8.21 The Great Escapist
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Title | The Great Escapist |
Episode # | Season 8, Episode 21 |
First aired | May 1, 2013 |
Directed by | Robert Duncan McNeill |
Written by | Ben Edlund |
On IMDB | The Great Escapist |
Outline | Castiel tries to keep the angel tablet from Naomi, but is captured by Crowley who takes the tablet. Sam and Dean find Metatron. |
Monster | Crowley Naomi |
Timeline | |
Location(s) | Lebanon, Kansas Route 34, Colorado Sante Fe, New Mexico |
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Kevin is at work on Garth's boat, translating the demon tablet when Sam and Dean arrive, announcing that they have managed to trick Crowley out of the other half of the tablet. As they leave the boat, Sam and Dean transform—they are actually demons working under Crowley's direction. The boat is merely a construct of Crowley's to prevent Kevin from realizing he's been kidnapped.
Meanwhile, in the bunker, Dean is concerned about Sam's worsening health. Sam tries to explain to Dean that he's not just sick from the trials, they are transforming him. An email arrives with a video from Kevin—triggered to be sent if he didn't reset the password once a week. In the video, a distraught Kevin reveals he's probably been taken by Crowley, but he knows he will not reveal what he's translated to him. He also forwards all his translation notes to Sam and Dean.
While reading Kevin's notes from his translation work on the demon tablet, Sam notices a recurring symbol which appears to be Metatron's signature. It is familiar to him from a course he took at Stanford on Native American art. It's a petroglyph from a tribe in Colorado called the Two Rivers. As the tribe is supposed to be protected by the Messenger of God, Sam and Dean realize this is where they might find Metatron and head to have a look.
Naomi is continuing her search for Castiel and the angel tablet. Castiel has been hiding by choosing a different Biggerson's to go to when the angels Ion and Esper get close, leaving them unable to locate him. Under orders from Naomi, they murder everyone in a Santa Fe Biggerson's location to lure him there, except the waitress Kara whose eyes Ion burns out before giving her a message for Castiel: "You have to stop." They catch him, and Naomi arrives.
Ion is sent to search every Biggerson's for the tablet unsuccessfully. When he returns, Crowley shows up and shoots Castiel in the gut, Esper in the neck, and Ion in the shoulder with a gun loaded with bullets made from a melted down angel blade. He tries to shoot Naomi, but she disappears. Ion is revealed as an agent of Crowley's and together they teleport with Castiel to Crowley's headquarters. Crowley reveals that he knows where the angel tablet is; he thinks that, having realized its proximity protects him from Naomi's control, Cas still has the tablet with him. Crowley reaches inside Castiel's gut and pulls out the tablet.
Kevin has realized the truth of his incarceration and, under the pretense of sending them for his half of the tablet, sends the demons posing as Sam and Dean into a devil's trap.
While Crowley goes to confront Kevin, Ion talks to Castiel about how the angels have been mind-controlled and memory-wiped for a long time, and it was apparent he was miserable and frustrated with the situation. Castiel digs the bullet out of his wound and, catching Ion by surprise, kills him by shoving the bullet into his eye.
As they check into a hotel, Sam's health begins deteriorating—he's hearing noises, developing a fever, and having vivid flashbacks to his childhood. Dean visits a local museum, where the curator tells him that the Native American tribe was led by a man who gave them a bounty in return for their stories. Noticing an old photo features the hotel manager, seemingly unaged, Dean realizes that they may be close to Metatron.
Sam and Dean find Metatron in a hotel room, surrounded by thousands of books. He is unaware of any of the events related to Heaven, or Lucifer and the Apocalypse and hasn't even heard of the Winchesters. He explains that he left Heaven to protect the tablets and himself from the archangels who want to use them to take over the universe. Metatron further explains that as Sam has passed two of the trials, he is starting to resonate with the tablets, allowing him to sense both when he is in close proximity. Sam and Dean are angry at him for ignoring all the suffering wrought by Heaven and the angels, and tell him about Kevin Tran who they believe is dead as a result.
Metatron decides to catch up on current events and, as a result, decides to get involved. Even though Crowley has angel-warding protecting where he is keeping Kevin, as the Scribe of God, Metatron is able to simply erase it and he rescues Kevin as Crowley is strangling him to death. Metatron's rescue of Kevin leaves Crowley burned. Returning to the hotel, Metatron heals Kevin and talks to Dean about what happens next. He is willing to join them now, but suggests that perhaps closing the gates of Hell might not be a good idea, asking Dean what he is willing to do to achieve it and to consider what will happen when the gates are closed. Kevin wakes up and reveals he has the second half of the demon tablet and information on the third trial. However, before Kevin can reveal it, Metatron does: Sam must cure a demon. Kevin confirms it and asks who Metatron is.
Driving back to the bunker, Dean is seeking reassurance from Sam that when he completes the last trial, he'll be well again, but the conversation is interrupted as they stop to avoid hitting a person lying hurt on the road. It's Castiel.
- Aliases
- Angel Blade
- Angel-Killing Bullets
- Angel Lore
- Apocalypse
- Archangels
- Biggerson's
- Crowley's Gun
- Deleted Scenes
- Demon Blood
- Demonology
- Devil's Trap
- Fizzles' Folly
- Food
- Healing
- Hell Gates
- Holy Water
- Holy Water in the Face
- Impala
- Men of Letters Bunker
- Prophet
- Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
- Son of a Bitch
- Stanford University
- Tablets
- Trials
- Warding Sigils
- "Spanish Flea" by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass
- (plays when the demons call Crowley from the hunters trap; also known as the theme to The Dating Game)
Demon Sam: Patois?
Lance: You on that crack again, Perry?
Ion: He's using a clever tactic. It's a restaurant called Biggerson's. The humans have built hundreds of them, almost exactly alike.
Naomi: What are you talking about?
Ion: It's their sameness. Castiel is using it against us. Now, we try to orient ourselves, but it's as if we're in every Biggerson's at once — trapped in a quantum superposition. Now, he chooses which to go to next, that's what's giving him the edge.
Naomi: You're saying that you can't catch him.
Ion: There's, there's just so many Biggerson's.
Dean: The what?
Sam: And your, uh... your mule kept farting, just— l-letting go, like, gale force?
Dean: Dude, you were like, four years old. I barely remember that.
Kevin: Screw you.
Crowley: Am I seeing this? How did you figure it out?
Kevin: It started when they forgot the secret knock. But really, it— it was the way they acted. I don't think on their best day Sam and Dean would go into town and get me a barbecue dinner, not when there are leftover burritos in the fridge.
Crowley: So... my demons were too polite?
Kevin: Yeah.
Metatron: And it was something to watch. What you brought to His Earth, all the mayhem, the murder. Just the raw, wild invention of God's naked apes... it was mind-blowing. But really... really, it was your storytelling. That is the true flower of free will. At least as you've mastered it so far. When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves. So many worlds! I have read... as much as it's possible for an angel to read, and I haven't caught up.
Dean: Seems like the thing to do, don't it?
Sam: I feel better, yeah, um, just having a direction to move in.
Dean: Well, good, cause where we're headed doesn't sound like a picnic.
Trivia & References
Castiel: You know, I remember when you first discovered it. Before you started brewing it, you'd just chew the berries. Folk tale is true, by the way, you learned it from the goats.
- A reference to the legend of Kaldi, an Ethiopian goatherd who supposedly discovered the coffee plant around 850 CE after noticing his goats became energetic after chewing on the berries of the coffee plant.
Naomi: Not always, angel. There was that day, back in Egypt, not so long ago, where we slew every first-born infant whose door wasn't splashed with lamb's blood. And that was just PR.
- Naomi is referring to the story in the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, of when Moses freed the Israelites who were enslaved by the Egyptians. He tried to make a deal with the Pharaoh, and each time he refused to release the Israelites, God sent a plague. The ninth plague was the murder of all first born sons in Egypt by angels. The angels spared the Israelites' children, who they knew by the sign of the door lintel being marked with lamb's blood. The events are commemorated as the Jewish holiday of "Passover".
- A gale is a strong wind, classified as between 7 and 10 on the Beaufort scale.
- Scooby-Doo is an American cartoon franchise that was first produced in 1969, named after the character of the dog of a group of teenagers. Together they solve supernatural mysteries. Sam might be referring to the particular villain Buck Masters who appeared as the The Indian Witch Doctor.
- Little Big Man is the title of a 1970 western starring Dustin Hoffman. It is about a white man looking back on his life being raised by Indians.
- 10-20 is police radio code for "what is the location?"
Dean: No.
Sam: Knights of the Round Table. Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail. And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face, and— I remember... thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think... maybe I knew? I mean, deep down, that— I had... demon blood in me, and about the evil of it, and that I'm— wasn't pure?
- Classics Illustrated was a series which adapted literary classics into comic books. It was published from 1931 to 1971. Issue 108 was Knights of the Round Table.
- Jacksie is cockney rhyming slang for ass, arse, backside, etc...
- Dean: Yeah, you know, all this driving back and forth across country, you know I've never been to the Grand Canyon?
- Though it can be interpreted that Dean, as well as Sam, were too young to remember.
Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
- 8.21 The Great Escapist (transcript)
- The Great Escapist script (Production Draft)
- The Great Escapist script (Blue Revisions only)