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3.12 Jus in Bello (transcript)

151 bytes added, 03:06, 21 January 2014
ACT ONE: edits
DEAN doesn’t say anything.
HENRIKSEN: Take a good look at Sam; you – you two will never see each other again.
SAM and DEAN look at HENRIKSEN, disconcerted.
HENRIKSEN: Aw. Where’s that smug smile, Dean? I want to see it.
DEAN: (Shakes his head, disbelief) You got the wrong guys.
HENRIKSEN: Oh, yeah. I forgot. You fight monsters. Sorry, Dean. Truth is, your daddy brainwashed you with all that devil talk and no doubt touched you in a bad place. That’s all, that’s . That’s reality.
DEAN: Why don’t you shut your mouth?
HENRIKSEN: Well, guess what. Life sucks. Get a helmet. ‘Cause everybody’s got a sob story. But not everybody becomes a killer.
There is the The sound of a helicopter approachingis heard.
HENRIKSEN: And now I have two less to worry about.
HENRIKSEN looks at his watch and smiles.
HENRIKSEN: Mm. (tapping his watch) It’s surf and turf time. (Laughs)
SAM and DEAN watch HENRIKSEN leave. DEAN smiles cynically. They both look stressed.
OFFICE: Agent STEVEN GROVES comes inside the office and HENRIKSEN holds out his hand.
STEVEN: GentlemanGentlemen. (Instead of shaking HENRIKSEN's hand, he gives hands HENRIKSEN some files)
HENRIKSEN: (Confused) What’s all this?
STEVEN: What can I say? The FBI didn’t invent bureaucracy. We ; we perfected it.
HENRIKSEN: You want me to do all this now?
STEVEN leaves HENRIKSEN to finish the paperwork. REIDY gives HENRIKSEN a pen and HENRIKSEN starts to fill out the forms, annoyed.
  ; CELLS:  STEVEN enters the holding cell area and closes the main door to the office area. DEAN stands up and looks at STEVEN.
STEVEN: Sam and Dean Winchester. I’m Deputy Director Steven Groves. This is a pleasure.
STEVEN: I’ve been waiting a long time for you two to come out of the woodwork.
Suddenly STEVEN points his gun and shoots DEAN in his left shoulder. DEAN’s blood sprays to the wall. DEAN grunts and falls back, while SAM jumps up and grapples with STEVEN through the bars. DEAN falls on the bed as STEVEN fires several more shots, narrowly missing DEAN. SAM has a grip on STEVEN, holding his gun arm. STEVEN’s eyes turn black and SAM begins an exorcism in Latin, which causes STEVEN's head to whip from side to side.
STEVEN: Sorry. Got to , I've gotta cut this short. It’s gonna be a long night, fellas.
DEAN sits up, clutching his shoulder, as the demon leaves STEVEN's body , screaming, and the black smoke disappears into the ceiling air vent.
CELLS: STEVEN falls to the ground. PHIL and MELVIN enter, followed by HENRIKSEN, who points his gun at SAM.
MELVIN: Put All right, put the gun down!
SAM: Wait. Okay. Wait.
MELVIN: He shot him!
SAM: I didn’t shoot him, okay. I didn’t shoot anyone.
DEAN: He shot me!
HENRIKSEN: Get on your knees. , NOW!
SAM: Okay, okay, okay. Don’t shoot. Please. Look. Here. Here. (SAM passes the gun through the bars) Look. We didn’t shoot him. Check the body. There’s no blood. We did not kill him. Go ahead, check him.
REIDY checks STEVEN’s body.
DEAN: Yeah! Do that!
REIDY: Bill? (static on the other end of the walkie-talkie) Bill, are you there?
There’s no answer from the walkie. HENRIKSEN nods to REIDY to check outside. MELVIN and PHIL continue to point their guns at SAM and DEAN.
REIDY walks toward the burned chopper. He turns to find one of the dead officers on his feet and looking at him with black eyes. The possessed officer crushes REIDY's flesh. REIDY screams.

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