Salute to Supernatural Las Vegas 2013
From Super-wiki
Creation Entertainment held a Salute to Supernatural convention in Las Vegas on 8-10 March 2013.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
For highlights of past conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook
Confirmed Guests
- Jensen Ackles
- Jared Padalecki -- @jarpad
- Jim Beaver -- @jumblejim
- Misha Collins -- @MishaCollins
- Mark Sheppard -- @Mark_Sheppard
- Richard Speight, Jr. -- @dicksp8jr
- Matt Cohen -- @mattcohen4real
- Sebastian Roche -- @sebroche
- Mark Pellegrino - unable to attend due to filming
- Julie McNiven -- @Juliemcniven
- Rob Benedict -- @RobBenedict
- Chad Lindberg -- @ChadLindberg
- Samantha Smith -- @samsmithtweets
- Gabriel Tigerman -- @GabrielTigerman
- Corin Nemec - unable to attend due to ill health
- Emily Perkins
- James Patrick Stuart -- @Japastu
- Ty Olsson -- @TyOlsson
The Twitter tag for this convention: #VegasCon
FRIDAY, March 8
- 1:00 pm Elastic Waste Band, our house band, opens the show!
- 1:15 pm Welcome with your host Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster)
- 1:30 pm Matt Cohen (Young John Winchester) and Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund)
- 3:25 pm Chad Lindberg (Ash) and Gabriel Tigerman (Andrew Gallagher)
- 4:30 pm James Patrick Stuart (Dick Roman)
- 9:00 pm Karaoke Kings (Richard and Matt and others)
- 10:40 am Welcome with Richard Speight, Jr.
- 10:50 am Emily Perkins (Becky Rosen)
- 11:30 am Misha Collins (Castiel)
- 12:40 pm Lunch w/ J&J (Gold passes) boys arrive around 2:00pm
- 12:45 pm Rob Benedict (Chuck/Carver 2nd appearance)
- 1:30 pm Jim Beaver (Bobby) first of his two appearances
- 3:20 pm Richard Speight, Jr.
- 5:35 pm – 6:35pm Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
- 10:30 pm Saturday Night Cocktail Party and Supernatural Themed Centerpiece Contest
SUNDAY, March 10
- 10:05 am Welcome from host Richard Speight, Jr.
- 10:10 am Julie McNiven (Anna Milton) and Samantha Smith (Mary Winchester)
- 10:50 am Jim Beaver (Bobby)
- 12:45 pm Sebastian Roche (Balthazar) suggested for adults only!
- 2:05 pm Ty Olsson (Benny/Eli)
- 4:25 pm Mark Sheppard (Crowley)
- 9:30 pm Sunday Night Live in Concert: LOUDEN SWAIN!
Tweet Summaries
- Tweet summary of Emily Perkins panel #1 and #2 with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Rob Benedict panel with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Misha Collins panel with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Jim Beaver panel with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of J2 lunch with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Richard panel with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of J2 panel with pics by all-spn
- Epic summary of pics, tweets, and vids from Friday and Saturday and Sunday reports by spn_party
- Chad Lindberg Full tweet Report with Pics by DeanWGirl
- Tweet summary of Seb Roche panel by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Jim Beaver panel with pics by all-spn
- Tweet summary of Julie McNiven and Samantha Smith with pics by all-spn
- Jensen's Meet and Greet by Fangasm
- Jared's Meet and Greet by Karen Cooke via Fangasm
- friday report Jensen and Jared with a side order of Misha Sunday by sweetondean
Karaoke and Concerts
- Harlem Shake video recorded at karaoke by Matt Cohen
- Richard being given a Brazilian shirt by LiliAmoroso
- Suit and Tie Only Lyin Worlds Collide She Waits Homesick Medicated Wave Pop Tart Heart All I Need Overachiever (with ghost) Something to Say Gamma Ray Mamma's Jam Prom by Contrakatmusic
- Suit & Tie Mrs. Vance Homesick Gamma Ray Only Lyin Overachiever Something To Say Mamma's Jam by prchrzdtr
- Viva Las Vegas/Richard's Intro (Vegas Con) by Contrakatmusic
- Richard's intro to the Con by T
- Richard and Rob jumping off chairs by Michele
Rob Benedict and Matt Cohen
- Rob, Matt and Alexis by Marika Toth
- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Deborah Speegs
- Intro, Castiel frolic, Arm wrestling fans, GISHWHES, Panel, on directing, Jensen falling over by Jaclyn Janae
- Misha talks about a guest star and drag on set by impsythealmighty
- Misha by T
- Misha frolicking with Castiels by Michele
J2 Lunch panel
- Lunch Panel, 2013 with Jensen and Jared Full length by John Foxhome
- Part 1 Part 2 by HJ SEO
- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 By Deborah Speegs
- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by NBAGirl04
- J2 lunch pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5 by Kel Campbell
Rob Benedict
- Rob Benedict Frolicking by Mikaela Bair
- Rob Frolicking On Stage by Contrakatmusic
Richard Speight
- Richard tells the train story by Jaclyn Janae
J2 Panel
- 2013 vegascon J2 panel by ssom1216
- J2 Full length by John Foxhome
- Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Deborah Speegs
- Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 with Ty Olsson, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8 Misha crashes the panel, Pt 9, Pt 10, Pt 11 by Kel Campbell
- Start of the panel, Jensen dances, Jensen sings the first line of "Back in Black", Misha on the cowbell, Jensen sings at the end of the panel by Deidre Murch
- J2 Panel Part 1, Panel Part 2, First 5 minutes of the panel Panel Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6 Pt 7 by T
- Start of panel, J2 with band and the PCA, Jared and Jensen at the end of the panel with the band by tinkabell07
- Panel Intro, Script writing, Misha crashes the panel, Ty Olsson crashes the panel, Jensen sings (almost), Jensen dancing by Jaclyn Janae
- Jensen dancing, Jensen "singing" back in black, Misha crashing the J2 panel, Jensen singing with the band by Michele
- Jensen singing by NBAGirl04
- What It's Like to Be Attractive by Contrakatmusic
Sebastian Roche
Ty Olsson
- Ty having a drink during his panel by Michele
- Ty busts a move, Ty does Ord's voice from Dragon tales by Mrs BobbySinger
Mark Sheppard
- Mark Sheppard Playing the Drums by VintageBowlegs
- Mark Sheppard playing the drums by Michele
Tweet Pics
Karaoke + Band
- Matt and Chad, Richard by Amy in Sydney
- Chad at Karaoke by Aaron Goodwin
- Karaoke mayhem by NerdAlertNews
- Gabe, Kurt Fuller and fan by HippiVickyx
- Electric Waste Band by FangasmSPN
- Electric Waste Band by CarryOn_Spn
- Harlem shake at karaoke by WinchesterBros
- Matt and Gabe, Chad at karaoke by Gabe
- Chad on stage by andohpooratlas
- James Patrick Stuart by jenpadackles
- Jensen and Misha at a NASCAR event for Random Acts by Misha
- Sign at Hotel banning demons etc from the Con! by @kathy_kitt
- Richard Speight as MC, Chad and Gabe panel by spnfansbrazil
- Matt and Rob by FangasmSPN
- Matt dow pushups by Nerd Alert News
- Richard Speight, Matt Cohen, Rob after his makeover by Winchester Family Business
- James Patrick Stuart with Dick Roman's teeth by @_Eliann_
- Donations for Random Acts by Laura The fierce
- Fan with Gabe tattoo, Another Gabe tattoo by Gabe Tigerman
- Chad and Gabe, Chad, Matt doing pushups, Matt and Rob and the batwing incident, Matt by AmyinSydney
- J2 on stage at lunch, Jensen, Jared, Misha gets close to Richard, Misha makes fans arm wrestle, Emily and Rob by FangasmSPN
- Ty brings "little Dean" on stage to meet Jensen, Jensen tells Jared a story, Jared and Jensen rock out with the band by Fangasm
- J2 Panel Photo Post 1, J2 Panel Photo Post 2, J2 Panel Post 3 (with PCA award), J2 Panel Photo Post 4, J2 Panel Photo Post 5, J2 Panel Post 6 (in which Ty crashes), J2 Panel Post 7, J2 Panel Post 8, J2 Panel Post 9 (in which Misha crashes), J2 Panel Post 10 (in which Jared gets a bedtime story), J2 Panel Post 11, J2 Panel Post 12 by Growyourwings
- J2 Lunch Photos 1 ("Am I showing?"), J2 Lunch Photos 2, J2 Lunch Photos 3, J2 Lunch Photos 4 by Growyourwings
- Jared Padalecki kills brain cells by male modeling by Growyourwings
- Jensen photo post 1, Jensen Photo Post 2, Jensen Photo Post 3, Jensen Photo Post 4, Jensen Photo Post 5 (singing Back in Black), Jensen Photo Post 6, Jensen Photo Post 7, Jensen Post 8 (Singing at end of convention) by Growyourwings
- Dean and Cas cosplayers by Words Of Leisure
- Misha in his cheesesuit by Misha
- SPN SinCon 2013 by Stardust & Melancholy
- Chad Lindberg VegasCon Pics By DeanWGirl
- Collection of VegasCon pics by Jeni Berry
- Selection of pics and J2 Panel pics by elsiecat
- Master Post of HQ convention photos by Growyourwings
- Collection of Con pics by Teh Lackey
- SPN Vegas 2013 and J2 by Karen Cooke
- VegasCon13 Photos by wolfpup2000