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Shapeshifting is the supernatural ability to change one's form into that of another. This ability is utilized by various different creatures, most of which use it to camouflage their true monstrous forms, allowing them to pass as human.

Types of Shapeshifters


  • Angels / Archangels – In Heaven, angels can take on any appearance they please, as even dead, the human mind has trouble comprehending the true angelic form. Most angels appear to take the appearance of their preferred vessels on Earth. In Hell, Lucifer was able to take the form of Nick when he was summoned into Limbo to speak with Sam Winchester.
  • Changeling – Creatures that can perfectly mimic humans. A changeling child will replace a human child, allowing it to feed on the human parent's synovial fluid. A changeling's true face can be seen via a mirror.
  • Demons – In Hell, some demons have shown the ability to shapeshift. Bobby Singer spent his time in Hell being tortured by demons who took on the appearances of black-eyed Sam and Dean Winchester.
  • Djinn – Typically appear with full-body markings similar in appearance to henna tattoos. Certain types of djinn are capable of employing a form of shapeshifting that allows them to pass for human by hiding these physical markings.
  • Dragons – Ancient creatures that evolved to employ a form a camouflage allowing them to pass as human. In their true form they appear with scaly skin, talons, and large bat-like wings.
  • Familiars – Companions to witches. Familiars split their time between their human form and an animal form, which can be feline or canine.
  • Ghosts – Certain ghosts have shown the ability to alter perception and switch between human and more grotesque versions of themselves.
  • Ghouls – Like shapeshifters, ghouls can take on the appearance of any humans. However, this is only achieved through the consumption of flesh; if a ghoul feeds on a corpse (or in rare instances, a living human) they can take on the form of whomever they have just eaten.
  • Jefferson Starships – Hybrid creatures created by Eve in Grants Pass, Oregon. A mixture of shapeshifter, vampire, and wraith, these hybrids were meant to be the perfect monster, capable of fooling even the most experienced hunters.
  • Leviathans – The first beasts created by God. Leviathans employ a near-instantaneous ability to shapeshift. Requiring only a small amount of human DNA, a Leviathan can copy a person perfectly, right down to their memories, and hallucinations in the case of Leviathan!Sam being able to see Sam Winchester's Lucifer hallucinations.
  • Mimic – A mimic is a type of shapeshifter that bleeds green blood, and is vulnerable to copper. Only known to exist in the "Monster Club" alternate universe.
  • Qareen – Similar to genies, qareens are under the control of a master and able to shapeshift their form. Qareens take on the appearance of a person's deepest, darkest desire before ripping their heart from their chest.
  • Rakshasa – An ancient Hindu creature capable of changing its form into anything it wishes in order to gain entry into the homes of their victims.
  • Reapers – In order to help souls pass on, reapers can alter perception from their true forms to appear any way they wish.
  • Shadow Spirits – Spirits that reside in the shadows that can take on a human appearance to communicate with humans. Only known to exist in the "Monster Club" alternate universe.
  • Shapeshifters – As their name implies, shapeshifters have the ability to change their appearance into that of any human; living, dead, or fictional. The length of time required for a shapeshifter to change their form has been shown to vary from minutes, where everything -- skin, hair, and teeth are removed -- to instantaneously. Unlike other shapeshifting creatures, shifters can form a psychic link with their victims, so long as they are still living, giving the shifter access to the memories of whomever they are copying.
  • Sirens – In their true form, sirens appear as pale humanoid creatures with sunken eyes and fused mouths. Through telepathy, they are able to read a victim's mind and appear as the perfect person. Their true forms can be viewed with a mirror.
  • Skinwalkers – Cousins to the werewolf, skinwalkers can shapeshift into a canine form at will, which gives them enhanced strength and speed.
  • Shtriga – A type of witch that has the appearance of an old crone. Strigas can take on the appearance of normal people to blend into society and find their victims.


  • Alpha Shapeshifter – The progenitor of all shapeshifters. The Alpha could shift its form without the need for shedding skin, this ability extended to even replicating the clothes of the individual it was copying.
  • Asmodeus – After injecting himself with the archangel Gabriel's grace, Asmodeus -- originally one of the weakest of the Princes of Hell -- gained many new abilities, including that of shapeshifting. When employed, a white smoke would envelop Asmodeus, allowing him to take the form of any person he wished.
  • Baba Yaga – One of the ways in which Baba Yaga toyed with her intended victims was to take on different appearances.
  • Cosmic Entity – In its realm of the Empty, the Cosmic Entity could appear in any form. After Castiel was awoken from his eternal slumber by Jack Kline's will, the Entity took on the shape of Castiel's vessel, Jimmy Novak, claiming his true form was too horrific even for an angel, and that viewing it would drive Castiel to madness.
  • Eve – As the mother of all monsters, Eve could shapeshift to appear as anyone.
  • Gabriel – Gabriel was the only archangel to employ shapeshifting while in a vessel. It is unknown if this was a natural ability among the archangels, or something he was able to learn from Loki.
  • Ganesh – The Hindu god was able to alternate between a human appearance and that of an elephant.
  • God – Chuck had the ability to take on any form He chose.
  • La Tunda – La Tunda lured her victims by appearing to them with a familiar face, before dragging them into her lair to feed on them over a period of months. Only known to exist in the "Monster Club" alternate universe.
  • Leshii – A Slavic deity, considered a mischievous god who could take on infinite forms. Leshii began to take on the form of various celebrities after the Apocalypse was triggered in order to gorge himself before the end.
  • Loki – The Norse demigod is capable of changing his appearance. His alternate universe counterpart was also capable of shapeshifting.
  • Veritas – The Roman Goddess of Truth. Veritas could hide her true feline form by appearing as a beautiful woman.
  • Whore of Babylon – An Apocalyptic creature from Hell. The Whore killed and took on the form of Leah Gideon in Blue Earth, Minnesota.
  • War – One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. After Lucifer was released from his Cage, War goes to work in River Pass, Colorado, taking on the form of a man named Roger, whom he killed and left in a ditch. As Roger, War was able sow paranoia and distrust and fan the flames of battle in the small town.