Roscoe Styne

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Name Roscoe Styne
Actor Josh Emrson
Dates  ???? – 2015 (killed by Dean Winchester)
Episode(s) 10.22 The Prisoner


Roscoe was one of the many Styne cousins who resided in Shreveport, Louisiana.


10.22 The Prisoner

After Roscoe helps Eli kidnap the boy who was bullying Cyrus, he is tasked to accompany Eldon and Cyrus to the Men of Letters Bunker and raid it for anything useful and destroy the rest. Once the three break into the Bunker, they each go their separate ways to collect interesting books/objects to take back with them. When Roscoe finds Cyrus with his nose in a book on exorcism, he admonishes his cousin and tells him to stop reading and either "box it" or "burn it" and throws the book in the pile to be burned. When Cyrus protests, Roscoe tells him to "man up" and finish up while he goes and checks out the "sex dungeon."

As Eldon is about to burn the pile of books and belongings, he hears a noise and soon see Roscoe stagger into the library and fall over -- revealing the knife protruding from his back, and is soon followed by a blood stained Dean Winchester.