No, Cass. Do. Please.
(Dean finds a rag, stuffs it into the top of the urn and lights it on fire. He throws it at Michaels feet and Michael is surrounded by holy fire.)
Go, go, go, go!
(They all get into the Impala. Michael watches them as they speed away)
(Back on the path in the woods)
Is this...Are you real?
LUCIFER (holding out his arms as if to gesture to himself)
Sam said you're dead. He said Michael killed you.
Yeah, I don't like to speak ill of people, but Sam is a big fat liar and he's a bad person and... like, freakishly tall, so...
I-I don't understand.
No, Michael didn't...Sam was the one who left me behind.
(Lucifer walks closer to Jack to face him)
I mean, I think he thought I'd be trapped over there in “Giant Litter Box World” forever, 'cause that worked so well the first time.
I don't blame him, though, okay? I mean...for everything that I've done to him, I think, uh, I had it coming, you know? But you know what? I'm moving on.
But if the rift is closed, then how are you here?
Oh, no. Not “how.”
I'm here for you, Jack.
Because, you know, even though the Three Amigos -- Sam, Dean, and the other one -- won't admit it, you need me. You do, 'cause we're blood.
And we're not human, no matter how much we pretend to be.
See, humans are...limited and fragile. And I'll admit, they bring out the worst in me, I gotta say.
It seems like, you know, no matter how much you try to do right around them, something always goes wrong.
JACK (hesitantly)
I ...I know.
Right? And that's not their fault, or ours. It's just, us and humans, we're like oil and water. You know, sardines and strawberries. It's just a bad combination.
What do we do?
(Lucifer turns from Jack and looks towards the sky)
I mean...there's a whole universe out there, buddy.
Planets. Stars. Galaxies. Why should we stay here on Earth when we can go anywhere else?
Heck, everywhere else.
JACK (smiling)
Like, um, like "Star Wars"?
LUCIFER (turns to Jack excitedly)
Exactly like "Star Wars."
You want a lightsaber? I can make you a lightsaber. Heck, I can make you a Wookiee.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel, they'll miss me.
LUCIFER (placing his hand on Jacks shoulder)
Yes, they will. They will. It'll be hard. But you have to live your life for you.
This is our second chance, kiddo. This is our opportunity to escape our past and our sins and start over. What do you say?
Father, son. You up for an adventure, buddy?
I...I'd like that. But there's something you need to do first.
(Back in the bunker)
Talked to the other refugees. No one's got any idea who'd wanna hurt Maggie.
Maybe it wasn't one of them. Maybe...there are monsters in this world that aren't monsters.
(Jack and Lucifer enter the room)
Jack! Hey --
Kid, what the Sam Hell?
It's all right, okay? He's here to help.
BOBBY (skeptically)
He is?
LUCIFER (walking with Jack past Bobby)
You know it, Longmire.
MARY (to Bobby as she follows Jack and Lucifer)
Call Sam. Now.
(Lucifer and Jack walk into the main room in the bunker. Maggie is laying on the map table. She has been cleaned up and is covered with a sheet up to her neck. Mary follows them into the room)
Hmm. So you're leaving dead bodies on tables now.
We were waiting, to give her a Hunter's funeral.
You won't have to. My father, he's gonna bring Maggie back to life.
I am?
(In the other room in the bunker, Bobby is leaving a message for Sam)
Yeah, boys, we got a problem.
(with Maggie)
Jack, what are you doing?
What I have to.
This...it's my second chance.
Yeah, uh, Jack, about this, uh, resurrection stuff -- It's not always a great idea because, uh... you know, people come back...different.
Well, Sam didn't.
Right. Well, Sam's always been...sort of different. You know what I mean?
Some would say "special." (to Mary) No offense.
You said you'd do anything.
LUCIFER (grudgingly)
(He places hand on Maggie’s forehead)
MARY (whispering to Jack)
Has he done something to you?
LUCIFER (annoyed)
I heard that. Heard it.
Mary, everything's gonna be fine.
(Lucifer’s eye glow red. He pulls his away quickly and Maggie sits up, gasping. (Sam, Dean and Castiel come rushing through the door on the upper level)
MARY (looking up at them)
He's not... He's gone.
(Sam, Dean, Castiel, Mary and Bobby are around the map table in the bunker)
SAM (agitatedly)
How did Michael and Lucifer both get here? How did they open a rift?
You know what? It doesn't -- We -- we've gotta find Jack before Michael does whatever the hell he's gonna do, okay?
I-I'll call Jody and everybody else.
You're gonna put out an APB on the Devil?
Yeah, I am.
(Dean walks away)
I'll check angel radio.
(Castiel walks away)
Sam, even if we find Lucifer, how we gonna stop him?
(In the library in the bunker)
Maggie? Hey, sorry.
You okay?
I'm alive, so... yes?
Listen, I-I know this is weird -- so...weird -- but, um, before you...died, do you remember anything about the person that killed you?
Does it matter? Kinda seems like you have bigger, you know, Satan-y problems.
Yeah, but -- but we're -- we're dealing with those. Mostly. Um...
But yes, it does matter. It matters to me.
I... I never saw his face, but, uh... I saw his eyes.
(Lucifer and Jack are in a clearing up the woods, looking at the night sky)
Magnificent, isn't it?
It really is.
(In the bunker, Dean comes back into the war room)
All right, Jody's lookin'. So far, Nada.
Yeah, angel radio is nothing but static, which is disturbing.
Great. Well, we'll just add that to the list.
So what do we do now?
(There’s a loud banging sound and the lights start to flicker)
What's happening?
(Sam and Maggie go to the war room)
What the hell?
(Sam looks at the door on the second level)
Oh, no.
What the hell is that?
Mom, Bobby, take Maggie, get her out of here. Go through the garage.
(The banging gets louder, and the door starts to shake)
We'll buy you some time.
BOBBY (to Mary)
(The banging continues and Sam, Dean and Castiel look to each other. I bright light shines as the door starts to break open. The door falls into the bunker and Michael walks in. Sam and Dean draw their guns and start shooting as Michael ascends to the lower level. Castiel draws the angel blade and attacks Michael. Michael strikes him across the face and Castiel is thrown across the table, landing on the floor)
(You really thought you could run from me?
(Sam runs forward, and Michael strikes him, sending him into a nearby wall)
Aah! Uhh!
(Dean rifles through the weapons bag, pulls out an angel blade and attacks Michael. They fight, and Dean ends up with Michaels hand around his neck)
Yeah, how did you –
Get here?‬ Easy. I made a deal.
(Flash to Lucifer and Michael in Apocalypse World)
I saw how they do the spell. I know what it takes.
It's some blood, some fruit, a glowy rock, and then...
Bam. We step through, both of us.
MICHAEL (to Dean, in the bunker)
And now, this world is mine.
I can save it, purge it of sin.
Oh, yeah, 'cause that really worked on your rock.
I'm not perfect.‬ Yes, I made mistakes.‬ ‬
But second time's the charm.
And you...
(As Sam struggles to get up, Michael pulls Dean to his feet, tightening his grip on his neck)
Dean Winchester, will be the first life that I take in this world, first soul I save.
Some would consider that an honor.
Well, as Shakespeare once said, eat me, dickbag.
(Michael smiles and tightens his grip even more, Dean is struggling to breath. Behind them Sam is on his hand and knees)
SAM (whispering)
Jack, Jack.
Jack, I don't know where you are, and I don't even know if you can hear this prayer, but we need you. We need you.
(scene change to Jack and Lucifer looking at the night sky)
Look at all those worlds, Jack. We're gonna take the grand tour, buddy.
We're gonna explore every nook and cranny of creation.
We might even learn something, maybe come up with some improvements.
Yeah, yeah. We'll -- we'll talk about that later.
(Jack hesitates as Sam’s prayer comes through)
Jack, Jack, I don't know where you are, and I don't even know if you can hear this prayer.
We need you.
What's up, buddy? You all right?
(Back in the bunker Michael is lifting Dean of his feet)
Could've done this quick, but I wanted to enjoy it, that moment when the soul leaves the body... ‭‬it's beautiful.‬ ‬‬
DEAN (struggling to breath)
(As Dean is ready to pass out him and Michael are hit with shock wave and they fall to the floor. As they fall, Jack appears behind them. Behind Jack, Sam uses the wall behind him to push himself to standing)
I heard your prayer.
Yeah, it's me. Yay!
(to Jack) Uh, we done, buddy?
(Michael starts to stand up. As he does, Jack’s eyes glow and he raises his hand)
You hurt my friends.
(Michael starts to yell in pain. Black liquid runs out of his eyes and ears)
You hurt my family!
(Jack squeezes his fist and Michael goes to his knees, screaming in pain)
MICHAEL (yelling)
Lucifer, we -- we had a deal!
Okay, game over.
(To Jack)
Hey, buddy, let's, uh, let's, uh... split, okay?
What does he mean?
LUCIFER (stammering)
I-I-I don't know. I didn't -- I didn't hear.
They had a deal. Lucifer gets you, and Michael gets everything else.
He's gonna nuke our world, Jack, just like he did his.
Is that true?
‭No! It's not.‬ ‬‬‬
Is that why you wanted us to leave?
He said -- he said we'd go to the stars.
What, and you're just gonna leave the rest of us here to burn?
Okay. Hold on a second. Let's slow down, 'cause I...I'm not currently the bad guy here.
Yeah, tell that to Maggie.
What about Maggie?
Maggie saw the eyes of the person who killed her -- the glowing, red eyes.
You're gonna -- you're gonna believe this guy?
Come on, man! Sam's a hater!
Tell me.
He would say anything to get you on his side.
JACK (moving towards Lucifer, eyes glowing and hand outstretched)
Tell me the truth!
(Lucifer’s eyes start to glow, his head tilts to the side and he starts speaking)
She saw me when I was scouting out the bunker. She saw me and she screamed, and then...so I crushed her skull with my bare hands.
And it was warm and wet, and I liked it.
(Lucifer’s eyes return to normal and he looks confused)
You're not my father. You're a monster.
LUCIFER (yelling)
Come on, man!
(Lucifer bellows so forcibly that Sam and Dean cover their ears, his eyes glowing red)
I tried with you. I really tried with you.
Everything you told me was a lie.
Because I told you what you wanted to hear, man.
So what?! I killed the girl! Big deal!
She's a -- she's a human! She doesn't matter!
So am I!
And that's your problem. (pointing at Jack)
You're too much like your mother.
Stay back. I'll handle him.
Will you?
Oh, buddy. We could've been something, you and me.
We could've remade the universe. It would've been great. We could've been
better gods than Dad.
And I really wanted that, pal. I wanted that. But now if I can't
have it with you, I...I don't need ya.
I just need your power.
‭(Lucifer produces an Angel blade from his sleeve and cuts Jack on his neck)
(Lucifer grabs Jacks jacket in his fist and sucks Jacks grace into his mouth. His eyes glow yellow as he touches Jack’s neck, healing him. Jack looks as if he’s going to collapse)
(Sam and Castiel rush forward to grab Jack. As Sam touches Jack there is an explosion of light. Castiel is thrown down to the ground by the force of the explosion while Sam is absorbed into it. )
(Sam, Lucifer and Jack disappear)
What just happened?
I don't know.
The Devil won. That's what happened.
(Sam lands on the floor in a church. He struggles to his knees. Lucifer is standing in front of him, holding Jack up by his coat collar)
Really, Sam? Hitching a ride?
I mean, do you ever quit?
Go to hell.
‭Hell, yeah.‬ Been there. Done that.‬ ‬‬
‭(Lucifer drops Jack and turns to kick Sam, knocking him to the ground)
(Back in the bunker)
CASTIEL (to Michael)
How do we stop him?
You don't. After consuming the Nephilim’s grace, Lucifer's juiced up.
He's super-charged.
He'll kill the boy, your brother. Hell, he could end the whole universe
if he put his mind to it.
And you thought I was bad.
No. No, you beat him. I saw you.
When he was weaker, and I was stronger. Believe me, I'd love to rip my brother apart.
But now in this banged up meatsuit... not happening.
This is the end, of everything.
No. What if...what if you had your sword?
(In the church Lucifer is holding Sam off the ground by his neck)
You know... it's been real fun. I really had a great time with you,
but I think we should see other people.
What do you say?
(Lucifer drops Sam, his eyes glow orange as he places a hand on Sam’s chest. ‭‬‬‬‬Sam grimaces and grunts in pain. Behind him, Jack is getting to his feet, his face bloody)
(Lucifer turns, dropping Sam)
Now why should I listen to you?
Because...I'm your son.
Oh, yeah.‬ ‬‬‬
Well, you had a chance with that, but...
‭(Lucifer punches Jack in the face, twice. Jack falls to his knees)
Now?‬ ‬‬‬
(Lucifer punches Jack a third time and he falls to the ground completely. Sam is standing up behind him)
As for kids...Ah, I can make more of those.
(Sam grabs Lucifer by the shoulder, turning him around. Lucifer punches him in the face and he falls to the floor)
Wow, Daddy Sammy coming to the rescue.
But your little Jackie, the nougat-loving boy that you had before, he's killed people.
He's got lots of blood on his hands.
I don't care. He's family.
What's family done for anybody? My dad left me. My brothers tried to kill me. A lot.
Family blows. And I'm gonna prove it to you.
What, by killing me? Go ahead.
No, I'm not gonna kill you.
He is. (pointing to Jack)
(As Jack and Sam look at each other, Lucifer pulls an angle blade from his sleeve and drops it to the floor between them)
(In the bunker)
Dean, no.
I am your sword.
(Flashback to Zachariah talking to Dean)
It's you. You're the Michael sword.‬
(In the bunker)
Your perfect vessel.
(Flashback to Gabriel talking to Sam and Dean)
Why do you think you two are the vessels?
Michael and Lucifer.
You were born to this, boys.
(In the bunker)
With me, you'd be stronger than you've ever been.
Oh, I know what you are.
If we work together, can we beat Lucifer?
Can we?!‬
We'd have a chance.
Dean, you can't.
DEAN (to Castiel)
Lucifer has Sam. He has Jack. Cass, I don't have a choice!
DEAN (To Michael)
If we do this, it's a onetime deal.
I'm in charge. You're the engine, but I'm behind the wheel.
(In the church)
Now I could -- I probably should -- execute you. I mean, really, really use my imagination.
But I'm feeling generous today. So one of you is gonna walk out that door, and the other one will be laying dead on the ground.
You choose.
Or you could do that, and I can murder you both and end all life in the universe.
Remake it in my image, better than Dad ever could.
I'm thinkin'... mm... fire-breathing dragons, sassy talking robots.
I might give humans another chance if they know their place and worship me, 'cause I've earned it.
But hey, it'll probably take a few days to unravel the universe,
Maybe, uh, 7, 10 days tops. So maybe, just maybe, one of you could stop me.
Well, let's see. Clock's ticking, guys.
(Sam picks up the blade. Jack looks at him questioningly. Sam hesitates for several seconds and turns the handle of the blade towards Jack)
Kill me.
Kill me.‬‬‬‬
You can stop him, Jack.
(Sam places the blade in Jack’s hands)
You can get your power back.
No, I-I c-can't. I can't beat him.
But you can.
I know you can.
No, no, no, no, no. Jack.
Don't! Jack!
(Jack turns the blade to point at his stomach)
I love you. I love all of you.
Jack, don't! Don't!
(Jack pushes the tip of the blade into his stomach and blood stains his shirt. A bright lights glows from behind him and he turns to see Dean, bathed in light, angel wings unfurling behind him. The light goes out and they all turn to face Dean)
Hiya, Sammy.
You let my brother in.
Well, turns out, he and I have something in common. We both wanna gut your ass.
(Lucifer runs towards Dean. As he gets near Dean kicks him in the chest, sending him flying across the church)
(Dean goes after Lucifer with an angel blade and the fight, Lucifer eventually knocking the angel blade out of Dean’s hands. They separate, and then run towards each other, rising into the air as the grab each other’s shoulders. They continue to fight several feet above the ground. Lucifer gains the upper hand and proceeds to punch Dean in the face several times, to the point that Dean can no longer fight back.)
(Lucifer continues to punch Dean)
Good try, Dean. I'll give you that, buddy.‬
I'm not just powerful now. I am power.
(On the ground, Sam picks up the angel blade)
LUCIFER (to Dean)
And I don't need a blade to end you, pal.
(Sam throws the angel blade into the air and Dean catches it)
Bye-bye, Dean.
(Lucifer eyes glow as he places his hand on Deans head. As white light emanates from Dean’s eyes and mouth, he stabs Lucifer with the angel blade. Lucifer lets go of Dean and he falls to the ground. Lucifer screams as fire burns from his eyes. There’s a flash of light and Lucifer falls to the ground.
(Lucifer lies on the church floor. His outstretched wings charred and burning. Sam, Dean and Jack approach him))
Is he...
He... he's dead.
Holy crap.
You did it.
No. No, we did it.
We did it.
(Sam, Dean and Jack are smiling as they realize what they’ve done when Dean doubles over, grunting in pain)
DEAN (yelling)
We had a deal!
(Dean stops grunting and stands up, incredibly calm)
SAM (whispering)
Thanks for the suit.
(There is a fluttering sound and Sam and Jack are alone in the church.
In the bunker, Castiel is sitting on the stairs. Mary and Bobby run up to him. As the look down, Castiel slowly shakes his head.
Michael/Dean is walking down a city street wearing a suit and a pea cap. He looks straight ahead, grinning, as his eyes glow blue)

Revision as of 01:16, 30 May 2018


13.23 Let the Good Times Roll

Written by: Andrew Dabb

Directed by: Robert Singer

Air Date: May 17, 2018


(In the bunker the people from Apocalypse World are gathered around Sam, who is standing in front of a board covered with news clippings of world events)

SAM (pointing to various pictures and clippings)

The ice caps are melting.

People marching.

A little bit of, uh, craziness in the movie world.

Businessman billionaire mogul turned President, embroiled in yet another controversy.

And that...is pretty much the world -- uh,our world -- right now.


Let me get this right -- the ice caps are melting, a movie where a girl goes all the way with a fish...wins Best Picture, and that damn fool idjit from “The Apprentice”, is President?




And you call where we come from “Apocalypse World”.

SAM (laughing)

Good point.

(Sam’s cellphone rings)

Sorry. Uh. Excuse me (Sam turns from the group to answer his phone)



Hey, Sam. Got something.


All right. I'm on my way.

(Outside by a boathouse alongside a lake. The ground is wet and muddy)


All right, gang's all here.

(Sam joins Dean, Castiel and Jack)


How many are inside?


I can hear three. Wait, maybe -- maybe four.

They're talking about whether Kylie Jenner would make a good mother.

The consensus is no.


Yeah, well, that's why I'm a Khloe man.

All right, we're talking werewolves,

(Dean takes an ammo clip out of his pocket and loads his gun. Then he gestures towards Jack)

which means...


Silver bullets.


That's right.

So, you know the play. Let's do it to it.

(They all walk towards the boat house. A man exits and struggles to light a match for his cigarette. He turns his back and continues to struggle with the match. When he turns back Castiel stabs him with an Angel Blade. The man’s eyes turn green and fangs descend from his gums.

Inside the boat house two men are drinking beer and laughing)


And that...that is why I'm a Khloe man.

(Sam, Dean and Jack bust through the door. The men’s fangs descend as the jump up out of their seats. Jack holds out his hand and holds them back as Sam and Dean shoot the men several times.

(Mary and Bobby are walking along a path in the woods. It is raining so they are carrying umbrellas.)


So, you really like the rain?


When it's this beautiful, I do.


So what are you gonna do now?


Honestly, I got no clue.

Everyone seems to be settling in okay in town.

Ketch is out doing Ketch things.

Rowena and Charlie are road tripping it through the Southwest.

MARY (grinning)

That's trouble.


Ginger trouble --the worst kind.

Anyways...without an archangel, it's not like we can go back home. And I'm not sure I'd want to.

I...I like it here.

(Bobby looks down as if embarrassed and notices something on the path)

Is that...



(They follow the blood further until they get to a large blood streaked rock. On the other side of the rock a young girl is laying on the ground, blood along one side of her head)




(Sam and Dean are walking down a hallway in the bunker)


Kid did great.


Yeah, no kidding.


I mean, he keeps this up, and...


And what?


I don't know.

(They stop walking and Dean turns to Sam)

Hey, you remember...remember when you asked if we could stop it? All the evil in the world?




If we could...really change things? Well, maybe with Jack, we can.


Maybe you're right. But then what will we do?


Mm. Yeah.

This. (Deans holds a beer has been carrying and Sam looks down at his) A whole lot of this.

But on a beach somewhere, you know?

Can you imagine?

You, me, Cass, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls.

SAM (scoffing)

You talking about retiring?



If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.

SAM (holding up his beer)

I'll drink to that.


Yeah. Hell, yeah.

(Sam continues down the hallway while Dean turns to another hallway and approaches his bedroom door. He stops as if to listen to something and then continues down the hall, away from his bedroom door. He enters Jack’s room, where Jack is sleeping and talking in his sleep)


Stop! No!


Jack? (Dean touches Jack shoulder to wake him)


Jack jumps up, anxious and disoriented. Dean holds out his hand towards Jack to calm him)

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy.

You're just having a bad dream.

JACK (breathing heavily)



It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I have 'em, too. All the time.


You do?



Jack You, um... What do you see?


Well, depends.

Mostly...mostly people I couldn't save.


Me, too.

Over there in the other world, I said I'd protect those people.

But...I saw so many of them die. And...I tried to save them.

I...I tried, but...

I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough.



(Dean sits on the edge of Jacks bed)

it's not about being strong.

I mean...Look, I don't know what you saw over there, and I don't know what you went through.

I know it was bad. But I also know that you came out the other side because you are strong.

But even when we're strong, man, things are gonna happen.

We're gonna make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Right?

But we can get better. Every day, we can get better.

So whatever you're dealing with, you know, whatever...whatever comes at us, we'll figure out a way to deal with it, together.

You're family, kid, and we look after our own.

(Sam runs towards Jack’s door holding his cell phone.)

SAM Dean?

(Dean looks up, sees Sam’s face and gets very concerned)

DEAN What's wrong?

(Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, Bobby and Mary are standing around the young girl laying on the ground. Sam is behind Jack)

JACK I-I... I said I'd protect her, and, ...

SAM Stop, Jack. This isn't your fault.

DEAN What happened to her?

MARY I don't know. Doesn't look supernatural.

BOBBY Looks like some son of a bitch beat on her until...

CASTIEL Who would do something like this?

(In the bunker, Dean is walking around a young girl sitting at the table)

DEAN Word is, you're friends with Maggie.

GIRL Uh, yeah, since we came over.

Me and her, we didn't have anybody else, so we kinda stuck together.

(Sam, Castiel and Jack are also around the table)

So I'm sure you know she went out last night. Well, she didn't come home.

GIRL Um...is Maggie in trouble?

CASTIEL She's dead.

GIRL She...No, that's not...We were supposed to be safe here.

SAM We need to know where Maggie went, who she was talking to.

GIRL I don't...There was a boy.

JACK What boy?

GIRL Nate. He works at that store out on Route 281. Maggie, she had a crush. That's why she snuck out last night. She was going to meet him.

DEAN All right, well, let's go talk to this boy, Jack.

(Dean turns around and Jack is gone. Sam and Castiel turn around in their seats looking for him)

DEAN Jack?

(Inside a convenience store, a boy is sticking shelves while listening to music with earbuds in. He walks into another aisle and Jack is there, eyes glowing. Jack reaches out his hand and a shock wave throws the boy into a glass door. The boy removes his earbuds as Jack walks towards him and grabs him around the throat, lifting him into the air)

JACK Why'd you do it?! Tell me!

NATE I-I didn't.

JACK Liar!


(Castiel grabs Jacks shoulder to pull him away. Jacks hand touches Castiel and he is thrown across the aisle)

DEAN Jack?

SAM Let him go.

DEAN (reaching into his waistband and pulling out his gun) All right.

SAM Jack!

(Dean shoots Jack three times in the back. Jack drops Nate and turns towards Dean and Sam)

JACK You...you shot me.

DEAN To get your attention. You're acting like a psycho!


JACK He killed Maggie.

NATE Maggie? Maggie's dead?

SAM Jack, listen to me. He didn't kill Maggie.

Look at him.

JACK I'm sorry.

(Jack walks towards the exit and Castiel goes to follow him)


(Dean grabs Castiel’s arm)

DEAN No, hey, just -- just let him go.

(Jack is walking through the woods, banging a closed fist into his hand and punching his shoulder)

JACK You keep hurting people!

You keep...

(Jack flashes back to all the people he has hurt with his powers-Nate, Sam, Dean, the female police officer)


(flash to the male sheriff)

JACK (yelling) Why do you keep hurting people?!

(In the convenience store)

NATE You shot him.

DEAN Uh...rubber bullets.

SAM Yeah, a training exercise.

CASTIEL We're FBI. I'm Agent Rowland. This is Agent Knowles and Agent Williams.

(The lights begin blinking as store starts shaking and rumbling)

DEAN (to Nate) You need to go. Now.

(A loud piercing noise accompanies the shaking and Sam, Dean and Castiel cover their ears)

(In the woods Jack is still distressed as he continues to walk. He hears a fluttering sound and looks around to find Lucifer standing on the path)

LUCIFER Hi, son.


(In the convenience store, the piercing sound and shaking continues. Someone with black shoes, black pants and a long brown coat is shown, from the knees down, walking into the store. Sam, Dean and Castiel look up at the person with fear on their faces)


(As they run out of the store towards the Impala, there is a explosion and the glass from the store windows rains down on them)



(Dean opens the trunk while Sam and Castiel sit on the ground against the side of the Impala)


It's not possible.

SAM Yeah, tell him that.

(Sam stand up and faces the door of the store. It opens and Michael walks out. Dean finds an urn in the Impalas trunk)

MICHAEL Hey, fellas. Miss me?

(Castiel snarls and goes to move towards Michael. Sam grabs his arm to stop him)

SAM No, no, no, Cass. Don't!

MICHAEL (smugly) No, Cass. Do. Please.

(Dean finds a rag, stuffs it into the top of the urn and lights it on fire. He throws it at Michaels feet and Michael is surrounded by holy fire.)


Go, go, go, go!

(They all get into the Impala. Michael watches them as they speed away)

(Back on the path in the woods)

JACK Is this...Are you real?

LUCIFER (holding out his arms as if to gesture to himself) Always.

JACK Sam said you're dead. He said Michael killed you.

LUCIFER Yeah, I don't like to speak ill of people, but Sam is a big fat liar and he's a bad person and... like, freakishly tall, so...

JACK I-I don't understand.

LUCIFER No, Michael didn't...Sam was the one who left me behind.

JACK What?


(Lucifer walks closer to Jack to face him)

I mean, I think he thought I'd be trapped over there in “Giant Litter Box World” forever, 'cause that worked so well the first time.

I don't blame him, though, okay? I mean...for everything that I've done to him, I think, uh, I had it coming, you know? But you know what? I'm moving on.

JACK But if the rift is closed, then how are you here?

LUCIFER Oh, no. Not “how.”


I'm here for you, Jack.

Because, you know, even though the Three Amigos -- Sam, Dean, and the other one -- won't admit it, you need me. You do, 'cause we're blood.

And we're not human, no matter how much we pretend to be.

See, humans are...limited and fragile. And I'll admit, they bring out the worst in me, I gotta say.

It seems like, you know, no matter how much you try to do right around them, something always goes wrong.


JACK (hesitantly)

I ...I know.

LUCIFER Right? And that's not their fault, or ours. It's just, us and humans, we're like oil and water. You know, sardines and strawberries. It's just a bad combination.

JACK What do we do?


(Lucifer turns from Jack and looks towards the sky) I mean...there's a whole universe out there, buddy.

Planets. Stars. Galaxies. Why should we stay here on Earth when we can go anywhere else?

Heck, everywhere else.

JACK (smiling) Like, um, like "Star Wars"?

LUCIFER (turns to Jack excitedly) Exactly like "Star Wars."

You want a lightsaber? I can make you a lightsaber. Heck, I can make you a Wookiee.

JACK But...no.

Sam, Dean, and Castiel, they'll miss me.

LUCIFER (placing his hand on Jacks shoulder) Yes, they will. They will. It'll be hard. But you have to live your life for you.


This is our second chance, kiddo. This is our opportunity to escape our past and our sins and start over. What do you say?

Father, son. You up for an adventure, buddy?

JACK I...I'd like that. But there's something you need to do first.

(Back in the bunker)

BOBBY Talked to the other refugees. No one's got any idea who'd wanna hurt Maggie.

MARY Maybe it wasn't one of them. Maybe...there are monsters in this world that aren't monsters.

(Jack and Lucifer enter the room)

MARY Jack! Hey --


BOBBY Kid, what the Sam Hell?

JACK It's all right, okay? He's here to help.

BOBBY (skeptically) He is?

LUCIFER (walking with Jack past Bobby) You know it, Longmire.

MARY (to Bobby as she follows Jack and Lucifer) Call Sam. Now.

(Lucifer and Jack walk into the main room in the bunker. Maggie is laying on the map table. She has been cleaned up and is covered with a sheet up to her neck. Mary follows them into the room)

LUCIFER Hmm. So you're leaving dead bodies on tables now.


MARY We were waiting, to give her a Hunter's funeral.

JACK You won't have to. My father, he's gonna bring Maggie back to life.


(In the other room in the bunker, Bobby is leaving a message for Sam)

BOBBY Yeah, boys, we got a problem.

(with Maggie)

MARY Jack, what are you doing?

JACK What I have to.

This...it's my second chance.

LUCIFER Yeah, uh, Jack, about this, uh, resurrection stuff -- It's not always a great idea because, uh... you know, people come back...different.

JACK Well, Sam didn't.

LUCIFER Right. Well, Sam's always been...sort of different. You know what I mean? Some would say "special." (to Mary) No offense.

JACK You said you'd do anything.

LUCIFER (grudgingly) Fine.


(He places hand on Maggie’s forehead)

MARY (whispering to Jack) Has he done something to you?

LUCIFER (annoyed) I heard that. Heard it.

JACK Mary, everything's gonna be fine.


(Lucifer’s eye glow red. He pulls his away quickly and Maggie sits up, gasping. (Sam, Dean and Castiel come rushing through the door on the upper level)

SAM Jack?


MARY (looking up at them) He's not... He's gone.


(Sam, Dean, Castiel, Mary and Bobby are around the map table in the bunker)

SAM (agitatedly) How did Michael and Lucifer both get here? How did they open a rift?

DEAN You know what? It doesn't -- We -- we've gotta find Jack before Michael does whatever the hell he's gonna do, okay?

I-I'll call Jody and everybody else.

BOBBY You're gonna put out an APB on the Devil?

DEAN Yeah, I am.

(Dean walks away)

CASTIEL I'll check angel radio.

(Castiel walks away)

MARY Sam, even if we find Lucifer, how we gonna stop him?

(In the library in the bunker)

SAM Maggie? Hey, sorry.

You okay?

MAGGIE I'm alive, so... yes?


SAM Listen, I-I know this is weird -- so...weird -- but, um, before you...died, do you remember anything about the person that killed you?

MAGGIE Does it matter? Kinda seems like you have bigger, you know, Satan-y problems.

SAM Yeah, but -- but we're -- we're dealing with those. Mostly. Um...

But yes, it does matter. It matters to me.

MAGGIE I... I never saw his face, but, uh... I saw his eyes.

(Lucifer and Jack are in a clearing up the woods, looking at the night sky)

LUCIFER Magnificent, isn't it?

JACK It really is.

(In the bunker, Dean comes back into the war room)

DEAN All right, Jody's lookin'. So far, Nada.

CASTIEL Yeah, angel radio is nothing but static, which is disturbing.

DEAN Great. Well, we'll just add that to the list.

MARY So what do we do now?

(There’s a loud banging sound and the lights start to flicker)

MAGGIE (to SAM) What's happening?

(Sam and Maggie go to the war room)

SAM What the hell?

(Sam looks at the door on the second level)

Oh, no.

BOBBY What the hell is that?

SAM Mom, Bobby, take Maggie, get her out of here. Go through the garage.

(The banging gets louder, and the door starts to shake)

DEAN We'll buy you some time.



SAM Please!

BOBBY (to Mary) Go.

(The banging continues and Sam, Dean and Castiel look to each other. I bright light shines as the door starts to break open. The door falls into the bunker and Michael walks in. Sam and Dean draw their guns and start shooting as Michael ascends to the lower level. Castiel draws the angel blade and attacks Michael. Michael strikes him across the face and Castiel is thrown across the table, landing on the floor)


MICHAEL) (You really thought you could run from me?

(Sam runs forward, and Michael strikes him, sending him into a nearby wall)

SAM Aah! Uhh!

(Dean rifles through the weapons bag, pulls out an angel blade and attacks Michael. They fight, and Dean ends up with Michaels hand around his neck)

DEAN Yeah, how did you –

MICHAEL Get here?‬ Easy. I made a deal.

(Flash to Lucifer and Michael in Apocalypse World)

LUCIFER I saw how they do the spell. I know what it takes.

It's some blood, some fruit, a glowy rock, and then...

Bam. We step through, both of us.

MICHAEL (to Dean, in the bunker) And now, this world is mine.

I can save it, purge it of sin.

DEAN Oh, yeah, 'cause that really worked on your rock.

‭MICHAEL‬ I'm not perfect.‬ Yes, I made mistakes.‬ ‬

But second time's the charm.

And you... ‭‬‬‬ (As Sam struggles to get up, Michael pulls Dean to his feet, tightening his grip on his neck)

DEAN Aah!‬

MICHAEL Dean Winchester, will be the first life that I take in this world, first soul I save.

Some would consider that an honor.

DEAN Well, as Shakespeare once said, eat me, dickbag.

(Michael smiles and tightens his grip even more, Dean is struggling to breath. Behind them Sam is on his hand and knees)

SAM (whispering) Jack, Jack.

Jack, I don't know where you are, and I don't even know if you can hear this prayer, but we need you. We need you.

(scene change to Jack and Lucifer looking at the night sky)

LUCIFER Look at all those worlds, Jack. We're gonna take the grand tour, buddy.

We're gonna explore every nook and cranny of creation.

We might even learn something, maybe come up with some improvements.

JACK Improvements?

LUCIFER Yeah, yeah. We'll -- we'll talk about that later.

(Jack hesitates as Sam’s prayer comes through)

SAM Jack, Jack, I don't know where you are, and I don't even know if you can hear this prayer.

We need you.

LUCIFER What's up, buddy? You all right?

(Back in the bunker Michael is lifting Dean of his feet)

MICHAEL Could've done this quick, but I wanted to enjoy it, that moment when the soul leaves the body... ‭‬it's beautiful.‬ ‬‬

DEAN (struggling to breath) Ahh!

(As Dean is ready to pass out him and Michael are hit with shock wave and they fall to the floor. As they fall, Jack appears behind them. Behind Jack, Sam uses the wall behind him to push himself to standing)

SAM Jack

JACK I heard your prayer.

LUCIFER Yeah, it's me. Yay!

(to Jack) Uh, we done, buddy?


(Michael starts to stand up. As he does, Jack’s eyes glow and he raises his hand)

JACK You hurt my friends.

(Michael starts to yell in pain. Black liquid runs out of his eyes and ears)

JACK You hurt my family!

(Jack squeezes his fist and Michael goes to his knees, screaming in pain)


MICHAEL (yelling) Lucifer, we -- we had a deal!

LUCIFER Okay, game over.

(To Jack) Hey, buddy, let's, uh, let's, uh... split, okay?

JACK What does he mean?

LUCIFER (stammering) I-I-I don't know. I didn't -- I didn't hear.

DEAN They had a deal. Lucifer gets you, and Michael gets everything else.

He's gonna nuke our world, Jack, just like he did his.

JACK Is that true?

LUCIFER ‭No! It's not.‬ ‬‬‬

JACK Is that why you wanted us to leave?

SAM Leave?

JACK He said -- he said we'd go to the stars.

CASTIEL What, and you're just gonna leave the rest of us here to burn?

LUCIFER Okay. Hold on a second. Let's slow down, 'cause I...I'm not currently the bad guy here.

SAM Yeah, tell that to Maggie.

JACK What about Maggie?

SAM Maggie saw the eyes of the person who killed her -- the glowing, red eyes.

LUCIFER You're gonna -- you're gonna believe this guy?

Come on, man! Sam's a hater!

JACK Tell me.

LUCIFER He would say anything to get you on his side.

JACK (moving towards Lucifer, eyes glowing and hand outstretched) Tell me the truth!

(Lucifer’s eyes start to glow, his head tilts to the side and he starts speaking) LUCIFER She saw me when I was scouting out the bunker. She saw me and she screamed, and then...so I crushed her skull with my bare hands.

And it was warm and wet, and I liked it.

(Lucifer’s eyes return to normal and he looks confused)

JACK You're not my father. You're a monster.

LUCIFER (yelling) Come on, man!

(Lucifer bellows so forcibly that Sam and Dean cover their ears, his eyes glowing red)


I tried with you. I really tried with you.

JACK Everything you told me was a lie.

LUCIFER Because I told you what you wanted to hear, man.

So what?! I killed the girl! Big deal!

She's a -- she's a human! She doesn't matter!

JACK So am I!


And that's your problem. (pointing at Jack)

You're too much like your mother.


JACK Stay back. I'll handle him.

LUCIFER Will you?

Oh, buddy. We could've been something, you and me.

We could've remade the universe. It would've been great. We could've been better gods than Dad.

And I really wanted that, pal. I wanted that. But now if I can't have it with you, I...I don't need ya.

I just need your power.

‭(Lucifer produces an Angel blade from his sleeve and cuts Jack on his neck)

DEAN Jack!

CASTIEL No!‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

(Lucifer grabs Jacks jacket in his fist and sucks Jacks grace into his mouth. His eyes glow yellow as he touches Jack’s neck, healing him. Jack looks as if he’s going to collapse)

SAM Jack.


(Sam and Castiel rush forward to grab Jack. As Sam touches Jack there is an explosion of light. Castiel is thrown down to the ground by the force of the explosion while Sam is absorbed into it. )

DEAN Sammy!

(Sam, Lucifer and Jack disappear)

DEAN Sammy!


DEAN What just happened?

CASTIEL I don't know.

MICHAEL The Devil won. That's what happened.

(Sam lands on the floor in a church. He struggles to his knees. Lucifer is standing in front of him, holding Jack up by his coat collar)

LUCIFER Really, Sam? Hitching a ride?

I mean, do you ever quit?

SAM Go to hell.

LUCIFER ‭Hell, yeah.‬ Been there. Done that.‬ ‬‬

‭(Lucifer drops Jack and turns to kick Sam, knocking him to the ground)

(Back in the bunker)

CASTIEL (to Michael) How do we stop him?

MICHAEL You don't. After consuming the Nephilim’s grace, Lucifer's juiced up. He's super-charged.

He'll kill the boy, your brother. Hell, he could end the whole universe if he put his mind to it.

And you thought I was bad.

DEAN No. No, you beat him. I saw you.

MICHAEL When he was weaker, and I was stronger. Believe me, I'd love to rip my brother apart.

But now in this banged up meatsuit... not happening.

This is the end, of everything.

DEAN No. What if...what if you had your sword?

(In the church Lucifer is holding Sam off the ground by his neck)

LUCIFER You know... it's been real fun. I really had a great time with you, but I think we should see other people.

What do you say?

(Lucifer drops Sam, his eyes glow orange as he places a hand on Sam’s chest. ‭‬‬‬‬Sam grimaces and grunts in pain. Behind him, Jack is getting to his feet, his face bloody)

SAM Aah! ‭‬‬‬‬ JACK Stop!

(Lucifer turns, dropping Sam)

LUCIFER Now why should I listen to you?

JACK Because...I'm your son. ‭ LUCIFER Oh, yeah.‬ ‬‬‬

Well, you had a chance with that, but...

‭(Lucifer punches Jack in the face, twice. Jack falls to his knees)

Now?‬ ‬‬‬

(Lucifer punches Jack a third time and he falls to the ground completely. Sam is standing up behind him)

As for kids...Ah, I can make more of those.

(Sam grabs Lucifer by the shoulder, turning him around. Lucifer punches him in the face and he falls to the floor)

LUCIFER Wow, Daddy Sammy coming to the rescue.

But your little Jackie, the nougat-loving boy that you had before, he's killed people.

He's got lots of blood on his hands.

SAM(standing) I don't care. He's family.


What's family done for anybody? My dad left me. My brothers tried to kill me. A lot.

Family blows. And I'm gonna prove it to you.

SAM What, by killing me? Go ahead.

LUCIFER No, I'm not gonna kill you.

He is. (pointing to Jack)

(As Jack and Sam look at each other, Lucifer pulls an angle blade from his sleeve and drops it to the floor between them)

(In the bunker)

CASTIEL Dean, no.

DEAN I am your sword.

(Flashback to Zachariah talking to Dean)

ZACHARIAH It's you. You're the Michael sword.‬

(In the bunker)

DEAN Your perfect vessel.

(Flashback to Gabriel talking to Sam and Dean)

GABRIEL Why do you think you two are the vessels?

Michael and Lucifer.

You were born to this, boys.

(In the bunker)

DEAN With me, you'd be stronger than you've ever been.

MICHAEL Oh, I know what you are.

DEAN If we work together, can we beat Lucifer?

CASTIEL Dean ‭‬‬‬ DEAN Can we?!‬

MICHAEL We'd have a chance.

CASTIEL Dean, you can't.

DEAN (to Castiel) Lucifer has Sam. He has Jack. Cass, I don't have a choice!

DEAN (To Michael) If we do this, it's a onetime deal.

I'm in charge. You're the engine, but I'm behind the wheel.


(In the church)

LUCIFER Now I could -- I probably should -- execute you. I mean, really, really use my imagination.

But I'm feeling generous today. So one of you is gonna walk out that door, and the other one will be laying dead on the ground.

You choose.


LUCIFER Or you could do that, and I can murder you both and end all life in the universe.

Remake it in my image, better than Dad ever could.

I'm thinkin'... mm... fire-breathing dragons, sassy talking robots.

I might give humans another chance if they know their place and worship me, 'cause I've earned it.

But hey, it'll probably take a few days to unravel the universe,

Maybe, uh, 7, 10 days tops. So maybe, just maybe, one of you could stop me.


Well, let's see. Clock's ticking, guys.

(Sam picks up the blade. Jack looks at him questioningly. Sam hesitates for several seconds and turns the handle of the blade towards Jack)

SAM Kill me.

JACK What? ‭ SAM Kill me.‬‬‬‬

You can stop him, Jack.

(Sam places the blade in Jack’s hands)

You can get your power back.

JACK No, I-I c-can't. I can't beat him.

But you can. ‭‬‬‬ SAM What?‬

JACK I know you can.

SAM No, no, no, no, no. Jack.

Don't! Jack!

(Jack turns the blade to point at his stomach)

SAM Jack!

JACK I love you. I love all of you.

SAM Jack, don't! Don't!

(Jack pushes the tip of the blade into his stomach and blood stains his shirt. A bright lights glows from behind him and he turns to see Dean, bathed in light, angel wings unfurling behind him. The light goes out and they all turn to face Dean)

SAM Dean?

DEAN Hiya, Sammy.

LUCIFER You let my brother in.

DEAN Well, turns out, he and I have something in common. We both wanna gut your ass.

(Lucifer runs towards Dean. As he gets near Dean kicks him in the chest, sending him flying across the church) LUCIFER Aah!

(Dean goes after Lucifer with an angel blade and the fight, Lucifer eventually knocking the angel blade out of Dean’s hands. They separate, and then run towards each other, rising into the air as the grab each other’s shoulders. They continue to fight several feet above the ground. Lucifer gains the upper hand and proceeds to punch Dean in the face several times, to the point that Dean can no longer fight back.)

LUCIFER Well... ‭‬‬‬ (Lucifer continues to punch Dean)

DEAN Uhh!‬

LUCIFER Good try, Dean. I'll give you that, buddy.‬

I'm not just powerful now. I am power.

(On the ground, Sam picks up the angel blade)

LUCIFER (to Dean) And I don't need a blade to end you, pal.

SAM Dean!

(Sam throws the angel blade into the air and Dean catches it)

LUCIFER Bye-bye, Dean.

(Lucifer eyes glow as he places his hand on Deans head. As white light emanates from Dean’s eyes and mouth, he stabs Lucifer with the angel blade. Lucifer lets go of Dean and he falls to the ground. Lucifer screams as fire burns from his eyes. There’s a flash of light and Lucifer falls to the ground.


(Lucifer lies on the church floor. His outstretched wings charred and burning. Sam, Dean and Jack approach him))

JACK Is he...

SAM He... he's dead.

DEAN Holy crap.

SAM You did it.

DEAN No. No, we did it.

We did it.

(Sam, Dean and Jack are smiling as they realize what they’ve done when Dean doubles over, grunting in pain)

SAM Dean?


DEAN (yelling) We had a deal!

(Dean stops grunting and stands up, incredibly calm)

SAM (whispering) Michael.

MICHAEL/DEAN Thanks for the suit.

(There is a fluttering sound and Sam and Jack are alone in the church. In the bunker, Castiel is sitting on the stairs. Mary and Bobby run up to him. As the look down, Castiel slowly shakes his head.

Michael/Dean is walking down a city street wearing a suit and a pea cap. He looks straight ahead, grinning, as his eyes glow blue)