Needham Asylum
The Needham Asylum. Decommissioned in '63. Sound like Crowley's kinda place to you?
- 1 History
- 2 Episodes
- 2.1 10.03 Soul Survivor
- 2.2 10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls
- 2.3 10.09 The Things We Left Behind
- 2.4 10.10 The Hunter Games
- 2.5 10.14 The Executioner's Song
- 2.6 10.16 Paint It Black
- 2.7 10.17 Inside Man
- 2.8 10.21 Dark Dynasty
- 2.9 11.03 The Bad Seed
- 2.10 11.06 Our Little World
- 2.11 11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
- 2.12 11.14 The Vessel
- 2.13 11.15 Beyond the Mat
- 2.14 11.18 Hell's Angel
- 2.15 11.22 We Happy Few
- 2.16 12.02 Mamma Mia
- 2.17 12.08 LOTUS
- 2.18 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
- 2.19 12.13 Family Feud
- 2.20 12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
- 2.21 12.17 The British Invasion
- 2.22 12.19 The Future
- 2.23 12.21 There's Something About Mary
- 2.24 13.02 The Rising Son
- 2.25 13.07 War of the Worlds
- 2.26 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains
- 2.27 13.13 Devil's Bargain
- 2.28 13.17 The Thing
- 2.29 13.18 Bring 'em Back Alive
- 3 Trivia
Needham Asylum is a decommissioned mental hospital located near Fall River, Massachusetts. Crowley, during his tenure as King of Hell, held court in the asylum while on Earth, preferring it over going to Hell to conduct business. The asylum is protected with various warding sigils on its exterior, while its doors are locked with a simple bike lock. Crowley calls the asylum his palace.
After Crowley's death, the demons continued using the abandoned asylum as the site of their Earth-side operations under Asmodeus's tenure as King of Hell, until he was killed by Gabriel, leaving the insane asylum abandoned once more.
10.03 Soul Survivor
Crowley is holding court, signing documents and sentencing Abaddon loyalists for high treason. When a demon offers to be his new "wing man," Crowley simply snaps his fingers and the demon disintegrates into smoke.
Sometime later, Crowley continues to sentence demons who sided with Abaddon to death, and watches them be executed. As he is about to blithely sentence another, a demon rushes in, standing between the prisoner and Crowley, demanding Crowley stop. The demon lists off Crowley's offenses, telling him he has squandered the loyalty of his subjects. He produces a bottle of holy oil and pours the contents over his clothes. The demon flicks a lighter on, and Crowley’s eyes widen in surprise when he brings the lighter to his chest, setting himself on fire in front of Crowley's throne.
10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls
After Raul is killed by Rowena, Gerald vacates his meatsuit and possesses the nearest one he can find before heading to Crowley's lair to inform him of what happened. When Gerald tells Crowley of the bordello he and Raul opened to get souls, Crowley is none too pleased, as he believes the sex trade is "tacky."
After Crowley had dispatched demons to capture Rowena for her act of aggression, she is brought to Crowley's lair, chained up, and tortured in his dungeon.
As Crowley enters the room, Rowena begins to verbally taunt him, however Crowley is in disbelief and can only utter the word "Mother?"
10.09 The Things We Left Behind
Still chained up in the dungeon of the asylum, Rowena watches as Gerald brings a demon, Trish, in and chains her up. Rowena pleads with Gerald to let her speak with Crowley, but Gerald just locks the door and walks away laughing.
Trish tries desperately to get free of her chains, but Rowena tells her it won't work. Annoyed, Trish mocks Rowena's accent. Rowena questions what Trish is locked away for and Trish explains that Crowley only allows certain demons Earth-side, and—since she wasn't on the list—she got herself smuggled up from Hell and then was caught. She worries about what Crowley is going to do to get her to confess how she managed to get smuggled Earth-side. Then, she asks Rowena why she's locked up. Rowena answers, "I was a horrible mother."
Meanwhile, in the throne room, Crowley vents to Gerald about how awful a mother Rowena was. He relates a story about how she almost traded him for 3 pigs, and complains about the name she'd given him (Fergus). Gerald suggests killing her, and even offers to do it himself.
A while later, Gerald returns to the dungeon and opens the cell door, announcing that Crowley will see Rowena now. He leads Rowena into the throne room and they have a back and forth where Crowley insists on being referred to as Crowley, not his birthname Fergus, but Rowena refuses. She praises him for rising to the position of King of Hell and insists she always said he was destined for great things. Crowley counters that by reminding her she had predicted he would die in a gutter covered in his own vomit. Rowena tells him she was motivating him to do better. Crowley confronts her about abandoning him when he was 8 years old, and she tells him he's being dramatic. Their conversation leads to Rowena confessing that she doesn't know who Crowley's father was as he was conceived at a Winter Solstice orgy. She then goes on to tell him that she only abandoned him because she had a disagreement with some locals who then set their hounds on her. Crowley questions why she then stayed away for hundreds of years, and she dismisses his questioning, telling him that they have a second chance to be a family now. After insisting that he can trust her, Rowena approaches the throne that Crowley is sitting on and tells him she'll always be his mother and that she loves him, before planting a kiss on his head.
This causes Crowley to have Gerald throw Rowena back into the dungeon cell. As Gerald is trying to shackle Rowena back up, Rowena cries out to Crowley that she knows who had been smuggling souls back up from Hell. Crowley is intrigued, and Rowena points straight at Gerald, accusing him of the soul smuggling. Trish speaks up and confirms what Rowena is saying. Gerald protests that they're lying and wraps his hands around Rowena's throat, choking her. Crowley tells him to stop but, when Gerald refuses to, Crowley stabs him in the throat with an angel blade. Rowena thanks him for saving her life, and follows him out of the cell. Trish quickly pleads with Rowena to let her out since she lied about Gerald for her. Rowena tells her she'll be back in a flash—the same words she said to an 8-year-old Crowley before abandoning him—before closing the door of the cell behind her.
10.10 The Hunter Games
Crowley has a vision that he is being assassinated by his own demon henchmen in a hallway. Rowena brings him back to reality where he sits at his throne, staring blankly into space. She shows concern and offers to help him in any way. However, Crowley insists that nothing is wrong and tells her she can't do anything to help him. Immediately after he exits the room, she pulls out a hex bag from under his throne.
Later, when Crowley isn't around, Rowena snoops around the throne room—opening chests, an old locker full of ties. She's about to reach for an old scroll atop the lockers when Guthrie appears and tells her Crowley didn't want her wandering around unattended. Rowena tries to sweet talk Guthrie before Crowley enters and asks Guthrie's opinion on a form he's signing. When Guthrie leaves, and Crowley is seated in his throne, Rowena begins sowing further seeds of mistrust in Crowley's head against his demon henchmen, telling him they've been plotting against him. Crowley tells her he sees through her, but Rowena insists that she's nothing but a proud mother. Crowley reminds her that she managed to stay away from him for 300 years to which Rowena explains that she had to escape the locals who were about to try her for witchcraft. She then tells him they can be a family again.
Rowena enjoys some tea from a golden tea set as she reminiscences with Crowley about a lullaby she used to sing him nightly after he fed their goat. Crowley reminds her that she didn't sing him a lullaby, she dosed him with whiskey until he passed out. Rowena praises her pharmacology skills as she takes a sip of her tea. Crowley's phone rings and he answers it, greeting Dean. Dean insists that they have to meet, and Crowley instantly agrees without question, eager to get out of his mother's company. He tells Rowena he has to leave on business, and Rowena praises his importance once more, straightening his tie. Rowena asks whether he'd like dinner when he gets back. Crowley reminds her that he she doesn't cook, and he doesn't eat, before promptly disappearing. Once she's alone, Rowena takes a pair of scissors from a drawer, walks over to Crowley's tie locker, and snips a swatch of fabric from one of his ties.
As Crowley meets with Sam and Dean, Rowena uses the swatch of fabric to cast a spell which helps her astral project and spy on Crowley. Through this, she finds out that Sam and Dean are asking Crowley to bring them the First Blade in order to use it to get rid of the Mark of Cain. Crowley reveals the First Blade is in a crypt along with his bones in Guam. Using this information, Rowena manipulates Guthrie into going to Guam and receiving the First Blade—telling him that it's an order from Crowley himself.
When Guthrie returns, Rowena is relaxing on Crowley's throne. Guthrie insists that the blade is now his responsibility and that he'll deliver it to Crowley personally. Rowena walks over to him, praising his loyalty, before stabbing him with an angel blade, killing him. Crowley enters moments later, surprised to find Guthrie dead. Rowena puts on an act, falsely accusing Guthrie of having incited unrest among the court. Crowley refuses to believe it at first until Rowena mentions the Winchesters and tells Crowley Guthrie had went to get the First Blade of his own accord because Crowley "couldn't be trusted". She tells Crowley that she confronted Guthrie only to be attacked, forcing her to kill him. Crowley muses on his earlier vision of Guthrie attacking him, and wonders how he knew of his meeting with the Winchesters. He takes the First Blade from Guthrie's satchel and Rowena warns him against trusting the Winchesters.
Having taken his mother's words into consideration, Crowley sits on his throne and calls Dean. He tells him that he has the blade, but will be keeping it until Dean works out how to get the Mark of Cain off his arm.
10.14 The Executioner's Song
While Crowley is holding court, a crossroads demon brings up a grievance regarding the lack of recognition he has received for soul collections he has gotten in the last quarter, saying he simply wishes to be given credit where credit is due. Crowley dismissively obliges his request and gives him credit. However, Rowena tells Crowley that he shouldn't be giving in, as "whiners beget whiners"; she suggests that he cut the crossroads demon in two and nail his bloody halves to the doors of the court as warning to all demons not to waste the King's time. After a brief contemplation, Crowley goes with his mother's plan and has the crossroads demon dragged away, screaming.
As Crowley is walking the corridors of his lair, he is stopped by Rowena who begins sweet talking him into dealing with a member of the Grand Coven, Olivette. However Crowley reveals that he has been on to Rowena's manipulations from the start, which Rowena readily admits to. With everything now out in the open, Rowena once again attempts to talk Crowley into helping her. Crowley looks at Rowena and turns and walks away.
Later we see that Crowley has agreed to help Rowena with an assault on Olivette, though as Rowena is preparing a plan of attack, Crowley gets a phone call from the Winchesters, asking for the First Blade. Crowley tells his Mother that they need to move back the attack, much to Rowena's dismay. Crowley opens a panel in the wall and pushes a button. A drawer opens up underneath containing the First Blade in a leather wrap, Crowley takes the blade out of the drawer. Crowley walks out of the chamber and down a hallway as Rowena yells after him.
10.16 Paint It Black
Sitting on his throne, Crowley is examining documents on a clipboard when a demon approaches him to plead with him to speak with Rowena. The demon explains that Rowena is still annoyed with Crowley and takes it out on the court of demons. After the demon turns around to reveal Rowena had turned the back of his head into a copy of his face, Crowley calls for her. When Rowena enters the throne room, Crowley gives her a chance to comment on the two-face demon's plight, but she simply relishes in praising her work. Dismissing the demon, Crowley begins by acknowledging his mother's annoyance which she insists is a sense of betrayal instead because he hadn't helped her launch an attack on Olivette of the Grand Coven. Rowena reminds him that she cannot rightfully practice witchcraft without the coven's approval, and Crowley rebukes by pointing out what she'd done to the demon he'd just dismissed. However, Rowena disregards her work as a mere "parlor trick". Crowley warns her that he's thinking about throwing her back into the dungeon she'd previously been confined to. Rowena tries to guilt trip him, recounting the pain she'd felt when he'd helped the Winchesters instead of her, accusing him of preferring them to his own "flesh and blood". She expresses sadness over all of this, mentioning that she'd done a lot for him. Crowley questions this, asking what she'd ever done for him. Rowena reminds him that—since she'd given him life—he wouldn't exist without her. With a theatrical flourish of magic, smashing glass with a flick of her hands, she leaves the throne room.
The next day, Crowley summons a sarcastic Rowena to his throne room and asks what she can do for him. Crowley tells her he'd been thinking about how he'd feel if his reason for living were taken from him and announces that he's brought Olivette to the asylum. A handcuffed Olivette is led into the throne room by two demons and Rowena is surprised but voices her anger with the woman. Crowley points out that the iron handcuffs render the witch powerless, so Rowena can do whatever she wants with her. He then leaves the room with the two demons in tow.
Olivette begins insulting Rowena who tells her that insulting her won't get her to release her. Olivette refuses to grovel for freedom with a witch who had slept with a non-magical human and produced his offspring. Olivette goes on to explain that she and the Grand Coven looked past this because Rowena had been talented, thinking she'd outgrow her "reckless, selfish ways". However, when Rowena grew out of control, they'd had to throw her out. Rowena, unphased by this, reveals to Olivette that her son—and Olivette's imprisoner—is now King of Hell.
After tying Olivette to a chair, Rowena proceeds to beat the witch. Olivette calls Rowena "petulant", "reckless", and "overrated", to which Rowena accuses Olivette of jealousy. They discuss Rowena's ambition for the coven as she continues to hurt Olivette, telling her that she'll get what she wants from her. However, Olivette reveals that the coven is a shell of what it once was because the Men of Letters had been behind the persecution of witches for years, stealing their spells and secrets and hoarding the knowledge in bunkers.
Rowena continues to torture Olivette, trying to get more information out of her. When Olivette tells Rowena she doesn't know any more, Rowena accuses her of lying and being worried that Rowena will recover all the stolen potions and spells and become more powerful than Olivette herself. Rowena asks how she can find the Men of Letters. Olivette says she isn't sure if they still exist but she had heard the American chapter had disbanded in the 1950s. She does, however, know that two of its members still live—Sam and Dean Winchester. Surprised but content with this information, Rowena tells Olivette that she's no longer useful. After telling Olivette that she'll pay for ruining Rowena's life by losing her own, Rowena begins cast a spell. As Olivette convulses, blood pouring from her mouth, Rowena has a change of heart and stops the spell. She muses on how death is too easy a way out for Olivette and begins to cast another spell which turns Olivette into a hamster.
With Olivette now in a cage, running on a hamster wheel, Crowley compliments Rowena on her creativity. Rowena begins to ask Crowley about the Winchesters' association with the Men of Letters, but Crowley cuts her off, telling her that his relationship with Sam and Dean is none of her business and that he refuses to kill them.
10.17 Inside Man
A naked Rowena paints sigils onto her skin in front of a full-body mirror in her quarters. When Crowley suddenly enters, she scarpers to put on a robe, mocking his disgust. She advises him to knock next time, which is refuses, telling her that the asylum is his "domain". He asks what's she's up to, given that she hasn't hounded him for anything in days. Rowena lies to him, telling him that she's been dating someone—a man called Trent, an assistant manager at Biggerson's. Disgusted by this, Crowley leaves, telling his mother to put some clothes on. After Crowley leaves, Rowena fetches a chest from beneath her bed and opens it to reveal a collection of items related to witchcraft.
Later, Rowena manipulates a hardworking demon underling into helping her reveal the location of the Winchesters' base through tracing a call Crowley had made during his time imprisoned there the previous year. The demon sets up a tablet and uses a program called Vox Sanguinum Locant Enterprise Edition (Cracked) to find the location of the base. Due to interference, however, he is unable to pinpoint the exact location, but manages to whittle it down to a 10-mile radius.
After managing to locate Dean at a bar near the bunker and confronting him, Rowena returns to the asylum, vexed that her spell to kill him didn't work. Searching for another plan, she gets inspiration from a dagger in her quarters. She mutilates herself and storms into the throne room to tell Crowley that Dean attacked her. Crowley dismisses all other demons in the room before questioning Rowena on why she was anywhere near Dean. She explains that she'd been trying to kill him, but had failed. Crowley sympathises, given that he'd been in her position before. He then explains that the Mark of Cain was protecting Dean from dying. Rowena vows to find a way to remove the mark so that she can kill him. Crowley asks why she tried to kill Dean in the first place, and Rowena tells him that she's fed up with Sam and Dean having Crowley on a leash. Crowley denies this and tells her that he has the Winchesters right where he wants them. Rowena doesn't believe this, and is angered that Crowley doesn't seem to care very much about her (faked) injuries. She begs Crowley to do something about Dean to avoid his demonic subjects from thinking him weak.
When Crowley returns from meeting with Dean,—whom he'd had a conversation with about the true meaning of family—he enters his mother's quarters and tells her that they're done, and that he wants her out. Rowena is shocked, reminding Crowley that she's his mother. Crowley tells her that just because she brought him into the world doesn't make her a mother. Rowena accuses him of choosing the Winchesters, but Crowley retorts that he's choosing himself. He concedes that she was right about him getting soft, and vows to renounce his tameness and return to his former more evil self. Crowley gently caresses his mother's face as she cries, and asks her if she'd even have bothered to care about him had he not been the King of Hell. Rowena doesn't answer this, but tells Crowley that he can't throw her out. Crowley angrily counters that he can because he's "bloody Crowley" and he does what he wants and doesn't take orders from Rowena. As Crowley turns to leave, Rowena tearfully vows to watch everything he has burn. Crowley is unphased, telling her she has five minutes to leave and never return.
10.21 Dark Dynasty
Crowley is enjoying a game of darts on one of his demon minions when he gets the news that Rowena has gone missing. Not liking what he's heard, he picks up an angel blade and kills his minion, and orders the other to track his mother down.
Sometime later Crowley is conversing with the hamster Olivette, trying to dig up dirt on Rowena he can use against her. While Olivette tells him how horrible Rowena is, it's nothing he doesn't already know, until Olivette mentions Rowena's demon lover as well as a man by the name of Oskar. With this new information on his mother, Crowley summons one of his demon minions and orders the minion to track down Oskar.
11.03 The Bad Seed
As Crowley watches over Amara, one of his minions informs him that Rowena has been found. Crowley sends the minion off to kill Rowena. Amara's nanny updates Crowley on the progress of Amara's education, telling him that she's making great strides despite having been a baby just days before. Crowley orders the nanny to keep a close eye on Amara and ensure she communicates with no one outside the court—he wants to make sure she is firmly on his team. The nanny then compliments Amara's name and asks if Crowley named her himself. He tells her that Jenna named her prior to Amara sucking out and consuming her soul. Crowley then enquires as to what Amara is now watching on her laptop. The nanny answers that Amara is watching Hitler's Nuremberg speeches translated into English.
Crowley approaches Amara and tells her she can take a break, praising her on her quick educational progress. He tells her that he wants her to be happy, referring to the asylum as her "new home". Crowley encourages Amara to ask for anything she wants, and Amara tells him that all she wants is for Crowley to save her from "Him"—God. Amara goes on to mention that God tricked her and sealed her away, leading Crowley to question exactly how God managed that. This causes Amara to clam up and refuse to talk further on the matter. Nevertheless, Crowley tells her he'll protect her and she thanks him before going back to watching Hitler's speeches on her laptop.
Later, Amara—now alone in her quarters—takes a break from browsing pictures of Earth's natural beauty. She walks over to her full-length mirror and sees her adult self reflected in the glass. Adult Amara notes that child Amara looks confused and trouble, child Amara confides that she is confused how God could make such beautiful things on Earth after locking her away. Amara's adult self tells her it was nothing but a demonstration of his inflated ego and that it doesn't excuse his actions towards them, she then tells her younger self to stay focused on their purpose, insisting that they are stronger than God.
Crowley interrupts Amara's talk with her future self—who disappears from the mirror—and questions why she is not in bed. Amara tells him she'll go to bed soon and returns to her laptop at her desk. Crowley praises her for working hard on her studies and asks if she's learning anything interesting, to which Amara answers "I think so."
A while later, Crowley enters Amara's quarters holding a gift bag as she plays Scrabble on her own. Crowley presents Amara with two gifts—a bloodied pink dress, and a pop-up children's book about a rabbit entitled Uncle Hoppity. Amara is unimpressed, telling Crowley she prefers the book her nanny had given her—Dante's Inferno, in the original Italian. Crowley asks if nanny has been educating Amara well on the world, and Amara tells him that she thinks the world doesn't work very well and that she's had time to decide how she would've done things differently than God. This worries Crowley a little, but Amara just changes the subject and announces that she's hungry. Crowley gets Amara's nanny to bring her a tray full of muffins and cupcakes. However, Amara is unsatisfied with this and walks over to cradle her nanny's cheeks before sucking out her soul. Her hunger sated, and the nanny lying on the ground, Amara comments that she killed her. Crowley corrects her, telling her that the nanny's meatsuit was already dead and that the soul was the thing keeping her alive. "Not anymore," Amara responds indifferently, sitting back down to resume her game, thanking "Uncle Crowley".
Amara continues to absorb souls from demon minions, much to Crowley's worry. Crowley asks one of his minions if the cafeteria is serving dead meatsuits to prevent soulless meatsuits from causing trouble in the asylum. Amara continues her conversation with Crowley about how much God messed up mankind. She tells him that she feels the emptiness of the souls she devours, questioning why people want to live in a world where they suffer only to die in the end. Crowley sits down opposite Amara and guides the conversation to them working together to shape the world into what they desire. Crowley muses that he'd like the world to be enveloped in "pure evil", but Amara asks if he'd really be happy if everyone was evil. Rethinking his stance, Crowley comes to the conclusion that he'd rather everyone not be evil, in order for him to corrupt those who aren't. Amara doesn't understand, she sees everything as "unimportant", and insists Crowley isn't seeing the big picture. When Crowley presses her on this, Amara again changes the subject and tells him she's hungry again. Crowley simply clicks his fingers and a struggling meatsuit is escorted into the room, much to Amara's delight.
Later, Crowley calls for one of his minions who he has made Amara's new nanny. He commends him for his good work, telling him that Amara responds well to him. The minion tells Crowley, "She looks at me like she wants to eat me." To which Crowley responds, "She wants to eat everyone, don't take it personally." The demon minion asks Crowley if there isn't another job he can do since he has no experience with children. Crowley admonishes him for asking since the minion failed to kill Rowena. Sitting on his throne, Crowley orders the minion to stop overfeeding Amara souls—despite having given the opposite order not long ago. He is worried she'll grow too powerful before he can be assured of her loyalty. After being threatened by Crowley, the minion nervously agrees to do as he says.
While walking the halls later, looking over some documents, Crowley stumbles across the body of the minion nanny. Upon entering Amara's quarters, he finds her aged-up into a teenager, standing at her mirror. She turns to smile at him, telling him she's hungry. Crowley suggests they have a talk first, which angers Amara who reasserts the fact that she's hungry.
11.06 Our Little World
Amara returns to the lair after consuming another human soul and aging into a teenager. In response, Crowley locks Amara in her room and assigns Jervis, who notes that the court is short on demons due to Amara consuming them all, to guard the door. Amara refuses Crowley's offer of more food and Crowley focuses more on figuring out how to connect with her than on holding court. He later offers Amara his protection as incentive for Amara to stay.
After catching wind of the assassination of Len Fletcher, the Winchesters capture and interrogate the demon Marco, who reveals some of Crowley and Amara's actions but refuses to identify Crowley's location. After Dean kills Marco, Sam goes through his phone and maps out the locations of Amara's soul-sucking in Fall River, Massachusetts. Looking for possible lair locations in the area for Crowley, Dean notes the Needham Asylum, which was closed down in 1963, and the Winchesters realize that an abandoned insane asylum would be perfect for Crowley.
The Winchesters launch a raid to kill Amara, finding a padlock on the door to keep humans out and warding sigils to keep out everyone else. Sam is able to subdue Jervis and another demon, but is forced to kill a third with an angel blade while Dean confronts Amara in her room. Dean can't bring himself to kill her before Crowley interrupts, intending to kill Dean. However, Amara stops Crowley and forces him to grant the Winchesters safe passage out once she is gone. Amara subsequently departs to settle "the oldest grudge" while Crowley broods on his throne once both the Winchesters and Amara are gone.
11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
After his demons capture Rowena, Crowley has her brought to his throne room so that he and the Winchesters can discuss with her their plan to speak with Lucifer in Hell using the Book of the Damned.
11.14 The Vessel
Lucifer—in Castiel's vessel—is sat on Crowley's throne, playing on an iPad and ignoring the demons gathered before him. One steps forward to ask whether Lucifer would like to hear the latest soul numbers. Without looking up, Lucifer answers that he doesn't, because he doesn't care. The demon then offers an update on Amara, which finally gets Lucifer's attention and he looks up from his game. The demon goes on to tell him that there's no update, and that they still haven't found her. At this point, Simmons—another of Crowley's demon minions—interrupts and steps forward, trying to get Lucifer to give them some direction in their mission to find and capture Amara. This bores Lucifer, who turns his attention back to his game. Simmons continues, nevertheless, and insults Crowley, calling him a "coward" and a "fool". From a cage at the far side of the throne room comes a muffled sound, and Lucifer shushes Simmons, telling her "doggy wants to speak". A demon guard slides open the cage door to reveal Crowley on his hands and knees, dressed in casual dirty clothing, chains around his neck and wrists, gag in his mouth. Haggardly, Crowley admonishes Simmons for talking down to Lucifer, referring to him as her "master". Lucifer praises him, telling him he's a "good doggy".
Later, the group of demon minions wheel a cart full of weapons from Lucifer's crypts into the throne room. Still on Crowley's throne, with Crowley shackled at his feet, Lucifer gets up to examine the weapons and seems disappointed. After dismissing all the demons, Lucifer teases Crowley, asking how his wounds are healing. Fearful, Crowley answers that they are "no less than [he deserves]". Lucifer ruffles Crowley's hair and makes fun of him for being scared of his "master" before pinching his ear and telling him that he can tell that his fear is an act. Lucifer asks Crowley what his "treasonous" plans to take back his throne are. Crowley tells him that he knows Lucifer knows his weapons won't be enough to beat Amara. Lucifer concedes this, but reminds Crowley that he is still his "master" and threatens to place him back in his "kennel". Castiel's phone rings before he can do so, and Lucifer puts on his best Castiel impression as he answers the phone to Dean.
11.15 Beyond the Mat
Having settled into his role as the usurper of Crowley's throne, Lucifer stands in the throne room, reading over documents from his demon minions and encouraging them to continue closing on as many deals as possible and to find him another Hand of God. Meanwhile, Crowley is on his hands and knees, still chained up, cleaning the throne room floor with a toothbrush. Lucifer mocks him before demanding that Crowley use his tongue to clean the floor instead of the toothbrush. The demons watch on as Crowley obeys.
Later, when Crowley is back in his kennel and Lucifer is elsewhere, Simmons opens the kennel and tells Crowley she's helping him escape. Unbeknownst to Crowley, Simmons is tricking him in order to get him to lead her to a Hand of God for Lucifer. When Simmons is leading him out of the throne room, they are met by two other demon minions. Crowley impulsively shoves Simmons forward and kills the demons with one of their angel blades before leaving with a seemingly impressed Simmons.
11.18 Hell's Angel
Crowley tells the Winchesters how Lucifer kept him prisoner in his own "palace" and forced him to clean the floors with his tongue. While originally confused, Dean realizes that Crowley means the abandoned nuthouse he uses as his lair.
11.22 We Happy Few
Crowley holds court with many of his demons, trying to regain power in Hell. However, the demons simply laugh at Crowley's attempts and abandon him, leaving Crowley alone in the deserted asylum.
While trying to recruit an army to defeat the Darkness, Dean visits Crowley in the throne room where he convinces the despondent King to help them by giving Crowley a solid plan to present to his demons, rather than Crowley presenting his own ego to them as he did earlier.
12.02 Mamma Mia
Lucifer—in the vessel of Vince Vincente barges into the throne room as Crowley is sat on the throne reading a Superman comic. Lucifer calls Crowley a "squatter", and tells him to get off his throne. Crowley mocks Lucifer's choice of vessel, and tells him he has a proposal. He suggests that Lucifer work on reclaiming Heaven now that God is gone again, leaving Crowley to rule Hell. Lucifer rejects Crowley's advice, and threatens to smite him. All of a sudden, Rowena enters, chanting a spell which paralyzes Lucifer. Crowley then douses Lucifer in sulfuric acid, knowing it won't harm Lucifer himself, but will damage his vessel. As the acid burns through Lucifer's vessel's face, Rowena attempts a spell to send Lucifer's essence back to the Cage. When the spell fails and Lucifer begins to stand up and move again, Rowena tries to use her paralysis spell again, to no avail. Lucifer's eyes glow red, and he flexes his wings before healing himself. Seeing this, Crowley disappears, leaving his mother alone in the throne room with Lucifer.
With Crowley gone, Lucifer sits on his throne, Rowena forced into position kneeling at his feet. He tells her that his first instinct on seeing her again was to kill her, but he has decided against it. Relieved, Rowena rises to her feet and vows to give up scheming and stay far away from him. Telling her she has misunderstood him, Lucifer tells her he intends to keep her as a prisoner instead and use her power—along with her access to the Book of the Damned—to his advantage. With that, he transports a fearful Rowena away from the throne room.
12.08 LOTUS
Crowley mentions to the Winchesters and Castiel that he is once again persona non grata in his own palace, causing them to become incredulous when Crowley calls the old insane asylum his palace yet again.
12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
After the whole Ramiel ordeal, Crowley returns to his throne room, where he is on the phone with one of his remaining demon minions ordering him to search Ramiel's home until they find the Colt. Exasperated, he hangs up and makes himself a drink. A voice begins mocking him with a song, telling him he can never really trust the Winchesters, as they will eventually kill him like all other demons. Crowley simply tells him to shut up and calls him a dog, only for Lucifer's eyes to flash red and tell Crowley that isn't his name.
12.13 Family Feud
With Lucifer chained to an iron chair, Crowley taunts him, telling him he will eventually break and call him "master." Crowley goes on to explain that Lucifer's current chains are made of the same material as the chains from the Cage, and therefore strong enough to restrain him indefinitely. Crowley then tells him of how he managed to disrupt Rowena's spell that had been supposed to send Lucifer back to the Cage, but ended up sending him back to his original vessel, Nick—which they'd found "a few years ago", repairing and improving it. Lucifer mocks Crowley for looking for revenge rather than sending him back to the Cage.
Crowley grabs Lucifer by the chains and throws him to the floor, wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine by asking him to clean the floor with his tongue. Lucifer, however, continues to mock Crowley, telling him that he won't see it coming when he gets taken down, revealing that the Nephilim he fathered with Kelly Kline still exists, despite Crowley having believed that Sam and Dean had helped Kelly get an abortion. Crowley, shocked, steps aside when he gets a call from Dean. Confronting the Winchesters about having allowed the Nephilim to live, Crowley rejects their plea for help with getting in touch with his son, Gavin, telling them to fix the Nephilim mess before asking him for favors. Having overheard the phonecall, Lucifer continues to mock Crowley, asking him for "dad advice".
12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
Crowley stands in front of Lucifer, who is still chained to an iron chair. Crowley mocks Lucifer, gloating that he has imprisoned him. Lucifer is unperturbed, threatening to peel off Crowley's skin and eat his soul. Crowley tells him that he isn't afraid of him because of the fact that he's restrained. Lucifer tells him that his imprisonment is temporary, but Crowley disagrees. Suddenly, one of Crowley's demon minions begins banging on the door, and Crowley gags Lucifer before leaving the room to enter the throne room. One of his demon minions tells him he's late for the weekly meeting, another adds that Crowley has 410 crossroads deals to approve, and 638 other matters to respond to. Annoyed, Crowley gets to work.
Crowley sits on his throne, listening to one of his minions read out the matters he has to respond to. When his cell phone rings, he pauses the meeting, answering the phone to Dean. Still upset that Sam and Dean allowed his son, Gavin, to go back in time to his death, Crowley is less than pleased to hear from him. Crowley is about to hang up before Dean tells him that a hellhound are attacking people who didn't sell their soul. Crowley tells him that it's impossible, but questions his minions who tell him that Lucifer's hellhound, Ramsey, escaped from her kennel in Hell. Crowley orders for the kennel guards to be killed, before teleporting to Sam and Dean's location.
While Crowley is away, the two demon minions sneak into the room—having stolen the key right from Crowley's pocket when he was distracted by Dean's phonecall—to find Lucifer still chained to the chair and gagged. One of them drops to his knees in veneration, whilst the other gloats about how he knew Crowley was up to something. They confide in Lucifer, telling him that most of them don't like Crowley. They also confess to releasing Ramsey to create a distraction. They tell Lucifer that they're prepared to free him if he sees to their requests. In addition to his many requests, one of the demons asks for Lucifer to grant him 1,000 souls a year and to anoint him as King of the Crossroads. Lucifer agrees, eager to be freed. When Victor frees Lucifer from his shackles, Lucifer gets to his feet, stretches, then pulverizes them both.
When Crowley returns to the asylum, he notices that Lucifer has gotten free. He finds Lucifer lounging on his throne, gloating about being free. Lucifer gets up and hits Crowley, who gets thrown to the floor by the force. Lucifer flexes his wings, eyes glowing, and prepares to kill Crowley. However, Crowley snaps his fingers, causing Lucifer's display of power to falter. Crowley begins hurting Lucifer telekinetically, repeating his threats to Lucifer from earlier. Crowley takes his place at the throne and explains to Lucifer that his vessel, Nick, has been warded with runes and spellwork from the Cage, and is effectively a prison. He tells Lucifer that he's going to chain him back up, find his Nephilim spawn, and kill the child in front of him.
12.17 The British Invasion
In his prison, Lucifer telepathically calls out to Dagon, who he has tasked with watching Kelly Kline, the mother of his unborn son. He asks how the Nephilim is, and if the "container"—referring to Kelly—is holding up. Dagon tells him that Kelly should last as long as she is needed, and Lucifer warns Dagon not to fail him "again".
Later, Crowley visits Lucifer in his prison room. He belittles him, treating him like a dog and throwing a ball across the room for him. After a moment, Lucifer gets to his feet, chains rattling, and shuffles forward before dropping to his knees and leaning down to lick the floor. Crowley is puzzled, and Lucifer explains that he's giving him what he wants—submission. Crowley questions why Lucifer would do that, and Lucifer explains that he'd rather be here than in the Cage with Michael, who is "drooling [and] insane". He concedes that Crowley wins.
With that, Crowley proudly parades a shackled Lucifer out into the throne room in front of all his demon minions in a display of power. He proclaims that he has tamed the devil, and that they all should see this as proof that Crowley is the one true ruler of Hell. Lucifer verbally agrees with Crowley, saying, "There is only one true ruler of Hell." before mouthing silently to only the demons, "Me." After duplicitously agreeing to surrender and obey Crowley—sending a wink in the demons' direction when he does so—Lucifer warns, "anyone who does not support this one true king, can be assured of suffering unendurable and everlasting agony." His eyes then burn red, and he demands applause from the demons.
Later, back in his prison room, a demon called Drexel is examining Lucifer's vessel while Crowley is distracted with other duties. He tells him that everything is looking good. Lucifer enquires about the security system embedded in his vessel by Crowley, and whether or not it can be deactivated. Drexel hesitates, and Lucifer grabs him by his throat for an answer. Drexel tells him that the demon who designed the security system, Spivak, was the only one who had the power to disarm the system before Crowley killed him to safeguard the secrets of said system. Lucifer releases Drexel and asks if he can crack it. Drexel tells him that he can, but he needs time. Lucifer is optimistic about this, eager to get out of the prison and "be a dad".
12.19 The Future
After Castiel helps Kelly escape from Dagon's clutches, Lucifer gets in touch with Dagon telepathically from his prison room. Dagon lies to Lucifer, telling him she has just put Kelly down for a nap. Lucifer tells her that he knows she's lying, and asks what happened. Dagon explains that angels found them and Castiel took Kelly. Lucifer is enraged, screaming wordlessly, hurting Dagon telepathically. When she recovers, she vows to find them, and Lucifer agrees, telling her that his promise to her—of allowing her to rule Heaven and Earth with him and his son—is on the line. He also makes another promise to torment her endlessly if she doesn't find Kelly and his son.
12.21 There's Something About Mary
In the throne room of the asylum, Crowley berates one of his demon minions for not having found Kelly Kline yet. He asks what information the demon has, and the minion tells him that Dagon is dead, Lucifer's son is almost due, and they don't know how powerful the Nephilim will be when he's born. Crowley expresses his frustration that, despite the "legion of demons" he'd given the task of finding Kelly, they've still been unsuccessful. He orders the demon to follow him, and the demon asks if Crowley plans to skin him alive, Crowley simply answers that he plans to motivate them.
Meanwhile, Drexel sneaks into Lucifer's holding cell to examine how his vessel is holding up as he works on deactivating the security system keeping him under Crowley's control. After the examination, Lucifer expresses his desire to escape from his prison soon. Drexel preaches patience, but Lucifer tells him that he doesn't mind risking it if the security system is at minimum power. All of a sudden, Crowley's voice can be heard coming from the throne room—he's assuring Sam and Dean that the hellhound that killed Eileen Leahy wasn't one of his, there are no missing hellhounds, and that he doesn't know anything about the spate of American hunter deaths. He hangs up and heads into Lucifer's holding cell, just as Drexel hides behind the door. Crowley goes about asking Lucifer if he knows where Kelly Kline is, and informs Lucifer that Dagon is dead and Kelly is now with Castiel. He then tells Lucifer of his plan to allow the Nephilim to be born, and raise him as his own, using his power for his own ends. Crowley warns Lucifer that he may be his only chance of saving his son's life, to which Lucifer disagrees. Crowley tells him to think about it, before leaving the cell and closing the door. Relieved, Drexel leaves his hiding place and Lucifer insists that he needs to get him out of there as soon as possible. Drexel is adamant that they need to time his escape perfectly, or risk Crowley gaining even more control over him. When Drexel checks the security system again, he is amazed to find out that it's powering back up in the opposite direction—giving Lucifer control over Crowley.
Later, Crowley strolls into Lucifer's cell, telling him that he'll eventually get rid of him, and taunts him, asking if the Nephilim is still alive—expecting the Winchesters to have killed him by now. Lucifer tells him his son is still alive, and he's strong. Crowley continues to mock how Lucifer is "a virtual slave to [his] will". As Crowley monologues, Lucifer begins to demonstrate how the tables have turned and how he now controls Crowley—every move Lucifer makes, Crowley is forced to imitate.
Lucifer's chains drop from him, and he stretches. Crowley begins to babble anxiously, telling Lucifer that he accepts him as ruler, before turning to attempt to run away. Unfortunately, Lucifer begins to throw Crowley through doors telepathically until they reach the throne room. The demon minions watch in horror as Lucifer grabs an angel blade, levitates Crowley into a standing position, and forces Crowley to walk towards him. Lucifer unfurls his wings in a show of power. He begins cutting Crowley's face with the blade, and Crowley falls back to the floor. Lucifer stabs him with the angel blade before dropping the blade and walking away, believing Crowley to be dead. Unbeknownst to Lucifer, Crowley had spotted a rat and managed to possess it before he was stabbed.
After Lucifer leaves, Drexel and another demon minion are cleaning up the throne room on Lucifer's command. The other demon asks what they should do with Crowley's empty meatsuit, and Drexel tells him they should just throw it out. As they're dragging Crowley's meatsuit out of the throne room, Crowley—in the body of a rat—follows them out.
13.02 The Rising Son
In the throne room, a group of demons are drunk and distraught now that Crowley is "dead" and Lucifer is gone. One of the drunken demons mocks Drexel for protecting the throne in the hopes that Lucifer will return and "make Hell great again". Suddenly, the doors crash open, and Asmodeus enters. Asmodeus announces that he's there to rule until Lucifer returns with his son, and that there are going to be some changes. He asks Drexel, Harrington, and Sierra to step forward before smiting the rest of the demons.
Later, Asmodeus is sat on the throne when Drexel enters the throne room to tell Asmodeus that despite having checked everywhere—including all of Hell, and the Cage—Lucifer is nowhere to be found. Asmodeus tells Drexel to focus on Lucifer's son instead, and Drexel tells him that they've failed to find him as well, suggesting he may be dead. Asmodeus tells him that he's sure the Nephilim is still alive and he wants to find him and train him to rule. Drexel scribbles down his orders in a notebook, and mentions that he knows Lucifer would be upset if they didn't find his son. Asmodeus tells him that he's well aware of Lucifer's short fuse, indicating that the scars on his face were given to him by Lucifer. He goes on to explain that, long ago, he freed the fearsome shedim, believing he could train them. However, Lucifer was afraid of them and locked them back up. Through his disappointment in Asmodeus, he punished him, leading to the scars on his face. Asmodeus tells Drexel that he is under Lucifer's command, and Drexel is under his.
13.07 War of the Worlds
Asmodeus sits on the throne cross-legged, trying to reach out to Jack Kline telepathically. A demon enters the throne room and tells Asmodeus that there is no news of Jack's whereabouts. Asmodeus muses on how he's finding it difficult to locate Jack despite the fact that he's an immensely powerful being. He comments that the Winchesters are doing a great job of concealing Jack, but the demon informs him—according to a hunter they have on their pay-roll—that Jack is no longer with the Winchesters, and they're scrambling to find him too.
Later, having had his demons find out the last motel the Winchesters and Jack stayed in—the Stampede Motel in Dodge City, Kansas—Asmodeus tortures a motel clerk from the same motel for information on Jack's whereabouts. The motel clerk—Karl—is confused by the questioning and tells Asmodeus that the men he speaks of were FBI agents, paid their bill in cash, and left. Karl swears that he knows nothing else about the Winchesters and Jack. Asmodeus then gets a demon to stab Karl to death before ordering them to clean up. Suddenly, Asmodeus senses a great power which pleases him—Lucifer is back from Apocalypse World.
After ambushing Lucifer and Castiel at a bar, Asmodeus brings them back to Needham Asylum as prisoners and answers a phonecall from Dean while impersonating Castiel to keep the Winchesters off his trail. He explains to Arthur Ketch—whom he has hired to find Jack—that he needs Lucifer, can use Castiel as leverage with the Winchesters, and needs Jack in order to use him in a fight against Apocalypse World's Michael.
13.12 Various & Sundry Villains
While Asmodeus is away, Castiel and Lucifer continue to be held in their cells inside the lair, taunted by the demon Dipper, who reveals that the warding on Lucifer's cell was strengthened to hold the archangel. While locked up together, Castiel continually refuses to allow Lucifer to take some of his grace, while Lucifer discovers that anger allows him to use his telekinesis. The two angels draw Dipper in before Lucifer pins Dipper to the bars of his cell with telekinesis, breaks the stick Lucifer has been practicing his powers on off in Dipper's neck and burns out the warding in his cell and Castiel's. Castiel smites a shocked Dipper and Lucifer takes his angel blade, but the two are then accosted by four more demons. They eventually kill all four and escape.
Outside, the angels are forced to stop due to Lucifer exhausting himself in his weakened state. Lucifer again tries to get Castiel to give up some of his grace and assaults Castiel at the bottom of the lair steps. Though wounded himself, Castiel manages to wound the weakened Lucifer with an angel blade.
13.13 Devil's Bargain
After regaining consciousness, Castiel returns to the lair and calls out for Lucifer, but he is gone.
Mr. Ketch later meets with Asmodeus in the throne room, where Asmodeus assigns him to find and kill Lucifer while Lucifer is still weak. When Ketch returns, having failed in his mission and having formed a secret alliance with the Winchesters, Asmodeus reveals that he has gotten his hands on an archangel blade, the only known weapon capable of killing an archangel such as Lucifer or the Apocalypse World Michael. When Ketch points out that only an archangel can kill another archangel with the blade, Asmodeus introduces Ketch to his prisoner, the archangel Gabriel.
13.17 The Thing
Ketch is blocked from visiting Asmodeus by a guarding demon. After getting too impatient, Ketch enters the throne room to discover Asmodeus extracting Gabriel's grace and injecting himself with it. After being briefly dismissed, Ketch later meets with Asmodeus and reveals his knowledge that Castiel was in Syria searching for fruit from the Tree of Life. Enraged by Ketch's audacity, Asmodeus beats him up around the throne room to establish Ketch's role in the pecking order.
After being left alone in the throne room with Gabriel, Ketch decides to rescue the archangel and steal Asmodeus' supply of Gabriel's grace along with the archangel blade. As Ketch drags the terrified archangel along, he is accosted by the same demon who blocked his way earlier. Ketch kills the demon with the archangel blade and successfully escapes with Gabriel and the stolen items to seek refuge in the Bunker.
13.18 Bring 'em Back Alive
Following Ketch's escape with the archangel Gabriel, an enraged Asmodeus sits on his throne, rolling a pair of marbles in his hand and trying to detect Gabriel's location. After finally sensing that Gabriel is at the Bunker, Asmodeus calls Sam and threatens to destroy the Bunker if they don't hand over Gabriel in ten minutes. When Sam doesn't comply, Asmodeus leaves to lead a demon incursion, but is killed in the process.
- The exterior of the Needham Asylum was previously used as a background in 4.16 On the Head of a Pin when Castiel meets with Anna after Alastair's death.
- Crowley's throne in Needham was previously seen in 9.16 Blade Runners in Cuthbert Sinclair's invisible fortress, after Sam and Dean are allowed inside.
- Despite first appearing in 10.03 Soul Survivor and acting as a major location in the series from that point on, its location was not revealed until over a year later in 11.06 Our Little World. Prior to its reveal, many fans assumed Crowley's palace was located in Hell.
- Three of Hell's leaders have used it as their base on Earth: Crowley, Lucifer, and Asmodeus.
- Needham is the only location in the series consistently used as a base by Crowley for more than a few episodes. Typically, Crowley abandoned a base once it was discovered by the Winchesters, but he kept using Needham even after they found it.
- While the timing of Crowley's initial choice of the location is unknown, it appears to have been following his adventures with demon Dean as he was using an office in the last few episodes of Season 8 and was either imprisoned or hunting for Abaddon in Season 9.
- On at least two occasions, Crowley has referred to Needham as his palace, leading to incredulous responses from the Winchesters and initial confusion the first time before Dean realizes that he means Needham or "the abandoned nuthouse" as Dean puts it.
- Crowley, Lucifer and Gabriel have all been held prisoner in the cage in the throne room which Lucifer calls a kennel in 11.14 The Vessel.
- Following the death of Asmodeus in 13.18 Bring 'em Back Alive, the Needham Asylum no longer appears on the series, reflecting the lessened role of demons in Season 14 and Hell no longer having a ruler until Season 15.
- After Rowena dies, she takes over as Queen of Hell, having her own throne room in Hell, where the demons remain to conduct their business rather than continue using the Needham Asylum for their earthly affairs. It's later revealed that Rowena ended the practice of making crossroads deals and outside of the rare summoning, locked down Hell so no demons would resurface on Earth, no longer needing the asylum to conduct any of their affairs.