Asylum 6 2011

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Asylum 6: The Final Chapter from Rogue Events will take place from 13th to 15th May 2011 and in Birmingham.


For information on other Conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar. For highlights of past Conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook.

Key schedule times:
Saturday: 9:30am Jensen; 11:30 Fred, Brock, Cindy; 2pm Mark Sheppard; 4:30 Jared
Sunday: 10:30 Richard; 11:45 Mark; 2:15 Frederic; 3:30 Brock and Cindy; 5pm Jared and Jensen

Gen and Danneel also signed autographs and did photo-ops

Feel free to add reports and information. It's nice to leave some love for the posters of this wonderful material, and please respect their wishes regarding credits, and reposting pics or transcripts.

Beware that reports may contain spoilers for unaired episodes.

Twitters to watch

Twitter tag was #asylum6. Tweets with the #asylum tag were archived here for easier searching. To avoid retweets either search on #asylum -rt or use tweetchat

Guests with twitters include: Richard Speight Jr. on @dicksp8jr, Mark Sheppard on @Mark_Sheppard and Jason Manns on @jasonmanns

from Jason: "This evening I was overwhelmed by an amazing crowd, some really fun special guests, and the best encore I'll probably ever have. Ever. source. And after the Con Jason posted a pic of Jared and Jensen: Heading to London with the boys, we'd all like to thank ya'll for a great weekend! Source

from Richard Speight: "To those from the UK Asylum, thanks for indulging me & my pal Sam Klein and letting us play for you. We love you whether we're drunk or not." Source.




Concert footage


Mark Sheppard

Brock and Cindy

Richard Speight Jr.


J2 panel


Twitter pics



Asylum 6 Website
Rogue Events Facebook Fanpage
Rogue Events Twitter