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1.21 Salvation

1 byte removed, 00:23, 20 August 2013
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In desperation, John plays dumb and Meg promptly kills Caleb. She will keep killing all his friends until he hands over the Colt. Capitulating, John agrees to meet her in Lincoln at midnight for the trade. The boys protest handing the gun over, but John has a plan: they will use a substitute gun since Meg doesn't know what the real one looks like. In an emotional revelation, he admits again that he needs this job to finally be over. When Dean returns with the fake colt, he pleads with John to not throw his life away, as he’s no good to them dead. John tells them to do the same. He hands over the real Colt and the task of killing the demon to the boys, finishing the job he started.
John arrives in Lincoln to meet Meg. He cases the territory for escape routes and traps and finds a reservoir to bless. While the boys stand watch over Monica and her family, John confronts Meg. She is joined by a taciturn demon. John hands the gun to Meg and she in turn hands it off to the other, asking if he thinks it’s the real thing. Without warning, he shoots Meg. She's pissed but she doesn't die. In shock and anger, Meg rounds on John now that it is obvious the gun isn’t the real Colt. He runs and deters them by releasing a valve, thereby spraying them with the Holy Water he prepared earlier. Outside the building, John finds his truck’s tires have been slashed. Running, he finds himself in a dead end and trapped.
Meanwhile, recognizing the signs, the boys break into the house in attempt to save Monica and Rosie. Racing to the nursery Sam faces the demon over Rosie’s crib and after hesitating for a second fires off a shot, but the demon vanishes too fast. Grabbing Monica as Dean saves Rosie, they race them from the burning house. Dean stops Sam from trying to reenter the burning building to reach the demon.
Back at the hotel room, while is Dean is anxiously trying to contact John, Sam is angry that Dean stopped him from going after the Demon. Dean confronts him about his desire for revenge and self sacrifice, stating that if it means Sam getting himself killed, he hopes they never find it. Sam’s anger boils over and he pushes Dean into an emotional confession. Shocking Sam into the present, his focus shifts back to John. Dean tries his father’s phone again, it is answered by Meg and to their horror she promises they will never see their father again…
To Be Continued…

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