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3.10 Dream a Little Dream of Me

2 bytes added, 01:36, 22 December 2013
Sam looks for Dean in the woods, while Dean enters the motel room and sees someone at the desk, turning the light off an on. A dream version of him turns around, and Dean gets it, this is a dark part of his own subconscious. Dream!Dean tells Dean how worthless he feels and how he hates what he sees in the mirror. Dean tries to take control of the dream by snapping his fingers, but nothing happens. Dream!Dean slams the door and locks it, holds a shotgun and tells Dean they need to talk. Sam wakes up in the Impala to find Jeremy next to him. He hits Sam with the bat, and Sam falls out of the car and tries to crawl away. Jeremy comes after him, and Sam is suddenly tied to stakes in the ground. Jeremy says he gets stronger with each dream, and Sam and Dean aren't waking up.
Dream!Dean berates Dean, telling him he’s got nothing but Sam, everything he owns was his dad’s, his dad thought he was a good solider and nothing else, and doted on Sam while not caring whether Dean lived or died. Dean fights back in a rage, calling his father an "obsessed bastard " who couldn't protect his family, who let his wife die, and who wasn't there for Sam. Dean doesn't deserve what his dad put on him, and he doesn't deserve to go to hell. He grabs the shotgun and shoots Dream!Dean, symbolically killing the self-loathing part of himself. It then transforms into a black-eyed [[demon]] version of Dean, a manifestation of Dean's fear of his impending death and transformation in to a demon in [[Hell]] because of the deal he made with the [[crossroads demon]]. "This is what you're going to become," it taunts.
Sam takes an intense beating from Jeremy. Jeremy tells Sam that there’s nothing Jeremy can’t do because of the dream root, and Sam reminds Jeremy that he took the dream root, too. Jeremy’s father appears, and Jeremy is frozen in fear, giving Sam the chance to deliver two sharp whacks to the head with the baseball bat, killing Jeremy. Sam and Dean wake up in the Impala.

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