Asylum Europe 4
From Super-wiki
Asylum Europe 4 from Rogue Events took place on 24-26 May 2013 at the Frankfurt Sheraton Airport Hotel, Germany.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
Confirmed Guests
- Misha Collins - @mishacollins
- Mark Sheppard - @Mark_Sheppard
- Richard Speight, Jr. - @dicksp8jr
- Rick Worthy - @RickWorthy
- Kim Rhodes - @kimrhodes4real
- DJ Qualls - @TheOnlyDJQualls
- Ty Olsson - @TyOlsson
- Matt Cohen - @mattcohen4real
- Kevin McNally - @exkevinmcnally
Friday - May 24, 2013
- Pre-Convention Parties (Karaoke)
Saturday - May 25, 2013
- 9.15 ‐ 10.00 Misha
- 10.00 ‐ 10.45 Richard
- 10.45 ‐ 11.30 Kevin
- 11.30 ‐ 12.15 Matt
- 12.15 ‐ 13.00 Mark
- 14.00 ‐ 14.45 DJ
- 14.45 ‐ 15.30 Kim
- 15.30 ‐ 16.15 Julian
- 16.15 ‐ 17.00 Rick
- 17.00 ‐ 17.45 Ty
- 21.00 ‐ 22.00 Jason Manns Gig
Sunday - May 26, 2013
- 9.30 ‐ 10.15 Misha
- 11.00 ‐ 11.45 Ty & Rick
- 11.45 ‐ 12.30 Mark
- 12.30 ‐ 13.00 Ty & Rick, Kevin
- 14.00 ‐ 14.45 DJ & Kevin
- 14.45 ‐ 15.30 Julian & Kim
- 16.15 ‐ 17.00 Matt & Richard, Kevin, Rick
- Con report by camui-zuki
- Saturday and Sunday Con report by sunny214
- Misha’s Saturday morning coffee lounge by compassionatedragon
Karaoke and Concerts
- Ty sings the Vampire Hunt Song by HuntingThings72
- Ty's Vampirehunt Song by RockBee89
- Richard Speight Jr. - I only love you when I'm drunk by HuntingThings72
- Richard Speight singing by mazebibi
- Richard Speight JR. Singing by Tanja H.
- Richard singing by Exlibris88
- Only Love You When I'm Drunk by Richard Speight Jr. by RockBee89
- Jason Manns and Rick Worthy - Kiss by HuntingThings72
- Jason Manns and Rick Worthy - Kiss by Tanja H.
- Jason Manns and Rick Worthy - Kiss by RockBee89
- Jason Manns - Halleluhja by Marco Ekko
- Jason Manns Hallelujah by Tanja H.
- Jason Manns - Hallelujah by RockBee89
- Misha (full Saturday panel, audio only) Misha (full Sunday panel) by Laura Broenink
- Misha AECON4 Panel Sun Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 by Kamikazekatze
- 18 min of Misha's Sun panel by Ann
- Beginning of Misha's Panel on Sunday The one Time Misha took liquid acid The Wind wheel and Misha Collins got a cheque from the Fans Misha Collins is acting a Scene as Cas with a Fan by HuntingThings72
- Shopping for Dean, Windwheel and more by Pia La
- Richard tells the "train story" by Exlibris88
- Train-story by Cocosnussal
- 17 min of Ty's panel by MaleficaWitch
Rick and Ty
- Ty & Rick (full Sunday panel, audio only) by Laura Broenink
- Ty & Rick panel Ty & Rick panel part 2 Ty with Rick singing by Kamikazekatze
- Ty sings You Are My Sunshine by HuntingThings72
- Rick & Ty Dancing w/a fan by HuntingThings72
- Rick & Ty Drinking out of a beer barrel by HuntingThings72
- Rick & Ty Having a good time by HuntingThings72
DJ and Kevin
- DJ Qualls and Kevin McNally (full Sunday panel, audio only) by Laura Broenink
- Kevin McNally sings a lullaby by HuntingThings72
Kim and Julian
- Kim & Julian Kissing a fan by HuntingThings72
- Julian and Kim Panel by TsingaDark
Richard and Matt
- Richard & Matt (full Sunday panel, audio only) by Laura Broenink
- Richard Speight Jr. searches Tumblr by HuntingThings72
- Richard & Matt about slash fiction by HuntingThings72
Closing Ceremony
- Closing Ceremony by HuntingThings72
- Closing ceremony on AECON 4 by Kamikazekatze
Playlist: AECON 4 Playlist by linvro21
- Pic colelction by jarinschmitt
- Asylum Europe 4 by _Julia_B_
- Asylum Europe 4 by Kreespa