10.20 Angel Heart

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Title Angel Heart
Episode # Season 10, Episode 20
First aired April 29, 2015
Directed by Steve Boyum
Written by Robbie Thompson
On IMDB Angel Heart
Outline After Claire is injured while trying to track her missing mother down, Castiel calls on Sam and Dean to help aid Claire in the search; leading to a confrontation with a Grigori -- a class of angel who were thought to have been wiped out.
Monster Grigori
Location(s) Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Amelia Novak walks through the door to her home and is overjoyed when she sees her husband Jimmy once again, having thought she’d lost him forever. Suddenly she starts bleeding from the forearms, and briefly wakes up to reality: she’s strapped to a cot while a man makes a cut in her arm. Soul light seeps out and he inhales it. He puts her back to sleep by touching her cheek and her vision begins again, the same as before.

Claire Novak is in Susie’s bar in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has tracked down Ronnie Cartwright to ask if he’s seen her mother, Amelia, who mentioned Ronnie in her diary. He denies knowing Amelia Novak, but Claire points out she never told him her last name. Outside the bar, Ronnie shoves Claire to get away from her, knocking her unconscious, calling an ambulance for her before he leaves.

The police call Castiel as his number is in Claire’s emergency contact list. Castiel is pacing outside the Tulsa Memorial Hospital when Sam and Dean arrive, having been called by Castiel for moral support. She’s not thrilled to see them, especially Dean, but reluctantly tells them she was looking for her mom. The last she heard from her was a postcard two years ago, from Curtis Motor Court motel. Castiel, Sam and Dean go outside her room and decide to track down Ronnie Cartwright, but when they go back in, Claire is gone. Sam heads to the motel while Castiel and Dean go check out Susie’s bar.

In the Impala, Dean tells Castiel not to get too attached to Claire, that he’s not her dad and she might be stronger on her own. Dean and Castiel find Ronnie in the bar and ask him about Claire. When Ronnie calls her a bitch, Dean slams his head against the table, prompting Ronnie to admit he took Amelia to a faith healer named Peter Holloway, who had healed Ronnie of his blindness. Amelia was one of several people who Ronnie saw Peter tie up and give incisions. After that, Ronnie quit helping Peter. As Dean and Castiel leave, Ronnie calls Peter to warn him, but Peter turns up beside him and blinds him by putting two fingers to his forehead, then stabs him with an angel sword.

Sam finds Claire at the Curtis Motor Court where she’s staying. She starts packing, but Sam makes her stay a little longer by offering to check the records of Amelia’s credit cards that Claire had received along with her journal. Castiel and Dean join Sam and Claire in the motel, and Castiel gives Claire a birthday present – a Grumpy Cat plushie from, as he calls it, ”the Hot Topical.” Sam, at his laptop, sees an alert from the local P.D. that Ronnie’s body was just found outside Susie’s bar. Dean, Castiel and Claire head back there, but not before Sam asks Castiel privately what happened between Dean and Ronnie, to which Castiel replies ”Dean snapped. He’s getting worse.”

Outside the bar, Dean introduces himself and Castiel as agents Clapton and Page, and explains Claire’s presence by ”it’s bring your daughter to work day.” Castiel thinks Ronnie’s stab wound looks made by an angel blade, but there are additional marks around it that he can’t explain. They head back to the motel, where Sam has found out about a property belonging to Peter Holloway in the same area where Amelia used her credit card. Claire wants to go with them to Peter’s place, but Castiel says it’s too dangerous and also that Dean can’t go, either, after what happened at the bar. Sam agrees with Castiel: ”We need to keep the Mark in check.”

In the Impala, Castiel asks Sam if he thinks Claire would be better off on her own, and Sam gives him the opposite advice to what Dean did earlier: ”Going it alone, that’s no way to live.” They reach Peter Holloway’s place and split up to search the buildings. Castiel finds Amelia in the barn and wakes her from her vision. He tries to heal her wounds, but can’t.

Getting restless at the motel, Dean decides to take Claire to play a round of mini-golf. During their game, Claire bitterly mentions her dad and Dean tells her that his sacrifice meant that Cas was able to help save the world, and that he was a hero. When Claire drops her club into the last hole, Dean suddenly understands how the marks were made on Ronnie’s body – it was the hilt of an angel sword, not a regular angel blade. From that, and some research he deduces that they’re dealing with a Grigori, a watcher angel.

Dean calls Sam, but before he can pick up, Holloway clubs him from behind. Sam wakes up tied to a chair, Holloway tells him that he’s a Grigori, and his real name is Tamiel, and he’s been feeding on human souls since the dawn of man, hiding from the other angels. When Dean can’t get hold of Castiel either, he decides to head out to find them. Claire expects him to leave her behind, but he hands her a revolver saying ”Happy birthday. Don’t shoot me. Let’s go.” They arrive at Holloway’s place and find Castiel and Amelia in the barn. Claire and Amelia hug, Amelia sobbing that she’s sorry. Dean and Castiel find Sam in the house, who was able to pry loose a nail from the chair and pick the handcuffs. He says Holloway/Tamiel is no longer in the house. Dean runs for the barn, the others following. Claire is trying to help Amelia out of the barn when Holloway confronts them. Claire shoots him four times in the chest to no avail. He strikes at Claire with his sword and Amelia jumps between them, getting stabbed in the chest. Holloway is just about to stab Claire when Castiel rushes in. A fight ensues between Holloway, Castiel, Sam and Dean. Just as Holloway is about to stab Castiel, Claire kills him with his sword. When the dust settles, Claire rushes to her mother and the two have a final moment before Amelia finally dies.

Much like her visions of Heaven created by Tamiel, Amelia walks into the house where she is met by Jimmy. Not sure if what she is seeing is real, Jimmy assures her that he is real and they are in Heaven. He tells her he has been waiting for her for so long, and questions her about Claire.

The next day as Sam, Dean and Cas are preparing to see Claire off, Dean gives Claire a parting birthday gift: a DVD of Caddyshack and a book titled The Enochian Myth. Claire apologizes for setting Dean up before, and Dean says it’s in the past. She asks Dean to keep an eye on Castiel. Castiel tries to stutter out that he’ll always be there for Claire, and she hugs him, then gets in the cab that will take her to Jody Mills.




  • "Blues Are Turning Black" by Stephen Emil Dudas (Extreme Music)
(playing in Susie's Bar when Claire is looking for Ronnie Cartwright)
  • "Mind Y'Own Business" by Stephen Emil Dudas (Extreme Music)
(playing in Susie's as Dean and Cas question Ronnie)
  • "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" by Willie Nelson
(playing as Claire is sent off by Dean, Sam and Cas)


Dean: Hey Cas listen, what you're doing for Claire -- helping her find her mom, it's good-it's a good thing.

Castiel: But?

Dean: Where does it end? I'm not trying to be a dick, but truth is you're not her dad, in fact you're not anything to her except a constant reminder of someone that's gone.
Claire: You always get along with your mom?

Sam: Never got the chance to find out. My mom died when I was a baby.
Claire: I'm-I'm sorry, I didn't-
Sam: Oh no, it's okay. I got to know her later in life. And yeah, I suppose we got along okay.
Claire: What?

Sam: In this line of work, death isn't always goodbye.
Sam: Here we go.

Claire: Seriously, it's that easy.
Sam: Yes. I can also show you how to set-up fake credit cards, it will make life on the road a lot easier.
Claire: You guys are credit card scammers too?
Sam: Yeah, hunting monsters doesn't exactly pay the bills.
Claire: Then why do you do it?
Sam: To help people. Make a difference.
Claire: That's it?

Sam: That's not enough?
Dean: Alright. You know what, if we stay cooped up in this motel room all night I'm gonna lose my mind.
Claire: Spoiler alert, you already have.
Dean: We help people. At least we try to.

Claire: Like Castiel helped my Dad?

Dean: Claire, what happened to your dad, I'm sorry, okay, I really am. But, uh, there's something you gotta know; your dad's sacrifice was not meaningless, okay he gave up his body, his vessel. Because he did that, Cas was able to save the world, the world. Your father's a hero, he did not die in vain.
Castiel: Amelia, I promised to protect your family, and I failed.

Ameila: Not if Claire's alive, that's all that matters.

Castiel: She's grown up to be a very strong-willed young woman.
Sam: Since when do angels feed on humans?

Tamiel: Since the dawn of man.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Tamiel: Your souls are little slices of Heaven, that are, if properly kept, very delicious meals. Can last for years, decades even.

Sam: You're not an angel, you're a monster.
Dean: You know, Claire... You already got your revenge. You go down this path - our path... it's not a long life.

Claire: I don't know. You seem pretty old.

Dean: Thanks.
Claire: Are you gonna be okay?

Dean: Me? I don't know. But I will keep fighting. I'll keep swinging until I got nothing left.
Claire: Will you keep an eye on him? He's been through enough.

Dean: So have you. Claire, do your homework before you do anything stupid, okay? And we're here if you need us, any time.

Trivia & References

"Angel Heart" is likely a reference to the 1987 horror/noir film of the same name.
Susie's Bar, where Claire goes looking for Ronnie Cartwright is named after S.E. Hinton. Curtis' Motor Court motel is likely a reference to the Curtis brothers from her book The Outsiders. Tulsa, Oklahoma, the setting for the episode, is S.E. Hinton's home town.
Dean: Three men and a lady, let's do this.
Three Men and a Little Lady was the 1990 sequel to the Three Men and a Baby starring Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg and Ted Danson.
Castiel: I got it at the Hot Topical.
Hot Topic is a store specializing in pop culture merchandise and clothing.
The present Castiel gives Claire for her birthday is stuffed Grumpy Cat. Claire still has Grumpy Cat in 11.12 Don't You Forget About Me.
Dean and Cas use the aliases Clapton and Page, referencing Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin. Clapton and Page also performed lead guitar duties for The Yardbirds, Clapton from 1963–1965 and Page from 1966–1968.
Sheriff Coltrane is reference to Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrone played by James Best on The Dukes of Hazzard.
Dean: It's in the hole! It's in the hole! Bill Murray? Caddyshack?
Caddyshack is a 1980 comedy about golf starring Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. Dean gives Claire a DVD of the movie as she travels to stay with Jody Mills. Dean refers to the movie when Claire contacts him next in 11.12 Don't You Forget About Me
Claire: Did you-did you see that? Did that go in the hole I wasn't watching, did the ball go in the hole?

Dean: Happy Gilmore. Well played.

Happy Gilmore is a 1996 movie about golf starring Adam Sandler. There are no gophers in it.
Tamiel: I like to think of myself as a gourmand. I make Heaven a place on Earth, keeps me alive and hidden from the rest of the failures that call themselves angels.
A gourmand is a person who enjoys eating good food, often to excess.
Claire: So, what? This is some sort of halfway house for wayward girls?
The line that launched the Wayward Daughters movement and led to Wayward Sisters.


Filming Locations: This episode includes footage of the Impala driving that was shot on Griffith Park Drive in Griffith Park in Los Angeles, CA while filming the 1.01 Pilot. Map of known filming locations
The video Kathryn Newton made of Misha and Jensen being cats was filmed on the motel room set during this episode.
Live tweets from cast and crew during the East and West Coast broadcast.
In 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon, Ash explains that while most people have individual Heavens, some "special cases" like soulmates share a Heaven. This circumstance is seen here with Jimmy and Amelia Novak, and later in 14.18 Absence with John Winchester and Mary Winchester.
The book Dean gives to Claire with the DVD of Caddyshack is titled The Enochian Myth by C. Storey PhD.

Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
