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15.11 The Gamblers

12,110 bytes added, 00:52, 21 March 2020
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Jacks back and asked, who told you that. Jack tells him, Death. Cas stops himand stabs him with his angel blade. He lights up and falls to the floor. He drops hisblade and runs to Jack and unties him. He helps him up and hugs him. Sam breaks, the balls scatter. She asks why he needs his luck so bad. He tellsher a curse from God. He misses his shot. She says, life's a bitch and then you die.Dean tells her, we literally met him. Little guy squirrelly as hell. She knows him. Shetells them the humans created the gods. She explains that when the apes came outof the trees they prayed to the sun, moon, rain and the stars. At first the creator wasfurious, then he birthed us. Named many of us. Dean asked why. To take blame from him. He was happy to hide behind religions. Most gods have forgotten, I holda grudge. Sam tells them, 8 ball corner pocket. He wins. She says, you got me talking. She tells Dean to even up, she wants to make it interesting. You are goingto fight God, stuff of hero's. She's helped many hero's. Its double or nothing. Samagrees but not for more luck but for them. All the people kept here. If I win youhave to let them all go. She says, I'm not stopping them. Sam insists she give backthe luck she stole. She calls them losers and they don't matter. She does agree. The game begins, she hits all her solids in the pockets. Then she hits the 8 ballinto a pocket. She wins. You challenged the goddess of luck in her own joint. Whatyou'd think was going to happen. Dean says, we had to try. They leave the building. I thought she was going to kill us, Dean says. Evie emerges from the hall, as do the rest of them. Sam asks what is happening. She shut it down, because of you. She thought your kind were extinct. Sam says, what kind. Hero's she says, like theold days. She gave me a message for you. Don't play his game, let him play your game instead. She hands him the coin it lights up in both of their hands. They getinto Baby and she starts. Dean says, we're back Baby. They both enter the main room at the bunker. Deans scratch off loses. Sam says,no car trouble, the credit card works and two bacon double cheeseburgers didn'tkill you. They see Cas with Jack behind him. Cas says, it's really him. Sam gives him a hug. Dean puts his hand on the back of his neck and stares into his face. He knows it's him. They are having a beer together at the table. Sam says, you ate their hearts? I had to. He couldn't come home because I needed to stay hidden and couldn't use my powers. My grandfather would kill me. He'safraid of Jack. Billie kept him hidden in the empty until Chuck went off world.The hearts were the beginning, making me stronger. He is not strong enough yet.If he does exactly what Billie tells him he will be strong enough to kill God. Two men are playing pool in a pool hall. A man with a cowboy hat and a man with glasses. There is a coin hanging from a light, it lights up green. The man withthe glasses is upset, he takes the coin into his hand and yells, no. He tries to hit hisopponent with the cue stick, but the man stops him and says, no fights. He is takenaway and thrown outside on the ground. He puts on his glasses which fell off and walks away throwing his coin in the air. He is then hit by a semi truck. The door of the bunker opens. Cas emerges, looking down calling for Samand Dean. No answer. He notices a note. He reads that they are in Alaska Sam and Dean are on the road to Alaska. Sam is texting with Elaine. His phone is making noises and Dean comments on the noise. Sam says that, she thinks itsounds too good to be true. He his doubts that this place will change their luck. Dean speaks of how he can't take this normal crap anymore. Sam says that noone but Garth heard of this place. No lore, no mention of it anywhere. Dean believes it is real. A cell phone is ringing in a dark room. Cas hears it and answers it. A JebEvans of Cushing Oklahoma, a deputy of the sheriffs office. Agent Watt- Deanis who he wanted. Cas tells him his alias and he is a fed who can come and investigate for the absent Agt. Watts. The deputy tells Cas that he has a homaside. The case involves Jack Kline. A person of interest of theirs. Cas is stunnedand speechless. He tells the deputy that he is one of theirs. The Impala stops at the Round Up Cafe. Last stop before a hundred miles. Sam refers to the sandwiches in the cooler. Dean said he ate them while hewas asleep. Sam reminded him they are short on cash. In the cafe, Dean putssome change on the counter. He asks the waitress what they could get for $4.10.She says a slice of pie and two forks. Sam is looking at a map to see where theyare going. Dean asks the waitress about a road on the map. Urban legend has itthat there is a place in the middle of no where. A pool hall of magic. If you winyou come back with luck, power ball lucky. No one leaves. She knows a manLeonard who went there and never came back. She heard he had an accidentand died. The phone rings, she leaves. They know this is the place. Sam says, a pool hall the makes you lucky or kills you. Dean thinks it sounds like a witch or a demon. He adds that pool is the of champions and kings. Its our game. We used to hustle pool. The waitress returns and asks if the Impala is theirs. It has a flat. Back to Cas. He is talking to the deputy on the phone. He has a lap top andis looking at a video on it. The officer tells him to watch it and see who killedthe doctor. It has people pretty spooked. Jack is seen coming into the buildinghe gets to the a door, the doctor meets him outside of his office. Then the video gets interference for 2 ½ minutes. He then enters the doctors office and eats his heart. They arrive at the pool hall and speak to the bartender. Dean asks for two waters. Dean asks her her name. Evie. Then he asks about a game. She refershim to Pax, a dark haired man at a desk. He asks her if she remembers a manthat was there a few weeks ago, Leonard. She says, no. They speak to Pax, heasks how they found them. Dean tells them, a friend. He tells Pax that they areshort on money. He tells Dean they don't bet with money. He pulls a coin out ofa box, we use this. He tells Dean to touch it, he does and it lights up green. Somepeople come in with a certain kind of luck. His luck is about average. Put the coin on the table and maybe your luck will improve. Sam asks him what this place is, who owns it? Pax tells him he just works here. Dean asks if he cansplit his luck with anyone. He tells dean that it's his and he can do anything hewants with it. They discuss what to do. Dean thinks he can win. He's been playing most ofhis life. He refers to the monster fight club and how they barely escaped, theyneed the luck. He's a better player then Sam. They agree to do it. Cas is at the building where Jack killed the doctor. He is looking around andin closets. He finds in one a long black case. He takes it out and finds his sword. This is a sword of a Grigori angel. Jack is seen following a man who is carryinga case like the doctor had into a fenced in place. Back at the pool hall. Dean is speaking loudly that he is rusty, trying to attracta player. There is a red headed woman at the bar drinking a shot of whiskey shetakes the challenge. She puts her coin in the slot hanging from the light above the table. Rack them up she says. At the bar Evie asks Sam why he didn't play, he tells her that it isn't really his thing. He asks Evie whats the woman's deal. She says, she's been here a while and that her sister is still in a coma. So she's playing to wakeher up? Evie says, everyone has something they want. He asks her if she has smelled anything odd, like rotten eggs. No. If she had noticed small bundle layingaround. No, again. He tells her places like this don't exist for no reason. Evie says,some people thing this place is a God send. She points out a man playing, he loveshis wife, but she has expensive taste. She refers to a woman who works doubles they both deserve a lucky break. They won but kept playing til their luck ran out.Stayed rather then leave. Dean beats the red haired lady. She says, dam and takeout her coin. Jack follows the man into the a building. The man grabs him from behind, putting his sword to his neck asking who he was a why is he following him. Sam is telling Dean what he learned from Evie. He is telling Dean to cut theirlosses, even though he won, they should leave. Dean brings up the movie “TheHustler.” Sam reluctantly agrees to let Dean play again. He picks his next opponenta man with a beard and cowboy hat. The man asks what is name is, he replies Dean Winchester. Dean asks what kind of name is Joey Six. I was something theycalled him in PBR. Dean misses his shot, Joey goes next. He misses, too. Joey says double or nothing you miss that shot. Dean asks it he is trying to hustle him. He pockets the ball, the coin lights up, Joey Six takes his coin and leaves the hall. Deanlooks at his coin and smiles. Joey is out on the front porch, he's upset. Sam comes out, Dean follows. Thatwas a good game he says to Dean. He says I guess you can't hustle a hustler. He begins to cough and brings up blood. He has cancer. This is why he came here tobeat the cancer. It gave him an extra year. He puts a cigarette in his mouth and begins to light it. He coughs more. Sam and Dean look saddened. They go back into the hall. Dean wants to hit the road. Sam wants to stay andfigure the place out. He is not sure if that coin got back what Chuck took from them.Dean wants to take Baby for a spin to see if the coin worked. Cas meets with the deputy it is dark out. Using a flashlight, there is blood onthe sidewalk. Cas flashes his FBI badge to him. Th officer tells him that at thealtercation, a transient saw the man had a sword. The deputy spoke of a few buildingin the area they could be. Cas picked the church. As he leaves the deputy tells himhe called him for answers. Cas says he will get them for him. Sam is trying to get the people in the hall to leave, none of them will. He asksa woman if they are trapped there, she walks away. Dean comes back. The caris dead, this coin blows. Sam notices the coin and accumulated luck did not transfer to Dean. From JoeySix who won over 30 games. The image on the coin Sam recognizes as Fortuna. ARoman goddess of luck. Evie tells Sam she came here to win but lost. She workswith agreement with Fortuna. They ask if she is here. She doesn't know. She onlytalks to Pax. In an church a man is seen taking out knives from a unfolded pouch. They aresmall. He is speaking with Jack. Jack is kneeling on the floor with his hands tied.He tells Jack he has heard of him and that he is powerful. He wants Jack to tell him why he is killing his kind. The Grigori angel, Kabauel, that they have their ownfrequency, angel radio. He heard his brother crying to him when he killed him. Sam enters the room where Pax is. Dean from behind with a sword to his neck.Sam calls for Frotuna. Dean says we have your son. She says, enough. Sam sayshe knows she has been skimming the luck. She tells Sam you can kill him, his daddy was human. Looking at Pax, she says sorry to her son. Dean wants to playher again. She won't, she gets a reading on her players and he is a beach read, sexy.Then she walks to Sam, she wants to play him. Sam wants to not play for luck butfor everyone's lives there. No she says, if you lose I get your life. You threatenedmy baby and my livelihood. There must be an example made. He agrees to theterms. Kabaiel is cutting Jacks neck. He says, you can't kill me. The angel says, Ican make you suffer. I'm the last of my kind. You cut their heart out. Jack tellshim the last one pretended to be a doctor, he was feeding off the humans he wassuppose to heal. You do it too, only you like children. Kabaiel take his sword to
* [[Sam Winchester]]

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