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(Redirected from Weather Manipulation)
Changes in weather is often a harbinger of supernatural activity. Some beings also possess the ability to manipulate the weather, such as demons who can cause lighting storms / strikes as harbingers of their arrival. The arrival of reapers could cause gusts of wind.
Known Practitioners
- Deities
- God / Chuck: Was said to have caused the great flood by Metatron, and was shown destroying the Bad Place with a massive storm.
- The Darkness / Amara: Killed a group of Chuck's worshippers with a lightning strike.
- Madge and Edward Carrigan: If given sacrifices, the Carrigans can create mild weather for the offerings.
- Archangels
- Michael: After possessing a young John Winchester, Michael's arrival was followed heavy gusts of wind.
- Lucifer: Lucifer's presence could cause the temperature to drop by 20 degrees in a five block radius.
- Raphael: Raphael manifesting on Earth caused an electrical storm that blacked out the entire eastern seaboard.
- Reapers
- Death: Was capable of destroying Chicago with a massive storm. Though he chose not to, as he enjoyed the pizza.