Julia Wright!Demon

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Name Unknown
Actor Ever Carradine
Joe-Norman Shaw
Dates June 1997 (conceived Jesse)
March 29, 1998 (gave birth to Jesse)
2009 (re-emerged and exorcised by Jesse Turner)
Location Hell
Occupation Demon
Episode(s) 5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future


This unnamed demon possessed Julia Wright and immaculately conceived and gave birth to Jesse Turner, an immensely powerful human / demon hybrid known as a cambion (or the Antichrist).

The demon possessed Julia sometime in June 1997 and through means unknown; impregnated her with hellspawn. For the duration of the pregnancy the demon committed numerous acts of barbarism, all the while forcing Julia to watch during her lucid periods. This also had the unexpected consequence of Julia discovering the demon's vulnerability to salt. On March 29th 1998 the demon gave birth to the child and screamed in joy and agony, but the intense pain allowed Julia a moments control over her body and despite the demon pounding against her skull, she was able to ingest a bag of salt and force the demon out of her body.

The demon fled, leaving Julia to give the baby up for adoption.


5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future

Twelve years after the birth of Jesse Turner, the demon learned of its child's location and repossessed Julia. It neutralized Sam and Dean and tried to convince Jesse to embrace his powers and join forces. With some coaxing from Sam however, Jesse turned against the demon and commanded it to leave Julia in peace. The demon was last seen in its smoke form, escaping up the chimney of Jesse's house.


  • The demon is the first (and only) known creator of a cambion in Supernatural canon.
  • It is implied to be a he by the way it addresses Julia during her repossession, and again when it compliments Jesse with having "[his] father's eyes." According to Binsfeld's Classification of Demons, this demon can be classified as an incubus, a demon of lust that would lead women to sin and impregnate them with demon spawn.