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The scene opens with two highschoolers whining about moms setting rules. Goldie is left behind when her friend goes home after a text. As she turns back, there stands Amara. “I wanna be like you.”
Amara takes Goldie’s soul and returns to Crowley’s hide out, now aged forward another few years. Crowley awaits in her room and confronts her for letting herself be seen and running over his court. He ‘grounds’ Amara, and asserts that he is stronger. She concedes, ‘for now’ as he leaves her in her room
Cut to Sam and Dean leaving a house in Fall River, Massachusetts.  They discuss the ‘solid lead’ they’d thought they were chasing, which turned out to be a cat napping in the dryer.
They bemoaned being unable to chase down any current leads or victims of Amara. Dean asserts finding her victims to be the best lead they have, but Sam counters “not actually true.’
After discussion, Dean agrees that they have an Angel on their side and agrees to call Cas.
Questioning Case reveals he has no new leads from Angel radio or any new info on Metatron, and that Cas is happily holed up in the bunker, bingeing on daytime TV talkshows about paternity tests.
Dean chastises him for switching from quality TV like The Wire or Game of Thrones and encourages Cas to turn off the TV altogether and get outside for a bit
Meanwhile, Sam is fielding a call from a local detective letting the boys know that Lenny (from Thin Lizzie) is dead
Cut back to Cas. He puts on his jacket and approaches the bunker door, but has a flashback to his trying to kill Dean before Rowena removed the spell, his torture by the angels responsible for Anna’s death, his attempt to kill Crowely, and even his fight with Dean at the bunker as Dean succumbed to the Mark of Cain. Cas cannot bring himself to leave the safety of the bunker.
Cut to Crowley and a minion walking the hallway of his hideout, discussing demon personnel shortages and lack of guards for Amara. Crowley expresses his disapproval and assigns the lackey to guarding Amara’s room’s door.
Cut back to the boys at the entrance to the police station morgue where Lenny’s corpse was being brought in. They smell sulfer in the hallway and as they discuss the ramifications of a demon having killed Lenny they witness a commotion made by Goldie as uniform officers bring her into the station. They confront the detective and ask to speak with her after learning she tried to kill her mother.
Cut to Cas watching reality TV. The news begins to play a clip of a murder shot by a witness on scene, and Cas catches a reflection in the side mirror of a vehicle on scene. Cas is overwhelmed as he realizes Metatron is the cameraman.
Cut to the teen, Goldie, in her cell at the station. An obnoxious ginger man approaches her cell and she mouths off about wanting her phone call. He snarks at her that he is not here for that, instead he is being made to clean up messes left behind by the boss’ daughter. He enters her cell, but a few steps in is suddenly unable to advance. Looking up, he’s been caught in a devil’s trap. Sam and Dean enter the scene, and Dean makes the connection of Crowley and Amara together.
The boys take the ginger demon back to the local hotel and bind him to a chair. They begin to question him on the relationship between Crowley and Amara. The Demon complains about Amara eating up all the demons and Crowley putting her on restriction. After the demon mouths off and complains, refusing to give answers, Dean wants to kill him, but Sam argues to exorcise him and save the meat suit. However, a closer look reveals a mortal wound to the body, and agreeing that the vessel would not have survived and is dead without its demon host, Dean ganks the demon with Ruby’s knife.
Cut to Sam working on his laptop as Dean enters the hotel room after having ditched the vessel body. Sam is researching the location history of the smartphone taken from the ginger, and finds that he had been tailing Amara, having  been at the Lizzie Borden house, the bar where another was taken, and at the park where Goldie said Amara had approached her.
Sam comments, wondering why Crowley was keeping Amara on Earth, rather than in hell. Dean offhandedly comments that Crowley hates Hell, and Sam snarks back ‘oh right,  keep forgetting about you Crowley’s summer of love.’ Cue Dean eyeroll
The map Sam is using has a POI (point of interest) right near the area Amara has been working, the Amedum Asylum, now abandoned, since 1963.
Cut to a shot of the front of the asylum, followed by a shot of Crowley entering Amara’s room. Amara is sulking, surfing the internet and ingoring Crowley as he tries to talk with her. Crowley explains why she cannot feed wherever/whenever she wants, and has a ‘snack’ brought in in the form of a chained prisoner. Rather than accepting, Amara insists she is not hungry and refuses the gift.
Crowley goes to leave, but instead closes the bedroom door and turns to Amara. He confesses his lack of experience and understanding in dealing with a teen and how to reach her. He explains he is terrified, and she responds with “I’ll bet.” She is aware he wants her only for the power she will wield, and that she soon wont need him anymore.
Cut to Sam and Dean in the hotel. Sam wants to make sure, they are ‘gonna do this.’ Now. Going in to try to kill Amara, even though they are unaware of her power or weaknesses, or of she CAN be killed. Dean agrees but worries that if they don’t try to take her on now, it might be too late later. She is too big a threat.
Cut back to Crowley in Amara’s room. He acknowledges her power, but asserts he has wisdom and experience, and was part of putting Lucifer back in his cage. He proposes that while she might not need his tutelage, he can offer her his help if she will give him time, and slow down on her growth. He agrees to give her protection until she decides she doesn’t need him anymore. Amara agrees
Cut to Metatron filming a victim lying in an alley, giddy with how much this footage will get him. He taunts the man as he chokes his last breaths, and takes his wallet. He comments how he at one time could have healed the man, helped him, but he is not that guy anymore, and can’t save him. “I can” Cas states and enters the scene.
Cas confronts Metatron about his methods and kneels down to heal the man. Metatron films the healing, gloating about the great footage. Cas takes the camera and throws it down the alley, much to Metatron’s indignation:  “Do you know how much stuff I had to steal, the pawn, to pay for that?!”
A Police car enters the alley and Cas and Metatron exit, leaving the healed victim.
Cut to the boys approaching the asylum. Despite wards there are no guards anywhere on the path leading to the entrance or at the external door. Sam cautions that while outside security may be lax, there is now way to know how many are in there, or what they’ll find. Dean, in typical fashion, picks the lock with a smirking “well, let’s find out.”
Cut to Crowley’s ‘court’ where a minion lackey gives a report on decreasing soul collection. Crowley, rather than reading the report, is reading a parenting book on how to interact with your sulky teen.
Cut to Metatron being tossed into a warehouse by Cas. Cas berates Metatron for being a pick pocket and letting people die, expressing his disappointment. Metatron counters with insults regarding Cas’ time as a human, choosing a way of ‘slinging slurpies’ and gives his whining speech about how he pulled himself up trying to better himself.
Cas responds with contempt for Metatron and his preying on human tragedy. Metatron sneers back to Cas to know what century he is in now, he is not shamed by making his way dealing in ‘fleeting visual sensation’, ‘gif length glimpses of horror, waste and degradation.’ How he has now caught up with the times. ‘Reality is the great literature’ of this era, and he himself is ‘reality’s author’
Cas cuts him off, that this was not what he came for. Metatron begins to taunt and bluster that Cas will never find the demon tablet. He’s hidden it so well… But Cas pulls the tablet from his jacket and lets Metatron know he has found it already. He begins to question Metatron about what he knows about the Darkness. Metatron tries to act as though he doesn’t understand, but when pushed instead begins to snark, sure of himself that Cas is traumatized and afraid, and can’t hit him because of that fear.
Cas lets loose and finally punches Metatron, letting him know, ‘it’s not fear.’
Cut to Crowley’s asylum. The lackey guarding Amara’s door hears Crowley calling from around the corner. He approaches to find the Dean waiting in the hallway instead, playing a recording of Crowley from Dean’s cellphone. As he rushes Dean, Sam tackles him from the side, cuffing him.
Other demons are heard coming down the hall, and Sam tells Dean to take her out, he will handle the goons. Dean heads toward Amara’s room while Sam turns toward the coming demons. 
Dean enters Amara’s room where she is calmly waiting for him. Something passes between them and Dean apologizes as he brandishes Ruby’s knife. A moment passes and Crowley is heard behind Dean, tossing Dean at the wall as he turns to face Crowley. Crowley pins Dean to a pillar in the room, and Dean confronts Crowley for wanting to use her, control her. Crowley picks up Ruby’s knife that Dean dropped and monologues about why he wasn’t able, before, to kill Dean because of their shared experiences, their bromance. But he concludes that he feels he is ready to kill Dean today, feels different ‘Fatherhood chances a man.’
Suddenly, Amara – from behind him – hits Crowley over the head with what looks like a log from her fireplace. He spins to confront her and she freezes him. She pressures him with her power, first causing him to drop the knife, then snapping his arm and throwing him across the room, pinning him to the wall. She hold Crowley pinned with one hand, keeping Dean pinned to the pillar with the other.
Cut to Cas and a beaten Metatron at the warehouse. Metatron again gives a speech about how everyone used Cas and Cas kicks him.
A quick flash shows Sam in the hallway being confronted by two demons. He takes the angel blade he was holding up and sheaths it, instead rushing them for a tackle.
Back to Cas and Metatron as Cas questions Metatron again, as Metatron taunts him that he wasn’t fixed even though he got his grace back. Cas growls only “the Darkness’ as he grips Metatron by the throat.
Cut back to Amara, Dean and Crowley. Crowley tries to ask Amara why. She accuses him of not being able to protect her. She tells him she doesn’t need him, they’re done.
Cut to Sam’s fight in the hallway. He tries to fight without the blade, trying to subdue the demons and cuff them, rather than killing the vessels.
Cut back to Cas and Metatron, taunting Cas for his anger.
Cut back to Sam and the demons fighting. One of the demons is too much for him and Sam has to kill him.
Cut back to Cas and Metatron, Cas punching him over and over. Metatron begs for Cas to end it
Cut back to Sam, overpowering the other demon and stopping himself from stabbing, instead cuffing him without killing him
Cut to Cas refuses to kill Metatron, shaking off the blood from his hand
Sam looks back over the two downed demons, and the one dead one, ‘two out of three’ He heads around the hallway to find Dean
Crowley is still pinned by Amara as Sam pounds on the door. Dean is loose and begins to go to Sam, but Amara pins him back to the pillar.
Sam tries to get in the door, but is overpowered by a vision, fingers grasping through cracks in a wall.
Amara threatens to kill Crowley unless he grants Dean safe passage. He agrees and she tells him to get out of her room.
Cut back to pathetic, beaten Metatron, begging Cas to help him.
Dean can  move as Amara focuses all her power on Crowley, but stands for a time watching her scene with Crowley play out.
Cut back to Cas and Metatron who is begging Cas to help him. Cas turns Metatron’s words back on him about being happy, making his way
Cut to Dean, picking up Ruby’s knife behind Amara, she turns to him “you can’t.”
Cut to Metatron, “I was faking” Begging, crying over being human: rent, cell phones…. Cas says he is sick of having his strings pulled and wont be manipulated. He orders Metatron to tell him about the Darkness.
Cut to Dean and Amara, she asks Dean, what is happening between them. Dean seems mesmerized by her. She tells him he was the first thing she saw of God’s creation after being freed after so so long. Dean represents creation to her
Cut to Metatron. He tells Cas the truth is that people want God to be magic, but instead he had to work, sacrifice, to make the world. He sacrificed his only kin – The Darkness. His sister.
Cut to Amara and Dean. She tells Dean it is time for her to go, she is ready to explore the world. He still stands in at trance. She says soon she will be strong enough to do what she  wants to settle a score. The oldest score she tells him. Dean seems to try to raise his blade, but is unable. ‘told ya.”
Sam bursts into the room, and Dean’s priorities reset as she turns toward Sam and throws him back into the hallway. As Dean starts to rush her, She throws him against the wall and he falls to the floor. He watches as she walks away.
Sam, Dean and Cas are together in the bunker, discussing Metatron’s revelation and Amara’s plans. Dean gives Cas a hard time about letting Metatron go, Cas assures them Metatron is human and not a threat.
Cas asks Dean why he was unable to get a hit on Amara and she got away, and he insists she overpowered him.
Sam goes to check the lore, and is overpowered again by a vision…. Of hands reaching through cracks and the cage suspended in nothing….
Amara walks through a crowd of shoppers looking at the city…..
Crowley holds Court in apathy….
Dean drinks at the bunker….
Amara walks…..

Revision as of 21:14, 22 November 2015

Title Our Little World
Episode # Season 11, Episode 6
First aired November 11, 2015
Directed by John F. Showalter
Written by Robert Berens
On IMDB Our Little World
Outline Sam and Dean make the decision to kill Amara. Meanwhile, Castiel tracks down Metatron in hopes of gaining any new information on the Darkness.
Monster Amara
Location(s) Fall River, Massachusetts
Lebanon, Kansas
[[{{{prevep}}}|« Previous Episode]] | [[{{{nextep}}}|Next Episode »]]


The scene opens with two highschoolers whining about moms setting rules. Goldie is left behind when her friend goes home after a text. As she turns back, there stands Amara. “I wanna be like you.”

Amara takes Goldie’s soul and returns to Crowley’s hide out, now aged forward another few years. Crowley awaits in her room and confronts her for letting herself be seen and running over his court. He ‘grounds’ Amara, and asserts that he is stronger. She concedes, ‘for now’ as he leaves her in her room

Cut to Sam and Dean leaving a house in Fall River, Massachusetts. They discuss the ‘solid lead’ they’d thought they were chasing, which turned out to be a cat napping in the dryer.

They bemoaned being unable to chase down any current leads or victims of Amara. Dean asserts finding her victims to be the best lead they have, but Sam counters “not actually true.’

After discussion, Dean agrees that they have an Angel on their side and agrees to call Cas.

Questioning Case reveals he has no new leads from Angel radio or any new info on Metatron, and that Cas is happily holed up in the bunker, bingeing on daytime TV talkshows about paternity tests.

Dean chastises him for switching from quality TV like The Wire or Game of Thrones and encourages Cas to turn off the TV altogether and get outside for a bit Meanwhile, Sam is fielding a call from a local detective letting the boys know that Lenny (from Thin Lizzie) is dead

Cut back to Cas. He puts on his jacket and approaches the bunker door, but has a flashback to his trying to kill Dean before Rowena removed the spell, his torture by the angels responsible for Anna’s death, his attempt to kill Crowely, and even his fight with Dean at the bunker as Dean succumbed to the Mark of Cain. Cas cannot bring himself to leave the safety of the bunker.

Cut to Crowley and a minion walking the hallway of his hideout, discussing demon personnel shortages and lack of guards for Amara. Crowley expresses his disapproval and assigns the lackey to guarding Amara’s room’s door.

Cut back to the boys at the entrance to the police station morgue where Lenny’s corpse was being brought in. They smell sulfer in the hallway and as they discuss the ramifications of a demon having killed Lenny they witness a commotion made by Goldie as uniform officers bring her into the station. They confront the detective and ask to speak with her after learning she tried to kill her mother.

Cut to Cas watching reality TV. The news begins to play a clip of a murder shot by a witness on scene, and Cas catches a reflection in the side mirror of a vehicle on scene. Cas is overwhelmed as he realizes Metatron is the cameraman.

Cut to the teen, Goldie, in her cell at the station. An obnoxious ginger man approaches her cell and she mouths off about wanting her phone call. He snarks at her that he is not here for that, instead he is being made to clean up messes left behind by the boss’ daughter. He enters her cell, but a few steps in is suddenly unable to advance. Looking up, he’s been caught in a devil’s trap. Sam and Dean enter the scene, and Dean makes the connection of Crowley and Amara together.

The boys take the ginger demon back to the local hotel and bind him to a chair. They begin to question him on the relationship between Crowley and Amara. The Demon complains about Amara eating up all the demons and Crowley putting her on restriction. After the demon mouths off and complains, refusing to give answers, Dean wants to kill him, but Sam argues to exorcise him and save the meat suit. However, a closer look reveals a mortal wound to the body, and agreeing that the vessel would not have survived and is dead without its demon host, Dean ganks the demon with Ruby’s knife.

Cut to Sam working on his laptop as Dean enters the hotel room after having ditched the vessel body. Sam is researching the location history of the smartphone taken from the ginger, and finds that he had been tailing Amara, having been at the Lizzie Borden house, the bar where another was taken, and at the park where Goldie said Amara had approached her.

Sam comments, wondering why Crowley was keeping Amara on Earth, rather than in hell. Dean offhandedly comments that Crowley hates Hell, and Sam snarks back ‘oh right, keep forgetting about you Crowley’s summer of love.’ Cue Dean eyeroll

The map Sam is using has a POI (point of interest) right near the area Amara has been working, the Amedum Asylum, now abandoned, since 1963.

Cut to a shot of the front of the asylum, followed by a shot of Crowley entering Amara’s room. Amara is sulking, surfing the internet and ingoring Crowley as he tries to talk with her. Crowley explains why she cannot feed wherever/whenever she wants, and has a ‘snack’ brought in in the form of a chained prisoner. Rather than accepting, Amara insists she is not hungry and refuses the gift.

Crowley goes to leave, but instead closes the bedroom door and turns to Amara. He confesses his lack of experience and understanding in dealing with a teen and how to reach her. He explains he is terrified, and she responds with “I’ll bet.” She is aware he wants her only for the power she will wield, and that she soon wont need him anymore.

Cut to Sam and Dean in the hotel. Sam wants to make sure, they are ‘gonna do this.’ Now. Going in to try to kill Amara, even though they are unaware of her power or weaknesses, or of she CAN be killed. Dean agrees but worries that if they don’t try to take her on now, it might be too late later. She is too big a threat.

Cut back to Crowley in Amara’s room. He acknowledges her power, but asserts he has wisdom and experience, and was part of putting Lucifer back in his cage. He proposes that while she might not need his tutelage, he can offer her his help if she will give him time, and slow down on her growth. He agrees to give her protection until she decides she doesn’t need him anymore. Amara agrees

Cut to Metatron filming a victim lying in an alley, giddy with how much this footage will get him. He taunts the man as he chokes his last breaths, and takes his wallet. He comments how he at one time could have healed the man, helped him, but he is not that guy anymore, and can’t save him. “I can” Cas states and enters the scene. Cas confronts Metatron about his methods and kneels down to heal the man. Metatron films the healing, gloating about the great footage. Cas takes the camera and throws it down the alley, much to Metatron’s indignation: “Do you know how much stuff I had to steal, the pawn, to pay for that?!”

A Police car enters the alley and Cas and Metatron exit, leaving the healed victim.

Cut to the boys approaching the asylum. Despite wards there are no guards anywhere on the path leading to the entrance or at the external door. Sam cautions that while outside security may be lax, there is now way to know how many are in there, or what they’ll find. Dean, in typical fashion, picks the lock with a smirking “well, let’s find out.”

Cut to Crowley’s ‘court’ where a minion lackey gives a report on decreasing soul collection. Crowley, rather than reading the report, is reading a parenting book on how to interact with your sulky teen.

Cut to Metatron being tossed into a warehouse by Cas. Cas berates Metatron for being a pick pocket and letting people die, expressing his disappointment. Metatron counters with insults regarding Cas’ time as a human, choosing a way of ‘slinging slurpies’ and gives his whining speech about how he pulled himself up trying to better himself.

Cas responds with contempt for Metatron and his preying on human tragedy. Metatron sneers back to Cas to know what century he is in now, he is not shamed by making his way dealing in ‘fleeting visual sensation’, ‘gif length glimpses of horror, waste and degradation.’ How he has now caught up with the times. ‘Reality is the great literature’ of this era, and he himself is ‘reality’s author’

Cas cuts him off, that this was not what he came for. Metatron begins to taunt and bluster that Cas will never find the demon tablet. He’s hidden it so well… But Cas pulls the tablet from his jacket and lets Metatron know he has found it already. He begins to question Metatron about what he knows about the Darkness. Metatron tries to act as though he doesn’t understand, but when pushed instead begins to snark, sure of himself that Cas is traumatized and afraid, and can’t hit him because of that fear.

Cas lets loose and finally punches Metatron, letting him know, ‘it’s not fear.’

Cut to Crowley’s asylum. The lackey guarding Amara’s door hears Crowley calling from around the corner. He approaches to find the Dean waiting in the hallway instead, playing a recording of Crowley from Dean’s cellphone. As he rushes Dean, Sam tackles him from the side, cuffing him. Other demons are heard coming down the hall, and Sam tells Dean to take her out, he will handle the goons. Dean heads toward Amara’s room while Sam turns toward the coming demons.

Dean enters Amara’s room where she is calmly waiting for him. Something passes between them and Dean apologizes as he brandishes Ruby’s knife. A moment passes and Crowley is heard behind Dean, tossing Dean at the wall as he turns to face Crowley. Crowley pins Dean to a pillar in the room, and Dean confronts Crowley for wanting to use her, control her. Crowley picks up Ruby’s knife that Dean dropped and monologues about why he wasn’t able, before, to kill Dean because of their shared experiences, their bromance. But he concludes that he feels he is ready to kill Dean today, feels different ‘Fatherhood chances a man.’

Suddenly, Amara – from behind him – hits Crowley over the head with what looks like a log from her fireplace. He spins to confront her and she freezes him. She pressures him with her power, first causing him to drop the knife, then snapping his arm and throwing him across the room, pinning him to the wall. She hold Crowley pinned with one hand, keeping Dean pinned to the pillar with the other.

Cut to Cas and a beaten Metatron at the warehouse. Metatron again gives a speech about how everyone used Cas and Cas kicks him.

A quick flash shows Sam in the hallway being confronted by two demons. He takes the angel blade he was holding up and sheaths it, instead rushing them for a tackle.

Back to Cas and Metatron as Cas questions Metatron again, as Metatron taunts him that he wasn’t fixed even though he got his grace back. Cas growls only “the Darkness’ as he grips Metatron by the throat.

Cut back to Amara, Dean and Crowley. Crowley tries to ask Amara why. She accuses him of not being able to protect her. She tells him she doesn’t need him, they’re done.

Cut to Sam’s fight in the hallway. He tries to fight without the blade, trying to subdue the demons and cuff them, rather than killing the vessels.

Cut back to Cas and Metatron, taunting Cas for his anger.

Cut back to Sam and the demons fighting. One of the demons is too much for him and Sam has to kill him.

Cut back to Cas and Metatron, Cas punching him over and over. Metatron begs for Cas to end it

Cut back to Sam, overpowering the other demon and stopping himself from stabbing, instead cuffing him without killing him

Cut to Cas refuses to kill Metatron, shaking off the blood from his hand

Sam looks back over the two downed demons, and the one dead one, ‘two out of three’ He heads around the hallway to find Dean Crowley is still pinned by Amara as Sam pounds on the door. Dean is loose and begins to go to Sam, but Amara pins him back to the pillar.

Sam tries to get in the door, but is overpowered by a vision, fingers grasping through cracks in a wall.

Amara threatens to kill Crowley unless he grants Dean safe passage. He agrees and she tells him to get out of her room.

Cut back to pathetic, beaten Metatron, begging Cas to help him.

Dean can move as Amara focuses all her power on Crowley, but stands for a time watching her scene with Crowley play out.

Cut back to Cas and Metatron who is begging Cas to help him. Cas turns Metatron’s words back on him about being happy, making his way

Cut to Dean, picking up Ruby’s knife behind Amara, she turns to him “you can’t.”

Cut to Metatron, “I was faking” Begging, crying over being human: rent, cell phones…. Cas says he is sick of having his strings pulled and wont be manipulated. He orders Metatron to tell him about the Darkness.

Cut to Dean and Amara, she asks Dean, what is happening between them. Dean seems mesmerized by her. She tells him he was the first thing she saw of God’s creation after being freed after so so long. Dean represents creation to her

Cut to Metatron. He tells Cas the truth is that people want God to be magic, but instead he had to work, sacrifice, to make the world. He sacrificed his only kin – The Darkness. His sister.

Cut to Amara and Dean. She tells Dean it is time for her to go, she is ready to explore the world. He still stands in at trance. She says soon she will be strong enough to do what she wants to settle a score. The oldest score she tells him. Dean seems to try to raise his blade, but is unable. ‘told ya.”

Sam bursts into the room, and Dean’s priorities reset as she turns toward Sam and throws him back into the hallway. As Dean starts to rush her, She throws him against the wall and he falls to the floor. He watches as she walks away.

Sam, Dean and Cas are together in the bunker, discussing Metatron’s revelation and Amara’s plans. Dean gives Cas a hard time about letting Metatron go, Cas assures them Metatron is human and not a threat.

Cas asks Dean why he was unable to get a hit on Amara and she got away, and he insists she overpowered him.

Sam goes to check the lore, and is overpowered again by a vision…. Of hands reaching through cracks and the cage suspended in nothing….

Amara walks through a crowd of shoppers looking at the city…..

Crowley holds Court in apathy….

Dean drinks at the bunker….

Amara walks…..




  • "Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon" by Urge Overkill
(plays over the closing montage)


Sam: Where'd you ditch the body?

Dean: School playground.
Sam: Come on.

Dean: Hospital parking lot.
Sam: But what I don't get is, why would Crowley have Amara on Earth in the first place? Wouldn't it be smarter to keep her in Hell?
Dean: Yeah, but then he'd have to spend more time there and he hates that place.
Crowley: You have tremendous power and soon you'll have even more. But I have something you lack... wisdom, experience. I helped put Lucifer back in his Cage. I rose through the ranks of Hell, defeated all comers to claim the throne. And a few minor set backs aside, I'm still here. I don't know how to impart what I've learned to you, how to teach you. At the rate that you're growing I'll probably never get the chance to figure it out. Perhaps you don't need my tutelage, but I believe deep down in my gut I have something to offer you, if you just give me a chance.
Metatron: Do you have any idea how much stuff I had to steal and then pawn to pay for that?
Demon: Turn to the graph at the bottom of twenty seven and you'll see a nearly 40% decrease in soul collections in the Pacific Northwest in the past three years. An unexpected consequence of legalized marijuana? Some analysts think so, others are not quite so sure.
Crowley: Do you know how disturbing it was to realize that I couldn't bring myself to kill you? I've had tons of chances over the years, some you don't even know about, but... Still, I made peace with it. Embraced my softer side, learned to accept that there was just too much going on between you and I -- Bromance. But you know what? I think I am gonna kill you today. I feel different somehow, ready. What can I say? Fatherhood changes a man.
Amara: Tell me what is happening here, between us? You save me, I save you. Why? You were the first thing I saw when I was freed, and it had been so long. Maybe that's it. My first experience of His creation. You can't help but represent that for me, the sweet triumph and the even sweeter folly of what He's wrought. There's no fighting it. I'm fascinated.
Metatron: The truth would make the Bible thumpers' heads explode. I mean, they want their God to be a finger-snapping all-powerful creator. They want magic, Mary Poppins. But what he did... Creation. That took work, took sacrifice. In order to create the world, God had to give up the only thing He'd ever known. He had to betray and sacrifice His only kin. The Darkness -- His sister.
Amara: It's been great seeing you again, Dean, but it's time for me to go. There's a whole world out there for me to explore, and I can practically taste it. Soon, I'll be strong enough to do what I came here to do.

Dean: What's that?

Amara: Settle an old score. The oldest score.
Sam: Guys. Bigger fish to fry here. Amara's in the wind.

Dean: Yeah, God's frickin' sister.
Castiel: You said you were close. Dean, how'd she get away?
Dean: I'm sorry, what part of God's frickin' sister didn't you understand? She overpowered me, end of story. What's our plan here, fellas? You said you got everything you could out of Metatron, right? So where on Earth are we gonna find an answer on how to stop her? I don't suppose God's decided to share some wisdom on the matter?

Sam: I'll look into the lore.

Trivia & References

"Our Little World" is the title of a song by Stephen Sondheim from the musical Into the Woods (a favorite of writer Robert Berens). The song is sung from the perspective of Rapunzel and her mother the Witch, who has her daughter locked away from the world in a tower.
Castiel was watching reruns of The Jenny Jones Show.
Dean: Okay, I thought you were going for socially acceptable binge watching, you know The Wire, Game of Thrones.

Castiel: Yeah, well man cannot live on caviar alone, Dean.

Castiel's line is a take on the quote attributed to Jesus in Matthew 4:4:
"But Jesus answered, 'It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
Marco: Yeah, well demon souls do a body good.
Reference to the Milk, It Does the Body Good ad campaign.
Dean: Oh right, I keep forgetting about you and Crowley's 'Summer of Love.'
The Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that took place in 1967.
Amara: If nonsensical slogans attached to idiot pictures of domestic animals counts as the world.

Crowley: Excuse me?
Amara: Memes.

A meme is a concept/catchphrase that spreads from person to person on the Internet. One of these is known as Lolcat.
Metatron's job as a freelance videographer is reminiscent of the character Lou Bloom, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, in the film Nightcrawler.
Castiel: What do you know about the Darkness?

Metatron: The band?

The Darkness is a British rock band that formed in 2000.
Dean: Look, Cas, I'm as glad as anyone that Stella got her groove back, okay. But you let Metatron go?
How Stella Got Her Groove back was a 1998 romantic comedy starring Angela Basset about a high powered stockbroker who goes on holiday to Jamaica and reevaluates her life.


Wallpaper in the motel Sam and Dean stay in was last seen in 5.08 Changing Channels. On the wall are pictures by artist Daniel Danger.

Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
