11.14 The Vessel
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Title | The Vessel |
Episode # | Season 11, Episode 14 |
First aired | February 17, 2016 |
Directed by | John Badham |
Written by | Robert Berens |
On IMDB | The Vessel |
Outline | Dean is sent back to 1943 by Lucifer to retrieve a weapon to stop Amara called the Hand of God, which was lost on an ill-fated submarine mission during World War II. |
Monster | Thule Society Lucifer |
Timeline | November 25, 1943 |
Location(s) | Nazi-Occupied France (1943) Lebanon, Kansas Fall River, Massachusetts USS Bluefin (1943) |
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Nazi-Occupied France - Gestapo Headquarters (1943)
A piece of the original Ark of the Covenant, referred to as a Hand of God, is found by the Nazis' archaeological branch, known as the Ahnenerbe. A Woman of Letters, Delphine Seydoux, is sent undercover to retrieve it from the SS Officer Befehlsleiter Gumprecht. Upon confirming its authenticity, Delphine first stabs Gumprecht in the neck and then the gut, before she steals away with the Hand of God onto the USS Bluefin for transport to the U.S. with the intention of bringing it to the Men of Letters Bunker.
Lebanon, Kansas - Men of Letters Bunker (Present day - 2016)
When Sam and Dean discover the existence of the Hand of God, they have "Castiel" (Lucifer) time-travel with Dean to 1943 to retrieve it from the ill-fated USS Bluefin before the sub is lost forever. Due to Delphine placing specialized warding sigils on the sub, Lucifer is not able to get past the hull, allowing only Dean to make it on the sub.
USS Bluefin (November 25, 1943)
Dean tracks down Delphine on the sub. While talking to her, he says her name, which causes Delphine to put a knife to his neck since no one on the ship knows her name. Dean comes clean to Delphine and the sub's captain about being a member of the Men of Letters from the future, and that the ship will soon be sunk. While the captain dismisses Dean's claims, Delphine continues speaking with him and telling him of the warding she placed on the sub to protect the Hand of God from supernatural interference. Dean tells Delphine they will need to clear the warding to allow him to go back to 2016. He asks Delphine to give him the Hand of God, telling her he is fighting his own Biblical war in the future. Delphine agrees and begins breaking the sigils painted on the ship. However, the final one is carved on her chest, making the spell bound to her heart; the only way to break it is to kill her. Dean refuses, but Delphine insists that it's the only way. As Dean is about to drive the knife into Delphine, the ship is attacked by a German destroyer.
Lebanon, Kansas - Men of Letters Bunker (Present day - 2016)
Meanwhile, at the Bunker in 2016, Sam hits the books looking for a way to retrieve Dean. He finds a spell that will clear the warding, but is discouraged when he realizes that it requires the power of an archangel. Lucifer begins the spell despite Sam's protests that "Castiel" is not strong enough to survive the casting. In desperation, he offers to let his friend touch his soul in order to gain the power that Sam thinks he needs. Lucifer realizes that he will have no use for Sam once he has the power of the Hand of God, and therefore no reason to keep him alive or continue to pretend to be Castiel. He reveals his identity, attacks Sam, and is preparing to kill him via soul-touch when Castiel takes control of the vessel and stops him. Sam tells Castiel to expel Lucifer but the angel refuses, saying that they need Lucifer's power to save Dean.
USS Bluefin (November 25, 1943)
Dean, Delphine, and Petey Giraldi make it to the operations room, where Delphine is shocked to hear the voice of Befehlsleiter Gumprecht over the radio; he survived due to being a member of the Thule Society. Gumprecht offers Captain Deerborn a deal—Delphine and the Hand of God for the highest of P.O.W. treatment for the Bluefin crew. Dean asks Delphine to show him how he can use the Hand of God to save them. Delphine denies him, out of worry he will be killed and the Hand of God will just end up back in Nazi hands. She tells Dean that the Bluefin crew were meant to die, and now they will do it with purpose. Delphine takes the Hand of God into her hand and is imbued with its power, becoming bathed in a blinding white light that destroys the sigil on her chest, allowing Lucifer to retrieve Dean and the Hand of God.
Lebanon, Kansas - Men of Letters Bunker (Present day - 2016)
Upon Dean and Lucifer's return to the Bunker, Sam reveals Lucifer's identity. The archangel grabs the Hand of God and tries to power up, but the artifact is now empty of power. Lucifer goes to kill the Winchesters, but Sam is able to use an angel banishing sigil to banish Lucifer from the Bunker. Sam and Dean then vow to save their friend and Sam lets Dean know that while the wreckage of the Bluefin was never found, the German destroyer was, leaving Dean contemplating the sacrifices of the sub's crew.
- Sam Winchester
- Dean Winchester
- Castiel
- Crowley
- Lucifer
- Simmons
- Delphine Seydoux
- Petey Giraldi
- Befehlsleiter Gumprecht
- Alcohol
- Angel Banishing Sigil
- Archangel
- Ark of the Covenant
- Hand of God
- Hello Dean
- Improvised Scenes
- Lucifer's Crypts
- Men of Letters
- Men of Letters Bunker
- Needham Asylum
- Soul
- Spells
- Table of Death
- Thule Society
- Time Travel
- Unconscious
- USS Bluefin
- Vessel
- Warding Sigils
- "Non, je ne regrette rien" by Edith Piaf
- (playing while Delphine kills Befehlsleiter Gumprecht in Nazi Occupied France, and when Dean is sitting alone on the dock)
Dean: Little early for Nazi trivia, especially without caffeine.
Crowley: They are... no less than I deserve.
Lucifer: Aww, you're scared of your master. That's a good doggie. But it's an act. I broke you, but um, yup I can still smell it. You've got that delectable little whiff of defiance. You're just playing, huh? Waiting for your moment to retake the throne. Am I right?
Sam: Stay here?
Sam: Lucifer.
Delphine: And your war?
Dean: I wanna help you now.
Castiel: I wanted to be of service to the fight. And only Lucifer can beat her.
Dean: Nothing. Sam, they... I was just a witness.
Sam: Do you want to talk about it?
Dean: No. No, story for another day. Hey, the, uh... The German ship that sank the Bluefin, what happened to it?
Trivia & References
- "Cochon" is French for "pig".
- "The Men of Letters send their regards" is a reference to this scene from Game of Thrones. (spoiler)
Dean: Yeah, Rosie the Riveter. Cool.
- Rosie the Riveter was an icon used in U.S. government campaigns during the Second World War to encourage women to work in industries supporting the war effort. In more recent years, she has often been used as an emblem of feminism.
- "Your mission, should you choose to accept it..."
- The Office of Strategic Services (OSS), was the the U.S. intelligence agency during World War II and a precursor to the CIA.
Dean: Yeah, but we have something James Cameron doesn't have.
- James Cameron is a filmmaker, known for movies including The Terminator, Aliens, Titanic and Avatar. He has been on expeditions in submarines to some of the deepest points in the ocean. Cameron also made the TV series Dark Angel in which Jensen co-starred for the second season.
- The Once and Future King, is an Arthurian fantasy novel by T.H. White. The book deals with the concepts of human nature, power and justice.
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a book by French author Jules Verne published in 1870 which followed the travels of Captain Nemo aboard the submarine "Nautilus."
Dean: Yes! No. Uh, who?
- Jules Verne wrote the aforementioned 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Jensen ad-libbed the "Who?" in this exchange.
Dean: Yeah. Yeah, she's a hottie... Yeah, those gams, huh?
- Frog is an ethnic slur for a French person.
- The Queen of Sheba was a queen regent who flaunted her wealth while visiting King Solomon in the Bible. Someone is referred to as the "Queen of Sheba" when they are treated in a preferential way, which may or may not be deserving.
- Gams used to be slang for a woman's legs.
- The head is the toilet on a ship or submarine.
Dean: So you believe me?
Giraldi: I read a lot of Flash Gordon.
- Flash Gordon is the hero of a space opera comic series (and subsequent TV series and movies).
Dean: Um, the, uh, the Rangers.
Giraldi: The Rangers?
- The 1944 World Series was comprised of six games between the St. Louis Cardinals and the St. Louis Browns, with the Cardinals winning the series 4 to 2.
- The Texas Rangers would not become a team until 1972.
Dean: Eisenhower. No! Uh... Truman. Now would you please shut up?
- Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the U.S., in office from 1945 to 1953. He was succeeded by Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961).
Delphine: No, I suppose it doesn't. It must have been more impressive in its complete form -- the Ark of the Covenant.
Dean: Oh, so full-on 'Raiders.' That's, okay...
- The Ark of the Covenant is an object from Biblical lore from the second book of the Torah and the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament). It was made by the prophet Moses to house the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments which God gave to him.
- Raiders of the Lost Ark is a 1981 movie in which adventurer and archaeologist Indiana Jones tries to stop Nazis from finding the Ark, which they believe will make them invincible.
Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
- 11.14 The Vessel (transcript)
- The Vessel Script (Production Draft)
- The Vessel (Concept Art)
- Synopsis
- Photos via the TV Addict
- Promo
- Interview with Production Designer Jerry Wanek
- Interview with Misha about playing Lucifer and the You Are Not Alone Campaign by AccessHollywood
- Interview with Misha about playing Lucifer by EW
- Winchester Radio's podcast discussion on this episode