Asylum 6 2011
Asylum 6: The Final Chapter from Rogue Events will take place from 13th to 15th May 2011 and in Birmingham.
- Jensen Ackles
- Jared Padalecki
- Cindy Sampson
- Brock Kelly
- Mark Sheppard
- Richard Speight Jr.
- Frederic Lehne
- Jason Manns
For information on other Conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar. For highlights of past Conventions, check the Supernatural Scrapbook.
Key schedule times:
Saturday: 9:30am Jensen; 11:30 Fred, Brock, Cindy; 2pm Mark Sheppard; 4:30 Jared
Sunday: 10:30 Richard; 11:45 Mark; 2:15 Frederic; 3:30 Brock and Cindy; 5pm Jared and Jensen
Gen and Danneel also signed autographs and did photo-ops
Feel free to add reports and information. It's nice to leave some love for the posters of this wonderful material, and please respect their wishes regarding credits, and reposting pics or transcripts.
Beware that reports may contain spoilers for unaired episodes.
Twitters to watch
Twitter tag was #asylum6. Tweets with the #asylum tag were archived here for easier searching. To avoid retweets either search on #asylum -rt or use tweetchat
Guests with twitters include: Richard Speight Jr. on @dicksp8jr, Mark Sheppard on @Mark_Sheppard and Jason Manns on @jasonmanns
from Jason: "This evening I was overwhelmed by an amazing crowd, some really fun special guests, and the best encore I'll probably ever have. Ever. source. And after the Con Jason posted a pic of Jared and Jensen: Heading to London with the boys, we'd all like to thank ya'll for a great weekend! Source
from Richard Speight: "To those from the UK Asylum, thanks for indulging me & my pal Sam Klein and letting us play for you. We love you whether we're drunk or not." Source.
- Jensen's panel Sat morning - tweet summary by Superwiki
- Tweet summary of all panels by ontd_spnparty
- Saturday report by absdax
- Con report and opening ceremony pics by gwaevalarin
- Con report inc J2 coffee lounge by aerithqoc
- Con report inc Jared coffee lounge by mrscutedean
- Con report (with gifs!) by pinkwood
- Opening Ceremony, Jensen's Panel and Jensen Photo Op Experience w/pic by SpnMaisieDaisy
- In Depth J2 Coffee Lounge - J2 Hold Hands ! by SpnMaisieDaisy
- Friday/saturday Con report, Sunday report by hugemind
- Con Report part 1, part 2 by irismay42
- J2 Panel, Marks Sun panel, Richard's Sun panel by sallyxoxo
- Opening ceremony: by sallyxoxo; by renegadejo
- Closing ceremony: by renegadejo
Concert footage
- Richard on stage and his friend Sam, Richard and his friend Sam sing "You only love me when I'm drunk by flamelily616
- Richard and Sam by renegadejo
- Everyone on stage as jason sings "Kiss" by flamelily616
- Jason in concert by
- Richard, Richard and Sam sing, Richard and Sma Sing You Only Love Me When I'm drunk, Jason singing with other guests on stage, Fred singing and playing guitar by sallyxoxo
- Jensen's Sat panel by tottie68
- Favourite season, How Supernatural could end, Jensen singing, Golf, Eye of the Tiger pose, hitting people on set, Smurfs, Friday 13th, end of Jensen's panel, Scotland and Glee by renegadejo
Mark Sheppard
- Mark and Richard 01 Mark and Richard 02 by flamelily616
- Richard and Mark on black pudding by mtumale610
- Richard and Mark, Mark and Richard conga line, on latecomers by renegadejo
- Beginning of panel, On Supernatural and Dr Who, Leverage and keeping Crowley a secret by renegadejo
Brock and Cindy
- Brock, Cindy and Fred , Fred crashes panel, Cindy and blowup doll by renegadejo
- Cindy on SPN, Fred on Cindy's ass by hugemind
Richard Speight Jr.
- Richard playing guitar 01 and 02 by flamelily616
- Beginning of panel by renegadejo
- Jared discussing a season 8, having kids, funny moments on set; Jared discussing soulless Sam; Jared about The French Mistake; Misha's coin prank by mtumale610; Would Jared ever do Playgirl? by @marie610 Jared & The Coin Story by Dudeawsomshower
- Girly scream, Jared's hair, working on spn, Playgirl, Stonehenge prank, Most difficult scenes, Cindy crashes panel, on being objectified, by renegadejo
J2 panel
- Jensen about filming Season 4 opener; Jared on doing a Gilmore Girls movie; Filming French Mistake, a commentary for 'Weekend at Bobby's,' and the snake in 'Yellow Fever', Jensen on singing, Cindy asks Jensen who's his favourite female character by mtumale610
- J2 by flamelily616
- Jared and Jensen hug, Things they don't like doing on set by sallyxoxo
- Jensen & working with tall people by Dudeawsomeshower
- Jensne's makeup in Swan Song, J2 thanks to Danneel and Gen, about a scene with Cas, The short actor, Fav comedians, Fav Beatles song, by renegadejo
- J2 on The French Mistake by hugemind
Twitter pics
- Mark Sheppard at the bar by sallyxoxo
- Jensen on stage: by @crazyisgood4792; by @crazyisgood4792; by @crazyisgood4792;By @whoiskaty; @spnmaisiedaisy by @sheylinha; by @SPNfreak; freckles and eyelashes by @marie610; Jensen's leather jacket by @marie610
- Jared on stage: 1 by @sheylinha; 2 by @sheylinha; 1 by @SPNfreak; 2 by @SPNfreak; 1 by @marie610; 2 by @marie610; 3 by @marie610; by Nadin771; by Julie Eason; Jared by @marie610
- Jared and Jensen, Jensen, Jensen by @marie610
- Frederic, Cindy by @whioiskaty; Cindy by @marie610; Cindy by @marie610;
- Frederic, Cindy and Brock: by @sheylinha; by @crazyisgood4792; Cindy and Brock by @SPN_Hunters
- Jensen, Danneel, Jared and Gen at dinner by museangel
- Brock bycrazyisgood4792; Mark by Fleur Jones-Mannix; Mark by @marie610
- Jason's concert: by; Fred singing by sheylinha; Richard on guitar by @marie610
- Sunday J2 Panel: by @whoisKATY; by @sheylinha; by @JuliaEason; J2 by @JuliaEason; J2 hugging by @marie610; J2 hug by @millionsbyname; J2 on stage by @millionsbyname
- All guests on stage and Jensen's panel,Cindy, Brock and Fred panel, Mark Sheppard, Richard and Jared's panels; J2 panel by SSA
- All Con guests by snapcrackledeath
- Jared and Jensen by amber1960
- All guests by timecake
- All guests by sallyxoxo
- Saturday: Opening Ceremony, Jensen panel, Brock, Cindy & Fred panel, Mark panel, Richard panel, Jared panel, Jason Manns gig Sunday: Richard panel, Mark panel, Fred panel, Brock & Cindy panel, Jared & Jensen panel, Closing Ceremony by crazyisgood4792
- Jensen panel by gwaevalarin
- J2, Fred, ensemble, Mark on Sat, Richard and Mark, Jared and Jensen and Richard Brock, Fred & Cindy J2 highlights by housefullofbooks
- Opening Ceremony and Jensen Panel on SaturdayJ2 Sunday and closing Ceremony by Carosmuse
- J2 by damerel
- Pics by absdx
- All guests by hugemind
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