Salute to Supernatural Boston 2011
From Super-wiki
Creation Entertainment will hold a Salute to Supernatural convention in Boston, from August 5-7 2011.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
For highlights of past conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook
Confirmed Guests
- Jared Padalecki
- Misha Collins
- Richard Speight Jr.
- Chad Lindberg
- Brock Kelly
- Matt Cohen
- Amy Gumenick - cancelled
- Alona Tal
- Traci Dinwiddie
- Jason Manns
Twitter Watch
Guests with Twitter accounts include:
- Jared @jarpad
- Misha @mishacollins
- Richard @dicksp8jr
- Brock @brockvkelly
- Matt @mattcohen4real
- Traci @Groovegoddess
- Jason @jasonmanns
- Chad @ChadLindberg
- Alona @talalona
The Twitter tag for this Convention is #boscon. Alternatively, follow the #boscon stream on Tweetchat where you can block retweets and individual users.
Be aware that reports may contain spoilers for unaired episodes. Remember to credit the original posters of this material.
Tweet Summaries
- Chad's panel by fiercelynormal
- Alona's panel by fiercelynormal
- Richards's panel by fiercelynormal
- Richard's 2nd panel by fiercelynormal
- Matt's panel by fiercelynormal
- Traci's panel by fiercelynormal
- Brock's 2nd panel by fiercelynormal
- Jared and Misha, and Jared panel by fiercelynormal
- Boston Con Summary post by ontd_spnparty
- BosCon, Or As I Would Prefer It, "Best Day Ever" by mainegirlwrites on The Winchester Family Business
- Con report by cherise
- Jason singing Hallelujah by adinarj
- Richard doing the macarena by uncomtann
- Chad crowd surfing, Karoake - Bring Me To Life, The Kill, Matt at karaoke, Matt and Richard at karaoke, Sober, Eye of the Tiger by Sam132289
- Matt and Chad doing Bohemian Rhapsody by biancanera
- Richard talks about his first time on the show, Richard Pt 2 by mcase1013
- Richard singing happy Birthday to a fan by 101 0522
- Richard says moist by castielthedancer
- Richard leaving a message for Mark Pellegrino by bianca nera
- Richard (Sunday) part 1, Part 2
- Matt's panel by mcase1013
- Matt doing the macarena by mcase103
- Matt planking by adinarj
- Matt's Misha impression by adinarj
- Misha Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
- Misha demonstrates his fighting skills by sherrilina2
Jared & Misha
- Breakfast with Jared & Misha Part 1, breakfast Part 2
- Jared and Misha breakfast, Part 2 by mcases1013
- Jared & Misha Part 1, Part 2
- Jared and Misha by DomsGirl1996
- Jared on pranking Misha
- Misha joins Jared's panel
- Traci feeding birds on the Charles by adinarj
- Chad says moist by castielthedancer,
- Brock says moist by adinarj
- short vids from various panels by lalablue
Tweet pics
- Alona by the ganglygallifreyan
- Pic of the audience by Alona
- Chad, Alona by @adinarj
- Jason, Matt and Dick having a lobster dinner by Jason
- Alona, Jason, Matt at Karaoke, Karaoke with Chad and Matt, Chad by mcase1013
- Traci by @MommaClueless
- Traci #1, #2 by mcase1012
- Traci, matt teaching a fan to owl by @cravenhawk
- Misha with a Castiel cosplaying fan, #2, #3, Misha, Misha in fan's trench coat #1, #2, #3, Brock Kelly by @may_spn
- Jared and Misha breakfast by @mommaclueless
- Matt - owling, Matt by@mcase1013:
- Jared and Misha breakfast #1], #2, Jared panel #1, #2, Jared and Misha panel by @Katsulla
- Jared and Misha panel by @ahcookiemonstah
- Con guests by vacshell
- Pics by strgazr04
- Pics by Prudsax06
- Pics by eggLee
- Salute to Supernatural Boston 2011 by Kreespa